Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1,794 Mysterious Woman

Lin Xuan felt that he should not have told her this!

Damn, women.

Lin Xuan then said: "Let's not talk about this, okay?"

Lin Xuan then removed the image.

"Then tell me the story between you and them, which you haven't told before... wait a minute."

Dongfang Xue thought about it. Lin Xuan had told a story about two girls before, and now there were two more. In other words, at least, he had four girlfriends there... and there were definitely more!


Why is he so perverted now?


"How many girlfriends do you have?"

"Sister, if you don't say this anymore, I really can't say it anymore. If you say it again, I'll explode." ぷ999 Novel First Release⿱

Dongfang Xue muttered: "I didn't say anything since you already have a baby, so just tell me."

"Don't tell me, don't tell me."

"Then tell me, is it a single digit or a ten digit?"

Lin Xuan said nothing.

Dongfangxue; "..."

If it were single digits, he would definitely say single digits directly. Now he is silent, which means that it is tens digits...


This person... wow! !

"Then tell me their stories. I just want to know how you caught them. Don't worry, I have no other intentions and I won't blame you."

Dongfang Xue said faintly.

"Alright alright."

Lin Xuan then hugged her.

"Just satisfy your gossip curiosity."

Lin Xuan then told her some stories between them.

"I really like your world."

Dongfang Xue said afterwards.

"In fact, that world may look more powerful, but it is not necessarily better. In fact, in terms of so-called stability, that world is not a stable place at all. The earth completely crushes it, but the current earth may It's not that stable anymore, and the overall level of that world is very strong. Each has its own pros and cons. I don't think which world is better or worse. In fact, on the contrary, I prefer stability. , even if I can be a little more ordinary, I will choose a more ordinary life!"

Lin Xuan said.

"Yes, I also like an ordinary life. If I have a little money, I can do what I like and buy what I like."

What Dongfang Xue said is very true.

Then you can't live a hard life, right?

Of course, it doesn't matter if you live a hard life with the one you love, but...she won't have the opportunity to live a hard life. After all, her family has agreed to be with Lin Xuan.

"You like that world because you like adventure. There may be more opportunities and a greater worldview in that world. Don't think I don't know. You usually look gentle and virtuous, but there is this thing in your heart. A restless heart.”

Lin Xuan glared at Dongfang Xue.

Otherwise, why would Lin Xuan remind Dongfang Xue that if one day there is a war on the earth, I hope she will not bear the brunt of it and do something, because Dongfang Xue actually has a fire in her heart.

"I know, listen to you."

Dongfang Xue said softly.

"That's alright...get up."

Then, Lin Xuan stayed at Dongfang's house for three days...

In the past three days, some people from the outside world have been looking for Lin Xuan quite crazily.

Of course those are Xuanyuan Qingtian and Duan Lingxiao.

Although these two people cooperated on the surface to kill Lin Xuan, they definitely still had their own agendas, such as some special plans that they did not tell each other.

But they found that they couldn't find it!

Why did Lin Xuan suddenly disappear? Why was there no trace of him after he came out of Emperor Xin's tomb?

They would never have imagined that Lin Xuan was at Dongfang's house now, let alone that Dongfang Xue had woken up, and that Lin Xuan and Dongfang Xue were here fighting each other.

Duan Lingxiao wasn't too anxious. After all, there were still a little more than two months. He didn't believe it. He couldn't kill Lin Xuan in two months? No matter how powerful this Lin Xuan is, after all, your current realm is only that high, and according to their same system, the realm they can ascend to is the realm realm, and the rest you can only rely on your own cultivation to improve. , it is impossible to forcibly improve your cultivation level through system values.

Therefore, no matter how good Lin Xuan is, this is his limit.

It's hard for one Heavenly Dao to kill you, but ten or a hundred will be enough, right?

Even if it's still not stable, if he goes to look for something special, with the help of a special spiritual weapon or a special gadget, he will always have a chance to kill you, right?

Now, Duan Lingxiao has prepared such a thing.

To be precise, he met someone!

When did you meet this person? He met him in the tomb of Emperor Xin.

After leaving Emperor Xin's tomb, he was poisoned, and the man came out with him!

To be precise, he didn't know when this person appeared. He seemed to have some special ability. This ability was disguise, and it was a very powerful disguise. How powerful was it?

I don’t know when this person appeared, or when he killed one of the two thousand people, then disguised himself as her, and then came out with everyone else.

Duan Lingxiao didn't know why this person was looking for him. Is it because there was something special about him?

In fact, Duan Lingxiao has always been pretentious. He does feel that he has something special, and the most important thing is that he came from Sky Blue Star, so in fact, in his eyes, those people on this earth are actually He has always looked down upon him as being inferior. If he could have the cultivation level at Sky Blue Star, he even felt that he would have dominated this place.

At this moment, Duan Lingxiao came to Shandong Gan on a cliff. In this cave, the woman was sitting there practicing.

She still used the appearance of the disguised person, so Duan Lingxiao didn't know what she looked like at all, but Duan Lingxiao knew that she was a woman.

Why should he have some connection with this woman? In fact, it is very simple. This woman is very smart and she is also very powerful.

Maybe Duan Lingxiao felt that he needed to use this woman to kill Lin Xuan! Because her disguise is very powerful, even Duan Lingxiao has figured out a way, that is... if this woman helps him, maybe... she can disguise herself as a woman around Lin Xuan, and then take the opportunity to kill Lin Xuan. Xuan!

Because according to Duan Lingxiao's understanding of Lin Xuan, this man is indeed lustful, but he is lustful and he can't touch any woman, but he still thinks that using women to deal with Lin Xuan is definitely a very good way, and it may Very relaxing.

“Did you bring the things??”

the woman asked.

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