Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1842 The Crisis of Yaxuan Group

Yaxuan Group is completely on the right track!

There is nothing wrong with two beautiful and capable women, Luo Chenxi and Murong Qing, leading the Yaxuan Group.

Lin Xuan came to Yaxuan Group and walked in.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

The pretty front desk lady stopped Lin Xuan and asked politely with a smile.

"Oh, I'm looking for your boss."

"Excuse me, who are you? Do you have an appointment?"

She asked politely, obviously not knowing who Lin Xuan was.

"Well... we don't have an appointment. Just call Murong Qing and ask Lin Xuan to come see her."

Lin Xuan was also helpless.

After all, it has been so long. After all, Lin Xuan rarely comes to Yaxuan Group. There are no familiar faces here. Even if there are, they are probably not in this hall. Even if Lin Xuan wants to say something, he doesn't know who to look for!

He can't say that he is the boss of this group, can he?

What's embarrassing is that all his shares were given to them. Of course, there is still a small part of the shares in the Evil Temple.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan suddenly realized, Damn! There is also an evil temple, he almost forgot!

Now the people in the Evil Temple thought that he and Murong Yu and the others had taken their poisonous elixir and that their lives were in their hands. Lin Xuan, Murong Feng and the others were playing a big game of chess to completely destroy the Evil Temple.

He had forgotten this matter and had to ask Murong Qing.

"Sorry, Mr. Qing is entertaining very important guests and may not have time for the time being."

"What about Luo Chenxi?"

"Mr. Luo is here too.

The young lady at the front desk felt that the man in front of her was not simple, and even called the two bosses by their full names.

"Sir, I will take you to the lounge to wait. I will notify you then."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Okay."

About an hour later, Murong Qing and Luo Chenxi personally sent several people off. Lin Xuan also came out when he heard the noise.

"There's no need for you two to send me off. Let's go first!"

The handsome man said.

"Walk slowly."

Then he left Yaxuan Group with several people.

Murong Qing and Luo Chenxi also saw Lin Xuan.

"what's up?"

Lin Xuan leaned over and asked.

"Go up and talk."


Then they went upstairs.

The young lady at the front desk opened her mouth.

"Hey, Yueyue, who is that person? Why can you talk directly to Mr. Qing and Mr. Luo?"

"I don't know either, I've never seen it."

At this time, a cleaning lady who was sweeping the floor passed by and said, "He, he is the real boss of our Yaxuan Group. He founded the Yaxuan Group by himself."


They showed shocked expressions.

"That's not right. I heard that Yaxuan Group was founded by Mr. Lin before."

"He is Mr. Lin's younger brother.


"So this is ah."

Lin Xuan, Murong Qing and Luo Chenxi came to an office.

"That person just now is from the Yang Group."

Luo Chenxi poured Lin Xuan a cup of tea and said accordingly.

"Oh? What are you doing here?"

"They say they are here to discuss cooperation, but actually they have other ideas. Oh, by the way, he is still Mr. Qing's suitor."

Lin Xuan looked at Murong Qing.

"Come on."

Murong Qing laughed and said: "That face is better than Lin Xuan's, the rest... is really bad, especially the kind of self-confidence that seems to be unmatched by him in the whole world, I can't stand it."


Lin Xuan glared at her.

"I'm kidding, but he does have capital. The Yang family is a top-notch family among the hidden families, and he is the eldest son of the Yang family. The main reason he came here today is that he wants to develop the Yang family in Lin'an City. The group’s property, and Lin’an City is now the territory of our Yaxuan Group.”

Lin Xuan said: "Now almost every city in Lin'an City belongs to our Yaxuan Group, right?"

"What are you thinking about? Do you think we can easily win a city with just one company? But that's basically what it means."

Murong Qing said.

"But it's very tricky now, because there was no industry that could shake our Yaxuan Group before, so at that time we put almost all our investment in the acquisition of Lin'an City, which resulted in the current Yang Group's influence on us. It will have a big impact. If they try to compete with us for Lin'an City, we will probably have a big problem. "

Luo Chenxi said at this time.

"Isn't it?"

Lin Xuan opened his mouth.

"But they also have to pay a big price, but we have to see if they are willing to pay this price. Judging from their appearance, Lin'an City seems to be of special significance to the Yang family, but what it is is anyone's guess. No, if they insist on doing this, it must have great significance, such as strategic significance. "

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"Then how to survive this crisis?"

Lin Xuan asked.

Murong Qing looked at Lin Xuan and said, "It's simple, it's just money!"

“It’s no use having the temple to back us up?”

"Brother, the Temple values ​​you more than the Yaxuan Group. It is you and the Yaxuan Group that are more important. Even if you borrow money from the Temple, such a large amount of money is not yours. Dear Uncle Murong can make the decision, do you understand?"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders.

"I'll think about it again. How many are needed?"

"Several hundred trillions are enough to completely guarantee that there will be no problems in a short time, or we give up the monopoly of Lin'an City and narrow the circle."

Lin Xuan said: "How can we give up after this has happened? I will find a way. By the way, regarding the holding issue of the Evil Temple, has anything happened in the past three months?"

"It's fine if you don't say this, but you'll get angry if you talk about it.'

Murong Qing took a sip of tea: "In the past three months, the Evil God Temple has taken away an unknown amount of money from the Yaxuan Group. Although their shares are not many, they are the shares of the Yaxuan Group after all. The money is not a small amount. They don’t care about the crisis of Yaxuan Group, they just use the money to develop themselves.”

"This is a small matter."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"But the teleportation bead of the Yang Group is indeed an invincible project. Is there any project that can be as guaranteed to make money as the teleportation bead? It is a consumable and a necessity, and there will always be people buying it."

Lin Xuan thought.

Many things in Yaxuan Group are also very exaggerated, but compared to the usage rate and consumption rate of this teleportation bead, they are much worse.

"What? Lin Dacai is planning to have a good fight with the Yang family? It's simple. If you can sell attribute-enhancing potions on a large scale, the funds will be in place in a short time, but this is not realistic."

"No, no, no, I want to make a new one. It's time for some people who don't know their own abilities to understand where the gap is."

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