Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1809 Su Darin:? ? ?

Lin Xuan originally wanted to use the capital attack on the Xuanyuan family and then gradually attack them, but now thinking about it, Lin Xuan could not possibly attack them with capital for such a big family, and a family as big as the Xuanyuan family, Many people are innocent. Lin Xuan just wants to deal with Xuanyuan Qingtian, so he must be dealt with!

So, the idea was pushed aside.

The rest... is to simply lure Xuanyuan Qingtian out. If he is lured out, Lin Xuan is still very sure that he will die. No matter what, this Xuanyuan Qingtian is only in the realm, no matter how strong he is, he can't do it. After being promoted to the Tianzun realm in a short period of time, Lin Xuan felt that killing him was actually a very simple matter.


This Xuanyuan Qingtian's level of caution exceeded Lin Xuan's imagination. Lin Xuan had never met a person who was more cautious than Xuanyuan Qingtian.

He sent out so many Tianzun Realm, and even the ninth level Tianzun Realm, you can see how cautious he is. For a warrior who only has the Domain Realm, it is quite exaggerated for him to send out this level, and there are also Tianzun Realm. Space properties!

But even in this situation, he still didn't come forward himself, and didn't even think about coming over to ridicule him. Lin Xuan?

So you can see how cautious he is.

Think about it, under normal circumstances, with this grudge between them, he would definitely come over, kill Lin Xuan, and then "exchange feelings" with Lin Xuan before Lin Xuan died. Shouldn't this be normal?

But he didn't, he didn't even come over, even with this gap, even if it was a normal situation of death, he didn't come over, he was really too cautious.

So, what should be done?

Lin Xuan didn't know either.

If it doesn't work, let Su Darin go over and assassinate him?


The success rate is probably not high!

It would be okay if Xuanyuan Qingtian left the Xuanyuan family, but if he didn't leave... he really wouldn't be able to lock his position! And even if Sudalinda reaches the Heavenly Way, she is currently invincible here, but what if she is run away by Xuanyuan Qingtian? If Lin Xuan just ran away and hid, what if Lin Xuan couldn't find him for two months and couldn't complete the task?

Moreover, Xuanyuan Qingzhen's whereabouts were really elusive. Except for a trip to Kunlun Mountain before, Lin Xuan had no idea where he was.

"Don't think about this for now. There will always be a chance. Let's go find my dear Xiao Qingya first."

Lin Xuan stretched.

Two days passed like this again.

The past two days have been quite interesting for Lin Xuan, as he played with a few girls and was quite relaxed.

At this moment, Su Darin came to the cave.

To be honest, although Su Dalin is very ambitious and ruthless, she is still a relatively principled person. Although Duan Lingxiao did not help her much and only gave her a small repayment pill, she was the one who asked him for help after all. , I came here specifically to find it.

Su Darin came back this time just because of Duan Lingxiao.

She had promised him to do something for him before, but now she felt that it might just be a convenient thing. It didn't matter if she came over. Moreover, she could also go sightseeing and avoid being controlled by that bastard named Lin Xuan. Please give me a little A few days, wouldn’t it be beautiful? Otherwise, if she stays at his place every day, God knows what he will ask her to do all day long.

Let’s run for a few days first and then talk about it.


Su Darin was sitting in the cave, surrounded by a pile of various foods she bought along the way, as well as roujiamo.

One thing I have to admit is that she seems to have fallen in love with this era!

There are many novel things in this era, and everything is no longer what she remembers, especially the various delicacies, such as chicken, duck, and fish. She used to be tired of eating them, but now, they are all the same. It's chicken, duck, and fish. How can it be so delicious here? One fish can produce dozens of flavors! Holy shit.

She is not a foodie, but she just feels that she has never encountered these flavors before. They are so novel and indeed delicious.

Moreover, although it is not as convenient as before, it used to be easy to reach for clothes and food, but now it is almost the same, right? It’s that software, the Hungry Tuan software. You can order what you want at home and someone will deliver it to your door. Thinking about it this way, it’s very comfortable.


She feels so angry when she thinks about Lin Xuan!

Damn, it’s really annoying, her dignified business boss is now the prisoner of a little brat in his twenties!

But thinking about it, it seems okay, because that person doesn't seem to be too much, and he has some abilities.

The key then is to see if he can help his cultivation return to the way of heaven! If she could, then she would really be grateful, and those resentments seemed to be gone.

A step was heard, Su Darin put away the food, and then sat there, closing her eyes and concentrating.


Duan Lingxiao walked in and saw her, and then showed a surprised expression!

This senior is quite principled. At least he didn't break his promise or lie to a junior like him.


Su Darin opened her eyes.

She still used the appearance of the woman she killed before.

"Senior, are you done?"

"Just tell me your story directly. "

Su Darin said lightly.


Duan Lingxiao's hope to a large extent now falls on her. Xuanyuan Qingtian has sent so many top strong men but they have not killed Lin Xuan. At least for now, except for this woman, he really doesn't know what else to do. Is there any way to deal with Lin Xuan? In his own words, he now admits that he is not Lin Xuan's opponent.

Therefore, he must die!

Duan Lingxiao then said: "Junior wants to ask senior to help kill a person. This person only has domain level cultivation."


Su Darin nodded.

This is a trivial matter.

She is not a very good person. For example, if there are people who have no grievances against him, he will not take action. For example, Lin Xuan, when dealing with the Xuanyuan family, he has to consider the innocent women and children of the Xuanyuan family. Something like that, but Su Darin doesn't know how to do it, so what if there is no injustice or hatred? It doesn't matter.

To put it simply, in Su Darin's eyes, life is very cheap.


Su Darin said lightly.

Well... if she kills someone, if she stays far away, she can go out to play by the time, and then she can give Lin Xuan a reason to say that she can't go back in a short time!

Feel comfortable!

Then Duan Lingxiao handed Su Darin a photo and said: "His name is Lin Xuan. He is my mortal enemy. His strength is only at the domain level. He has no great abilities. He has spatial attributes. This senior needs to pay attention to it."

Su Darin:? ? ?

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