Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1846 Are you going to steal something?

This Yang Tian is obviously the kind of person who avoids the world. He may know a lot about conspiracies and conspiracies, but he is not so wary of these small things.

Coupled with the fact that he had just been born, the news media's comments about the Yang family made him feel elated, as well as his super high level, and this very safe situation, including the fact that it seemed that there was only one Kaizi around him, but in fact there was someone secretly there. Several masters from the Yang family were protecting him and staring at him, but they couldn't hear what they were saying, but once he was in danger, those people would definitely take action!

So, under such circumstances, what is Yang Tian worried about?

Yang Tian then said to that Kaizi: "Go wherever you need to go, don't bother me."

Kaizi hesitated for a moment, thinking that his young master was protected by top-notch strong men, and he didn't want him to follow him now, and then he walked away.

"Come on, come on, keep drinking, keep drinking!"

Yang Tian greeted with a smile.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Miao Xiaomiao poured wine for Yang Tian and asked with a smile: "Brother Yang, why are you so powerful? You can create this kind of teleportation bead that even changed the face of the continent at such a young age. It's really amazing." It’s so strong.”

Yang Tian smiled and said: "What's the matter! Let me tell you, in two days Yang Group will release another product that will shock the world."

"Ah, what is it!"

Yang Tian smiled and said: "Let me tell you, anyway, a press conference will be held soon. It is a product that I call Shenli Pill."

Yang Tian nodded: "Yes, the Shenli Pill, after taking it, the strength will increase by one-third within one to three minutes, and the Shensu Pill, after taking it, the speed will increase by one-third within one to three minutes! This effect can be improved by one-fifth even in the Tianzun realm!”

They looked at each other.

Obviously, once this is released, it will definitely be a hit! And the most important thing is that it is a disposable consumable. In terms of shock level, it is definitely not as shocking as the products of Yaxuan Group, but their advantage lies in disposable consumables! You have to buy it after you use it up, and you have to use it after you buy it. This leads to the ability to continue to make money. This is the advantage of Yang Group.

This improvement is not a big improvement!

Think about it, eating can increase one-third of your speed and strength. Who wouldn’t want this free improvement? The improvement in combat power is really great! Even the Tianzun realm can be improved by one-fifth!

Once this thing goes on sale, it will be a rush.

But these obviously cannot be as powerful as the teleportation beads. Of course, they are definitely very strong.

"Brother Yang, I don't understand why you can create things like teleportation beads? According to my understanding, teleportation is achieved by spiritual weapons or attributes, but this teleportation bead is not a spiritual weapon, just a spiritual weapon. It’s considered a consumable, so why can it be teleported? It’s so powerful, and it can be used in such large quantities.”

Yang Tian was a little carried away by the praise and the drink, and then he took a sip of wine and said: "Well, it doesn't hurt to tell you. In our Yang family, there is a very top-notch space crystal. It is very big. This space crystal It’s the size of a stone fist, and the space power in it is enough to create millions of teleportation beads.”

Hearing this, they looked at each other.

"What about... what about the Shenliwan and the Shensuwan?"

"This... it's actually nothing. This thing is just refined from some formulas. It's a bit similar to elixirs, but the cost is very, very low, and they are all diluted.

It can even double the strength and speed. Only our Yang family has mastered this formula. If you want... hiccup, I will get you some Shenli Pills and Shensu Pills that can double the speed and strength. "

Yang Tian said.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Yang."

They probably all know it!

This is definitely important news.

Time passed slowly, and they probably already knew all the news they wanted to know.

"I...I tell you that Lin'an City will fall into my hands from now on. You can go wherever you want. Be my Yang Tian's woman. You must be the happiest people in the world!"

Yang Tianzhen was really drunk and floated into the sky.

"Ah! Brother Yang wants Lin'an City? Why?"

Miao Xiaomiao asked.


Yang Tian suddenly felt a little sober, or he had been telling himself subconsciously that this was definitely a secret that could not be told.

"I'll tell you later, Hiccup."

"Okay, but there is Yaxuan Group in Lin'an City."

"Hey, Yaxuan Group? When the Shenliwan and Shensuwan come out, the Yaxuan Group will have no choice but to surrender under the impact of my Yang Group!"

They looked at each other again.

"Brother Yang, you drank too much. It's getting late now. You'd better go back and rest early."

The people who protect Yang Tian are paying attention to Yang Tian, ​​but they are very secretive and will not come out easily. They can't hear Yang Tian's words, so they don't know what Yang Tian has exposed!

In fact, what Yang Tian exposed was not fatal news, for example, the space crystal. Are they still afraid that someone would go to their Yang house and steal it? Who has this ability and courage? But you definitely can’t let others know easily!

Of course, Yang Tian was thinking about Miss Papa, but now that he was drunk and had taken something similar to a drug that Miao Xiao Miao Mimi had given him, he didn't even know what he wanted to do now.

"Well...then...see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Yang Tian staggered and left.

"I'll tell Lin Xuan first."

Miao Xiaomiao then called Lin Xuan and told him about the situation.

"Oh? Really? How did you know?"

After hearing Miao Xiaomiao's words, Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"Okay, I get it!"

"By the way, he seemed to want to compete with you for control of Lin'an City, but we didn't ask why he wanted Lin'an City."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Okay, this news is very important. Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work for you, so what are you doing?"

"Shopping with a girl."

"Asshole!! Go to hell!"

Miao Xiaomiao hung up the phone angrily.

They invited him over for a drink but he didn't come, and instead went shopping with other girls. How shameless.

"What's wrong?"

Murong Qing asked.

Lin Xuan told the story.

"Yang Tian, ​​right? That's really a coincidence. Yang Tian actually met them, but... could this be intentional?"

"You mean, Yang Tian deliberately spread the news to me? But, what's the reason? Is it possible that he is still thinking about waiting for me to go to Yang's house to steal the spar, and then wait and see? This is not necessary."

"Um...what? Are you going to steal something?"

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