Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1852 Are they all rich women?

Everyone was puzzled after hearing Miao Xiaomiao's words.

"But why? Lin'an City is a city on the verge of the monster realm. In addition, the situation in the monster realm has been so good recently, which makes it even more dangerous for us humans. How come there are still families who are fighting for such a fight with all their lives? What about a city that can be captured at any time?"

An Xin was confused.

"By the way, why does Yaxuan Group also want to control Lin'an City?"

Zi Qiyue looked at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "For Yaxuan Group, oh, for me, this is what I mean. The reason is also very simple. In the future, if you want to survive, you want to have a voice." If you want power, you must have enough power, and just one power is not enough. You need to control a city in your own hands, but it is difficult to achieve this. There are not many families in the entire human race who can do it. But it does exist.”

"But...Lin'an City is different from other cities controlled by families."

Lin Xuan nodded; "I know, but Lin'an City is cheap. Other families, such as the Zhuge family, spent thousands of years ruling that city. For me, I don't have that much time. Lin'an City may be captured at any time." , Therefore, those entrepreneurs would rather lose money and be eager to sell everything in their hands, otherwise, once they are attacked, everything will be lost.”

"Then you're not worried?"

Zi Qiyue was even more puzzled.

Lin Xuan sighed.

"I wasn't worried before, but now I'm a little worried."

Lin Xuan said.

It was really okay before, but with Yi Renbing and the others here, Lin Xuan at least guarantees that there will be no problem in Lin'an City!

But in just a few months, the Ten Thousand Demon Alliance and the Demon Temple have undergone such big changes. They have become so much stronger and even recruited so many masters. This is indeed a bit troublesome.

"But there's no problem. Since it's already like this, it can only be like this."

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you mean this has to be the case? If you don't do something else, do you want to see all your hard work go to waste?"

Miao Xiaomiao stared at Lin Xuan and said.

"Don't worry, the human race is not a vegetarian anyway. The main thing now is how to deal with the Yang family."

If these two families were to fight an economic war, the amount of money would be unimaginable.

"That's right, I don't understand why the Yang family wants Lin'an City so much. There must be a reason."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Yes, this reason must be very important. First, Lin'an City is a marginal city. Second, Lin'an City is in the hands of Yaxuan Group. If they want to control a city, in addition to Lin'an City, There are many others, and there are better choices, so the reason why they want to control Lin'an City is definitely not because they want this power. "

"What could that be?"

They were puzzled.

Lin Xuan didn't understand either.

"All I can think of is that they want to control Lin'an City at all costs. Could it be that they are colluding with the demon clan? I think that if they control Lin'an City, when the demon clan attacks, they will be able to cooperate inside and outside to let the demon clan Can the family easily get Lin’an City?”

Miao Xiaomiao groaned.

"This shouldn't happen. The consequences are too serious.

Moreover, what can they get from the demon clan? And do they really dare to believe in the demon clan? "

Lin Xuan shook his head.

"That is...Lin'an City has special significance to the Yang family. For example, what treasures does Lin'an City have?"

Zhao Yunqi said.

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up.

"But...even if there is any treasure, do they need to take the entire Lin'an City into their pocket? They can just go directly to the place where the treasure is to get the treasure."

Lin Xuan shook his head; "Forget it, forget about it now."

"Then you have to find a way for Yaxuan Group to win this economic battle."

Lin Xuan nodded; "Well, I'll think about it before talking."

In the evening, they went home respectively, and Lin Xuan also returned to Linglongxue and the others, lying on the sofa and teasing Xiao Shishi and Xiao Tianyi.

In fact, Lin Xuan has a way. He can use the Law of Creation to create money, but this is highly discouraged and may cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, Lin Xuan still seeks a legitimate method.

The main reason is that the Yang family's offensive is too fast. If you give Yaxuan Group half a month to breathe, Yaxuan Group will not be able to fight against them, but they will not give them any time at all.

"What's wrong?"

Yi Renbing sat next to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan then said this.


She couldn't help but laugh.

"Why are you laughing? This is a huge amount of money. It's a bit difficult to get, mainly because other forces won't lend you money."

Lin Xuan said helplessly.

Murong Qing, Luo Chenxi, etc., they have already spent all their money. You are like the Han family, the Ling family, these families are very rich, but in this economic battle, They don't have much money, and they have a large family to support. Even if they want to help Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan doesn't want them to.

Want a huge sum of money.

"You told me earlier."

Yi Renbing said.


"I don't have anything else right now, I have a lot of money."

Lin Xuan; "..."

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment.

"What? Do you think that I, the demon temple, don't have the money of your human race? For the demon clan, there are many things that need the help of your human race, such as the collection of materials, and even many forces of the demon clan secretly develop enterprises in your human race , then you can’t just come to your human race to steal it if you need it, right? It’s better to use your human race’s methods, especially if you are close to the demon temple of the human race, such as my own demon temple, you still have some money.”

Lin Xuan opened his mouth.

"How many can there be?"

Lin Xuan wondered how much money she could have.

"There are hundreds of billions."

Lin Xuan; "..."

"I'll go! So much? Why do you want so much money?"

"It's far more useful than you think. For example, if your human race auctions a treasure that is good for us, we would rather spend tens of billions to auction it. Many of your human race's precious treasures have actually been auctioned by the monster race."

Lin Xuan; "..."

Hundreds of billions, that works!


Lin Xuan coughed dryly.

"I will ask Xue Bingxin to transfer it to your account when the time comes."

"Thank you very much, then..."

Lin Xuan looked at Huang Xin.

"Don't look at me, I'm not that rich."

Huang Xin said.

"Tch, you can't."

"But I have a small city over there in the Ice Country. Half of the city should be under my control and managed by people from the human race. If you need it, I will let them take care of it."

Lin Xuan:? ? ?

Damn it!

Are all these damn rich women?

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