Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,792 Shameless!

Dongfang Xue listened with great fascination. This was something that happened to Lin Xuan in the past few years... She was very concerned about it, and she also found these stories very interesting... especially the people in the stories.

so cute……

"But...why are you back?"

Dongfang Xue asked.

Regarding these things, Dongfang Xue was the only person on earth who Lin Xuan told.

Lin Xuan is still a little afraid that this kind of thing will leak the secret, but now it seems that the two continents are connected. This should not be classified as leaking the secret. The only thing that may be classified as leaking the secret is his rebirth, but Lin Xuan What I said was time travel, I didn't say I was reborn. These are actually two concepts.

"I'm also puzzled. I participated in a martial arts competition there at that time, and I won the first place in the competition..."ωωω.九九^九)xs(^m

Dongfang Xue looked at Lin Xuan with bright eyes.

"The top ten can enter a place called the Gate of Divine Enlightenment. It is a very powerful place, but it is said that people who come back from there will forget the memory of everything that happened in the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, so the others before People who came out from there didn’t know what was in the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, but when I entered, I discovered that I was back on Earth.”

Dongfang Xue looked at Lin Xuan.

"You mean, that is a passage between the earth and the sky blue star you mentioned?"

"That's what it looks like so far." Lin Xuan said.

"Then can I go?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "No, I only know that the passage here is the Gate of Divine Enlightenment, but if you go back... the passage is opened by a mysterious power. Judging from the previous situations, it should not be Have this ability.”

"So, you want to go back?"

Dongfang Xue asked.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Yes."

He looked at Dongfang Xue and said, "This is why I can't marry you, and it's also something I have to tell you."

Lin Xuan then lit a cigarette and said: "I need to go back, and I must go back, not only because I still have a lot of things to do there, but also because I only have three months on earth. On that day after a few months, if I can’t survive, I will be wiped out by an invisible force, so in order to survive, I have to leave.”

Dongfang Xue nodded; "Well, I understand."

"Don't tell anyone else about this."

Dongfang Xue nodded: "Then..."

She thought of something and said: "You said...those people will lose their memories here if they go back from here, so will you too?"

Lin Xuan nodded; "I think it would be normal...but it doesn't matter."

Lin Xuan hugged her and said, "I have my own memory of you. I will never forget that memory. The most I will forget is the memory of these three months here."


This is actually related... because Lin Xuan is not afraid of forgetting Dongfang Xue, but he is afraid of forgetting Mu Qingya, Mu Feifei, Liu Qingzhu, including Qin Yijun...

Therefore, Lin Xuan felt that it was necessary to do something when the time came.

"How awesome are you there?"

Lin Xuan smiled and said: "It's pretty awesome, I'm almost going to hit the Heavenly Dao realm there."

Dongfang Xue opened her mouth.

"Is it so powerful?"

Lin Xuan said: "Actually, it's not that I'm great, it's that the world is generally more powerful. On Earth, the most powerful people now are probably in the Taixu realm, right? But there, there are as many Taixu realms as dogs, and many geniuses are This has been achieved.”

"It must be dangerous there."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Well, it is very dangerous, but actually I think it is not bad. In fact, it is dangerous everywhere. After all, it is the same everywhere. On Earth, it is generally not strong, but at the same time It means that no one is strong, and although there are strong ones, you can also be strong.”

"Well...then you must be careful."

Lin Xuan smiled and nodded: "Don't worry."

“I didn’t expect that poor boy from before,

Now he has transformed into a very powerful person. Dongfang Xue said with a smile.

"Didn't that poor boy from before also eat swan meat?"

Lin Xuan smiled.

Dongfang Xue gave Lin Xuan a white look.

"By the way, have you heard?"

Lin Xuan suddenly remembered something.


"There is something wrong with the earth now, and I just came out of Di Xin's tomb."

"Di Xin's tomb? Isn't that the tomb of King Zhou of Shang?" Dongfang Xue said.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Yes."

Then Lin Xuan told Dongfang Xue some of the current conditions on the earth.

"So that's it..."

Dongfang Xue was secretly shocked.

"Yes, I'm afraid this earth will not be peaceful in the future. Although King Zhou of Shang was destroyed by me, there are still so many emperors and so many ambitious people in history. When all these people are born, No one knows what this earth will become.”

Lin Xuan said.

"I'm not too worried about the rest. I just feel that I will definitely no longer be here by then. I don't know what kind of existence you are going to face, so I'm still more worried."

"Don't worry, there are so many strong people on the entire earth, there will always be no problem."

"Then you have to promise me something."


Lin Xuan looked at her and said: "If you really encounter any danger, I hope you will not come forward if you can. At most, you will play a role behind the scenes and don't bear the brunt of anything."

Lin Xuan knew this girl very well. She seemed gentle and virtuous, but she always had a righteous heart in her heart, and she would do this.

And what is Lin Xuan worried about? Dongfang Xue is so beautiful. Those who were strong in the past are mostly men. This beauty is very attractive in front of men. If Dongfang Xue is too public, Lin Xuan will be worried.

"Yes, I promise you."

Lin Xuan pinched her cheeks.


"Well, really, I promise you."

Lin Xuan smiled: "Okay, okay, then's time to get down to business."



Lin Xuan turned off the light.

"Hey Hey hey……"

Dongfang Xue pushed Lin Xuan hard, and then the two of them twisted together.


The two of them were sweating profusely from the fight, and Dongfang Xue gave Lin Xuan a blank look.

"Hey, I haven't done anything serious yet, why am I so shameless?"

"You wouldn't have done this before."

Dongfang Xue pinched Lin Xuan.

"That person will always change."

"You are becoming more and more shameless."

"I finally discovered that women don't love men unless they are bad."

"Is this why you pick up so many girls?"

Dongfang Xue gave Lin Xuan a white look.

"Hey, no, no... stop talking, it's time to get down to business."


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