Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 1855: Become a coach?

Murong Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "That's right, my father didn't ask you for help to teach them military things. They are already very well-educated in this area. What my father wants you to teach them is Something about combat response."


Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"What does it mean?"

"To put it simply, in the eyes of my father and others, you are a genius, and they hope that ghosts will train a special team, because such a team will be full of miracles, and at the same time, when they face the enemy There will be endless ways to deal with them, and it will be difficult for the enemy to figure them out. Such a team can be used as a trump card.”

Lin Xuan: "..."

"I said you think too highly of me, don't you? What kind of genius are you? I am a genius because I ran away from some damn enemies alive?"

Lin Xuan was really convinced.

Why do you seem to have something in others' eyes? He is really ordinary.

"This is what father and his family want, and not only our Murong family, but also the twelve major elders of the temple have almost all passed this decision."

Lin Xuan: "..."

"I dont go."

Lin Xuan shook his head: "I have nothing to do anymore?"

"Here you go."

"Tch, do I look like someone who is short of money?"

"If you can do a good job, I will give you the money to help Yaxuan Group survive this crisis. As one of the Presbyterians, the Yang family is the only one who disagrees with this matter, but it is useless if they disagree. , now the entire temple is determined to support you and oppose the Yang family's actions."

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up.

Although Yaxuan Group is not short of money now, Linxuan still wants the free money.


Lin Xuan really felt that he did not have the ability to train others.

"Sister, although I want money very much, I don't have the ability to train others. If one of these people is not trained well, then I will feel uncomfortable if they die."

Lin Xuan said.

"The ones you are going to train are all masters. Their realms range from Domain Realm to Taixu Realm. There are about a few hundred people. Of course, everyone will pay attention to your training methods. No matter what, you will definitely have to pass the temple level in the end. , it doesn’t matter if you fail, but you can still get paid. This is a plan specially proposed by my father after seeing the situation of your Yaxuan Group, and it was approved. "

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"You are making trouble. I am very grateful to Uncle Murong for his kindness, but I really don't have the ability."

"You have it."

"Hey, eldest sister, why the hell do you think I'm a genius? What's so special about me? Why can't I see it myself? And don't forget, the premise for me to achieve many things is the law of creation , Without the law of creation, many things cannot be achieved.”

As people around Lin Xuan, they also knew that, but Murong Yu also knew that this person's brain circuit was different from others, that he could defeat the enemy with novel brain circuits every time.

He is indeed a genius.

"Then will you come?"

Murong Yu asked.

"What the fuck...come on!"

Don't leave a large amount of money, unless Lin Xuan is a fool.

Whether it succeeds or not will be decided later. Anyway, make the money first!

Moreover, the Yang family turned out to be one of the Twelve Presbyterians of the Temple. Now, the other members of the Presbyterian Council do not like the Yang family's actions towards the Yaxuan Group. They have already begun to impeach the Yang family. What about the Lin family? Xuan Lailai, Lin Xuan likes them.

However, regardless of whether this person is Lin Xuan or not, the Temple is not happy with it. At such a critical moment for the human race, although warriors are very important, money is also very important. No matter what you do, your economic talent It is the power of development. As a member of the Twelve Presbyterian Church of the Temple, at such a special, critical and difficult moment, the Yang family openly challenged the Yaxuan Group. They did not care what the Yang family’s purpose was, as long as the Yaxuan Group was decent. Yes, then what the Yang family did would not make the temple happy.

Of course, the Yang Group has produced some results that have benefited the mainland, so it’s hard to talk directly about them.

It happened that Lin Xuan also wanted to go over and accompany those girls.

Almost all the girls here have been with him for many days. Although he still can't bear to part with him, there is no way. Lin Xuan still has business to do, they also have business to do, and they also have to practice.

Lin Xuan soon arrived in Tiandu.

At the airport, Ling Ying and Han Chuxue were waiting for Lin Xuan.

"Oh my two big darlings, they miss me so much."

Lin Xuan smiled and opened his arms, trying to pull their two darlings into his arms, but they easily dodged him.

"Stinking rogue."

Ling Ying glared at Lin Xuan.

"No matter how stinky you are, don't you still have to come into my arms?"

Lin Xuan pulled her into his arms.


A dry cough sounded, and Lin Xuan looked over.

There are some men standing over there.

"Yo, are they?"

Lin Xuan said.

"Hello, we are Ling Ying, Chu Xue's friend, and I am Wang Jian."

Wang Jian stretched out his hand to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan also shook his hand politely.


Several other people also came over and shook hands with Lin Xuan politely.

"No, I'm curious. My girlfriends came to pick me up. What are you doing here?"

Lin Xuan looked at them and asked.

"Oh, that's it. We are members of the Qianlong Army. When we heard that Master Lin was coming, we came here specifically to greet him."

"Hidden Dragon Army?"

Lin Xuan looked confused.

"This is the team you want to lead."

Ling Ying said.

"Huh? You all know? I'm not sure yet. I haven't decided yet. I just want to take a look."

"This is no secret in the industry. You will know many details by then."

That Wang Jian said.

"Okay, thank you very much, but I plan to get along with my girlfriend first, so I won't keep you company for now!"

Lin Xuan then left with Ling Ying and Han Chuxue!

It can be seen that these people who came here are very proud in nature and do not take Lin Xuan seriously.

Maybe they have heard of some of Lin Xuan's deeds, but they think that with this ability, what qualifications do they have to lead them? It's so ridiculous!

In addition to their strong strength, almost all of them come from famous families. They have their own arrogance and they do not accept the leadership of such people who are even younger than them.

I came here just to take a look.

But in fact, it is impossible for them to be convinced.

"Who is this Lin Xuan? How dare he openly have several girlfriends?"

Wang Jian frowned!

"Yes, and it's them..."

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