Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,677 How shameless

Lin Xuan glanced around!

This formation has been broken by him. It is estimated that this formation will be Taotie after this!

Well, since these people are following him, they can also attract Taotie's attention to him, and then he can find a chance to kill Taotie.

Liu Qingzhu's beautiful eyes glanced at Lin Xuan one more time.

Is what he just said true, or is it... just to make them feel scared and not go in with him?

She couldn't be sure!

But her intuition told her that it was true!

This person seems a bit shameless, but why do you feel that he is a very decent person? This is her intuition.

At this time, everyone dispersed, and they began to look for something in this location!

Lin Xuan's Cave Spirit Eye can see that a wall directly in front is the entrance to the next place, and a large amount of spiritual power is squeezed out from there!

"Everyone, be careful. There may be mechanisms or something here. Don't touch things randomly to avoid danger!"

Someone shouted!

"I know! But which one of you can find the entrance to a certain place? Taoist Wang Qing, do you have any ideas?"

Wang Qing nodded; "I can give it a try, but my suggestion is to wait until the seniors from the major families and sects arrive! Here, since there is such a top-notch five-god beast formation, it must not be simple, or even We have already encountered so many Xuantian and even law-level monsters outside, and the spiritual power of the world here is strong. There is no guarantee that there are any stronger monsters here. We can't fight against them. Without the seniors, it will be very dangerous! "

"Afraid of a ball, what are so many of us afraid of? And Miss Liu is here. If it doesn't work, there's no problem if we run away, right?"

"Hmph! How audacious!"

Suddenly, a cold snort came from behind, and everyone looked over!

An old man walked in!

Following this old man were about a hundred men and women. The youngest one looked like a middle-aged man, right? However, there are more people in their fifties and sixties who look like old men!




Seeing them coming in, many people shouted!

"Where's my Liu'er!"

An old man shouted!

"Senior Zhang, Zhang Liu... was killed by a monster!"


"Except for Zhang Liu, no fewer than twenty others have all died!"

Everyone showed dumbfounded expressions!

"What did you encounter! Qingzhu!"

Liu Qingzhu then said: "We encountered hundreds of Xuantian realm monsters, and many law realm monsters!"

"What! Here?"

"In the valley outside, we encountered nothing here."

One man said!

Liu Qingzhu took a look.

In fact, we encountered a lot of monsters here, but they were all eliminated by that person, and not even their bodies were left behind.

"Then what's going on here!"

They shook their heads: "We just encountered the Five Divine Beasts Formation here!"

"What!? Where?"

"He was ruined!"

Someone pointed at Lin Xuan and said!

Lin Xuan is very annoyed now!

Grass mud horse! Why are so many people here?

However, Lin Xuan took a glance.

These don’t seem to be weak in momentum!

It seems that he, Lin Xuan, underestimated the warriors on earth!

But he didn't underestimate the top warriors on Earth. Earth is probably still at the Tianzun realm. It's just that the quality of warriors below Tianzun, Lin Xuan thought it was simple! Now it seems that it is far from that simple!

Everyone looked at Lin Xuan.

"Who is this little brother?"

"Rogue cultivator."

Lin Xuan said lightly!

"It turned out to be a casual cultivator

ah! Then how did you destroy the Five Divine Beasts Formation? "

"Of course I have my own way of doing this!"

"All right!"

Then they ignored Lin Xuan!

The world's great wonders!

But since he is a casual cultivator, he won't attract any attention from them!

Now, this place is what attracts their most attention!

Lin Xuan's eyes fell on a middle-aged man here!

Xuanyuan Luo!

Although I haven't seen this Xuanyuan Luo for three years, Lin Xuan still recognizes him!

He doesn't necessarily recognize himself. It can be seen that he definitely doesn't recognize himself. They had a relationship. That was when he and Dongfang Xue were playing at the place where Dongfang Xue lived. This Xuanyuan Luo brought a few people over. Be a guest!

Lin Xuan did not meet him at that time. Lin Xuan hid first according to Dongfang Xue's advice. It was also at that time that Lin Xuan overheard some of their conversations, about the subsequent events, and also from that time Only then did Lin Xuan know that such a thing existed! It was also from that time on that everything became unstable!

This Xuanyuan Luo is a person of collateral bloodline of the Xuanyuan family. His status is not high. If you insist on counting, he is the cousin of Xuanyuan Qingtian. He is forty years old, and this cousin... is a bit far! So why do you say it’s just a collateral bloodline!

His existence is mainly to do things for the Xuanyuan family, hoping to have a higher status one day!

Of course, his status may not be very high among the Xuanyuan family, but compared with others, for example, among this group of people, his status is superior!

Xuanyuan Luo also glanced at Lin Xuan, but he really didn't recognize it!

He didn't know Lin Xuan in the first place. He only knew the name Lin Xuan and nothing else. That is to say, he was the one who pushed Lin Xuan off the cliff later!

Of course he didn't do it himself, it was someone he sent! He is also entrusted by others!

Of course, Lin Xuan didn't know about this because he was already dead!

Just saying... of course no one from the Xuanyuan family, including Lin Xuan, has a good opinion! Die for me!

"Mr. Xuanyuan, what do you think we should do now?"

An old man glanced at Xuanyuan Luo and asked!

Xuanyuan Luo glanced at it and said: "Since there is the Five Divine Beasts Divine Formation here, there must be somewhere behind this place. If you find that place, you may be able to find countless treasures!"

"That's right! I think so too! The purpose of the existence of the Five Divine Beasts Divine Formation is to protect something from being discovered. Normally, the Five Divine Beasts Divine Formation is in front of us, and there is nothing we can do about it, but it was unexpectedly blocked by this little brother It’s ruined. To be honest, this is our chance! It’s God’s will!”

An old man said!

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

Fuck you!

You think this is shameless!

Lin Xuan destroyed the Five Divine Beasts Formation, and then you said, this is your chance? Fuck you! Die for me!

"I think... it's better to be careful! Since ancient times, people driven by greed have not ended well."

Liu Qingzhu said.

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