Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 2036: Killing 4 parties

Chapter 77: Massacre in all directions

Very terrifying space forces blocked them.


They all gulped.

Behind him, the power that burst out from Lin Xuan was so strong that they could not imagine it!

This is definitely the power to completely crush them!

Let’s not talk about the power of Lin Xuan. Even a ten-star Tiandao realm can crush them, because the highest among them is only a nine-star Tiandao realm, which is the strong man from the undead tribe. .

As for the nine stars in the Heavenly Dao Realm and the ten stars in the Heavenly Dao Realm, that is a huge chasm.

What's more, at this moment, Lin Xuan's burst of power from the Ten Heavenly Realm Stars is not just a simple Ten Heavenly Realm Stars! Very scary.

"I am an undead member, you can't kill me!"

The undead strongman just finished saying this...


Then he heard a scream!

His arm was cut off directly by Lin Xuan.

Although they are undead and can grow back after being chopped off, the pain will still hurt.


Lin Xuan's target of attack directly shifted from the old man to someone else!

"Space blockade!"

Lin Xuan releases the powerful power of space!

In itself, Lin Xuan's space is invincible!

One hundred percent purity, one hundred percent proficiency, and at the same time, Lin Xuan's realm crushes them, and his power completely crushes them. Such a space blockade, even if they attack frantically, they cannot break through in a short time!

What is the situation of space blockade under normal circumstances?

In the case of the same realm, if the normal combat power is about the same, the space blockade can be quickly destroyed. Normally, if the warrior realm of a space attribute is one star higher than yours, you can also solve the space power belt in a short time. Comes troubled.

I just want to say that space is also a limitation effect. When the strong are fighting, in fact, 0. seconds can sometimes turn the tide of the battle.

"Actually, there is really no need for you to spend so much energy dealing with me. There is really no need. I don't understand why."

Lin Xuan walked towards them slowly.

Lin Xuan's current space blockade has reached a level that they cannot break through even if they try very hard!

That’s right!

At this moment, they were trying their best to attack here, but their attacks couldn't be broken. They could only watch Lin Xuan approach them.

And of course the arms of that strong undead man have grown!

His first reaction was to abandon everyone and run away into the distance.


His body hit an invisible space blockade.

Lin Xuan didn't even look at him or care about him.

Because Lin Xuan knew that there was no need to worry about him at all.

Lin Xuan wanted to deal with everyone here before going to deal with the strong undead man specifically.


The old man turned his head in horror, watching Lin Xuan's figure slaughtering the people he brought.

"Why does he have the power of the evil god! Why!"

The old man looked at this scene in horror!

This is a total crushing!

Even Lin Xuan didn't need to use any more strength to kill those people easily, including him!

For the first time in his life, the undead old man had such a feeling of panic!

Especially when his realm reaches the Nine Stars of Heavenly Dao Realm, he has nothing to fear.

Because even if you are fighting against the ten stars in the Heavenly Dao Realm,

There's nothing wrong with him wanting to run, right? Especially since he is an undead, it is actually quite difficult to die!

And the power that can kill him is nothing more than this! This kind of power surpasses the ten stars in the Heavenly Dao Realm! Although it is still the Ten Stars of Heavenly Dao Realm, the difference is not the slightest bit!

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, but after they were killed, their souls still existed!

In fact, this soul is immortal, and people are not dead. They can possess someone's body and take away their body, and they can even reshape their body!

So when facing the Heavenly Dao Realm, or even the Taixu Realm, after killing them, you have to kill their souls together! This is the true meaning of killing a person.

After Lin Xuan killed them, he absorbed their souls.

For souls in the realm of heaven, that is definitely a great tonic!

And Lin Xuan just needs soul power very much! Things like the Law of Creation do require a lot of soul power.

Then Lin Xuan looked at the undead old man.

His pupils shrank violently!

During this period of time just now, he had been trying hard to break through this space blockade and run away, but he had not been able to do it for so long!

He is desperate!

"Lin Xuan..."

He swallowed and looked at Lin Xuan.

"I don't understand. Why do you want to deal with me? Such a big battle, including this attack on the human race, is it because of me?"

Lin Xuan also wants to understand!

Why did this demon tribe fail, even though their previous attack was stronger than this one? And even though they failed, they still chose this method to attack the human race. It was completely unnecessary!

So at that time, whether it was Murong Feng or whoever it was, they thought of many possibilities, but they just didn't expect that the demon clan would repeat the same mistakes and use such a method.

So now, Lin Xuan knows!

But Lin Xuan is puzzled again!



The old man nodded.

In fact, when he reaches this state, he doesn’t want to die anymore!

He still has a lot of life left, and he still wants to reach the ten stars of the heavenly realm. After reaching the ten stars of the heavenly realm, he still fantasizes about whether he has the opportunity to touch a higher realm.

"So why? Am I so important?"

Lin Xuan stared at him.

"For the human race, you are a very special figure, similar to the image of the leader of the three major forces. If you are killed and your body is brought to the human race, it will definitely hit you. The morale of the human race.”

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

"You think too highly of me."


"What if you kill me and bring me in front of the human race, so that the human race sees it, and it inspires their fighting spirit? What if all of them become angry and fight you, the demon race?"

The old man didn't speak.

In fact, it is possible, but the powerful leaders of the human race can use such things to achieve better results!

"never mind."

Lin Xuan looked at him.

"The undead are not enemies of the human race. Why do they have to deal with the human race as soon as the undead come out?"

Lin Xuan looked at him.

The old man didn't speak.

"The human race can give you whatever you want, including if you become friends with the human race, you can also go to Lin'an City. I welcome you. Lin'an City is mine, and now, one thing I am sure of is that the demon race will not Maybe take down Lin'an City, because our human race is not as simple as you think. Go back! I won't kill you! After all, we don't have to be enemies."

Lin Xuan removed the space and left, leaving the old man standing there.

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