Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1692 When will we have a child?

Is it like stepping on the void in the realm of heaven?

To be honest, Lin Xuan didn't know either.

The strongest person Lin Xuan has ever seen must be...Linglong Xue's senior, right? However, Lin Xuan didn't know that Linglongxue's demon senior was at a few stars in the Tiandao realm, but Linglongxue only had two stars in the Tiandao realm, while Yi Renbing's realm was a little higher, maybe three stars, and Huang Xi was about the same.

Lin Xuan didn't know how powerful the existence of the eight or nine stars in the Heavenly Dao Realm was. Therefore, Lin Xuan didn't know whether there was a god who could crush the void in the Heavenly Dao Realm!

However, it is said that a one-star difference in the Heavenly Dao Realm is equivalent to a large realm! It's very difficult to improve anyway.

"Maybe, I don't know."

Lin Xuan said.

Mu Qingya looked at Lin Xuan in the dark.

"Okay...go to sleep."

Mu Qingya closed her eyes.

"Well, sleep."

Lin Xuan then hugged her without doing anything, and the two fell asleep.

Now, Wang Xintong has been found. There is no news about the others, but there should be no problem. If it were other worlds, Lin Xuan might still need to worry, but this is a completely weakened Sky Blue Star, and they must be able to accept it. , the acceptance must be very fast.

Early the next morning, Mu Qingya opened her eyes, and sure enough...

Lin Xuan's hands...

Before she fell asleep last night, Lin Xuan fell asleep first. After he fell asleep, his hand naturally stretched into her clothes, as if it was a subconscious move.

It's strange. He must have slept with girls every day before. Otherwise, how could he have such a subconscious behavior?

Even if you pull out his hand, maybe dozens of seconds later, he will reach in again. It's terrifying!

This person must have had many girlfriends, and he must sleep with his girlfriends every day, otherwise he wouldn't!

Mu Qingya sighed.

She didn't really care how many girlfriends Lin Xuan had had before, but...she was worried whether Lin Xuan, besides her, had...maybe she was just a mistress?

Mu Qingya woke up early this morning, and while Lin Xuan was still sleeping, she quietly took Lin Xuan's cell phone over.

No lock?

This made Mu Qingya a little surprised.

This is a very normal and common phenomenon among women!

Mu Qingya wouldn't care before, but now that she and Lin Xuan are boyfriend and girlfriend, she will care.

I bought this phone when I first met him, mistaking him for a robber, and to be honest, it seems a bit funny now that I think about it, and it will definitely become a very interesting memory.

Then she looked.

Lin Xuan only has a few WeChat friends. She can recognize herself, Mu Feifei, and Qin Yijun. There is also one... Xiao Qingzhu?

Why such an ambiguous title? But he seems to be like this, Xiao Qingya, Xiao Junjun... Xiao Qingzhu is also normal!

Then she looked at the chat history.

Mu Qingya probably knew who this was.

This should be the woman who called her at that time. She also asked Lin Xuan if he had gone back. Lin Xuan's reply was very cold, so he replied "Yes".

That’s probably not the case!

There is another person named Zhang Yang, and the only other friend left is a girl...Xiao Xintong.

Mu Qingya opened it and took a look at their chat history.

There doesn't seem to be any special chat records. It's just to help her become a big star and have 10 million fans. She helped her do this.

It turns out to be her, but what is their relationship?

Forget it, forget it, don’t think about it anymore.

Mu Qingya quietly put her phone down and closed her eyes.

After a while, Lin Xuan crossed his legs and pressed on her.

The most comfortable position.

Mu Qingya opened her beautiful eyes, Lin Xuan also opened his eyes, and the two looked at each other.


Lin Xuan smiled.




Lin Xuan then gave her a hard smack.

Mu Qingyate pushed Lin Xuan aside in disgust.


Suddenly she felt something, and her pretty face suddenly turned red.

"Don't blame me, this is a normal phenomenon early in the morning."

Lin Xuan smiled shamelessly.

"I got up."

As she said that, Mu Qingya was about to get up.

"Hey, hey, no! You're not going to help me?"

Mu Qingya "..."

"Get out!"

Lin Xuan; "..."

"Hey, don't be so heartless. I'm not saying that I will do anything to you or not, but you still have to help me."

Mu Qingya "..."

"This is a girlfriend's obligation."

Lin Xuan reminded.

Mu Qingya paused for a moment, then took a deep breath.

To be honest, except for the last step, they have become so intimate, what can't she do?

It seems so. Is this what a girlfriend should do?


Lin Xuan then said something in her ear with a wicked smile!

"Go to hell! It's disgusting!"

Mu Qingya then got up.

"Hey, hey, hey, let's use our hands first, then we can do it with our hands."

Lin Xuan said aggrievedly!

Mu Qingya took a deep breath.

"Hey hey hey."

Lin Xuan then took her slender hand and let it go.

Mu Qingya's delicate body trembled suddenly, and she quickly closed her eyes.


Lin Xuan lit a cigarette and lay there.



A scream came, and Mu Qingya ran to the bathroom.

Lin Xuan laughed evilly.

So comfortable.

After that, Mu Qingya went downstairs first, and Lin Xuan went down after ten minutes.

"Sister, what was your name just now? My mother, my mother, and my father all heard it just now. What happened?"

Mu Feifei approached Mu Qingya and asked.

Mu Qingya sat there upright and glanced at Mu Feifei.

"You eat without talking, and you sleep without talking."

"Tch." Mu Feifei rolled her eyes and said, "I must have been bullied by my brother-in-law early in the morning. Then my brother-in-law couldn't hold it back, and my sister couldn't hold it back and screamed out."

Mu Qingya "..."

Mist grass!

"You girl! What are you thinking about all day long? If you envy your sister for finding a boyfriend, you should also go find him, but the prerequisite is that you have to get through your father and me." Zhang Ting said.

"I plan to die alone and stay with my parents for the rest of my life."

"Go away, you have been with us for more than twenty years and we are already annoying you to death!"

Zhang Ting glared at her.


Mu Feifei sniffed in frustration.

At this time Lin Xuan walked down.

"Xiaoxuan, come and eat."

"Auntie is here."

Lin Xuan smiled and sat next to Mu Qingya.

Mu Qingya thought for a while, then stood up and served Lin Xuan a bowl of porridge.

Lin Xuan smiled in his heart.

"Xiaoxuan, when do you and Qingya plan to have a baby?"

Zhang Ting looked at Lin Xuan and asked.

Lin Xuan "..."


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