Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1827 Duan Lingxiao’s plan

Lin Xuan told Mu Qingya everything he should say, but he definitely didn't say anything he shouldn't!

He didn't say anything too mysterious!

Mu Qingya expressed her understanding, and Lin Xuan was relieved. The rest is actually guilt!

Because he really doesn't know when he can come back.

But he vowed he would come back.

"What was the world like that you went to?"

Mu Qingya asked.


Lin Xuan pondered for a moment; "It feels exactly the same as the earth. There is the Internet, mobile phones, technology, and the technology is even more powerful. There are humans and demons. The humans have powerful barrier defenses. The demons will attack the humans and occupy them." The a bit like the earth many years from now! But I believe that the earth will not be in such a situation many years from now.”

"That's not necessarily the case."

"No, definitely! Because I will definitely protect it."

"All right."

Mu Qingya then asked, "Then how are you going to go back? Can't I come with you when you go back?"

"Of course not. If it could, why would there be so much trouble?"


Mu Qingya didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, okay, about this matter..."

"I know, I won't tell anyone else."

Mu Qingya said.

"Well... then... let's go to sleep."

Lin Xuan then pounced directly.


Before she could react, she was pinned down by Lin Xuan.

Of course everyone knew what happened afterwards.

On the other side, Duan Lingxiao came to a place.

There is still half a month left. Xuanyuan Qingtian has never appeared again since that night. He can't even contact him. The entire Xuanyuan family is in chaos, especially Xuanyuan Long. His son disappeared right under his nose. , he is really going crazy!

Then he checked, and it seemed that he couldn't find anything. He just found that his son was very close to a woman that night, and later drank with the woman in the yard. As for what happened after drinking, no one knew. He didn't know that there was no such thing as surveillance in the Shaolin Temple. He checked the surveillance in the more prosperous places around, but there was no trace.

The only clue was the woman, but she couldn't find it at all! Nothing can be found! He had reason to think that he was disguised.

Duan Lingxiao knew that Lin Xuan must have done it, because Xuanyuan Qingtian wanted to kill Lin Xuan. He didn't believe that Lin Xuan didn't know, but what evidence did he have? The only thing he could do was to secretly tell the Xuanyuan family that Lin Xuan did it. He didn't even dare to say it himself, so telling them secretly to let them focus on Lin Xuan was a good thing.

The Xuanyuan family has indeed focused their attention on Lin Xuan. They originally suspected Lin Xuan because there was a grudge between them. Now, it is possible that Lin Xuan has returned as king, but... how to check? If I can't find it, should I ask directly? In other words, all they can think of is to take action!

But this is a more important matter, because they also know that Lin Xuan is not an ordinary warrior now. He is still very young, but he is deeply loved and even cared for by his seniors.

If he is forced to do something without evidence, once he is discovered, especially at this stage, the Xuanyuan family may become the target of public criticism.

Especially this Lin Xuan is very close to the Liu family. The current number one boss is the Liu family, and... Dongfang Xue is back, and this Lin Xuan and Dongfang Xue are... It seems that both the Liu family and the Dongfang family like him very much. , then if you force yourself to do something, the consequences may be unimaginable.

But all this is based on the premise that they are exposed, so he feels that this must be done!

It is absolutely impossible to talk to him properly. If he did it, he would not admit it. And even if he did not do it, the Xuanyuan family would not believe it just because he said it was not him!

Therefore, the best way is... to catch him and let him tell the truth under the threat of death!

The Xuanyuan family takes action!

And where is Duan Lingxiao?

Duan Lingxiao came to a deserted place.

"I am coming!"

Duan Lingxiao shouted.


A figure appeared in front of him.

"What? Have you thought about it?"

Duan Lingxiao nodded; "I can provide you with everything you want, including the things you ask me to do, but at the same time, you must agree to my request!"

"Mutual benefit, why not? No matter what the request is, it doesn't matter if you just say it."

Duan Lingxiao nodded; "I want you to help me kill someone."

"This is simple, who is it?"

"A warrior with space attributes in the domain realm, but under normal circumstances, even the ninth level of the Tianzun realm may not be able to kill him. You must send the Taixu realm to kill him, and you must send several, or in other words, your soldiers Give it to me, I will personally supervise this matter!"

"To kill a domain-level space, do you need the Taixu Realm?"

Duan Lingxiao nodded; "It must be necessary, otherwise I can hire others, so why would I need you?"

"no problem!"

"And I need you to get this done within three days!"

Duan Lingxiao said.

Although he still has half a month left, there is only half a month left, and he can't stand it anymore! I really can’t stand it anymore, I have to do it as soon as possible!


The old man's eyes narrowed and he said: "We are indeed cooperating, but you don't have the capital to bargain with us, do you understand?"

"I'm not bargaining."

"Then we don't have any idea of ​​finishing things for you first and then letting you do things!"

Duan Lingxiao said: "Aren't you worried about making me unhappy? Aren't you worried that I won't do my best when doing things for you?"

"Hahaha, there are so many people in this world who can do things for us, and we don't need you!"

"Really? Indeed, that seems to be the case, but in this world, what I can do, others may not be able to do. Isn't that why you want to cooperate with me?"

Duan Lingxiao said.

"Hahaha, dealing with smart people is easy, okay!"

"Okay, you just need to give me soldiers according to my request. Regardless of success or failure, I will definitely do what you said in three days and help you complete it!"

The old man nodded; "No problem!"

Where did he like Duan Lingxiao?

It's not his talent, it's not his strength, it's his positioning!

His performance in the martial arts competition means that he will definitely be robbed by other major forces. He is referring to the current strength of Kunlun Mountain. Then such a person joins the strength of Kunlun Mountain. , where you can cooperate with them internally and externally, and easily control a top modern force at this stage! They can accomplish many things with the help of such power! Very important.

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