Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 815 Not the favorite

Anyway, in Xiao Runing's eyes, Lin Xuan is just a pervert. He doesn't have anything particularly good at picking up girls, but girls are stupidly getting into his arms. This is really magical.

Even she...

She was taken advantage of by Lin Xuan countless times, and her first kiss was gone. Then she was still not angry, and she even always thought about that bad guy when she was alone. This was strange, so Xiao Ruhan always told herself that it was because of Lin Xuan. Xuan saved her, otherwise others would have killed him long ago.

If Lin Xuan knew about it, he would definitely cry out that he was wronged. He is not a pervert, he is just a philanderer. Bah, that is called fraternity. Shouldn't it be commendable for a man to have a philanthropic mind?

Xiao Runing then curiously approached Xiao Xinyue and looked at her mobile phone.

When the phone rang, it displayed a message from Lin Xuan.

"Are you free? Come out for a meal and I'll see you if I need anything."

Xiao Xinyue was slightly startled.

She has a good impression of Lin Xuan, maybe because Lin Xuan saved her, or maybe because after getting along with him, she feels that although this person is troublesome, he seems to be a good person, especially compared with her boyfriend, father-in-law Sun Jun, she feels that they Except for some differences in attributes and strength, Gongsun Jun is not inferior to Lin Xuan normally, but for no reason he doesn't like Gongsun Jun, and even becomes more and more disgusted with him. It's a woman's intuition, feeling that this person is not very good, but a The flirtatious Lin Xuan just felt good, but she didn't understand. Another thing was that Lin Xuan could easily defeat her.

This woman is proud. She can allow others to defeat her, but she must fight back, just like Han Chuxue, except that Han Chuxue has nothing to fight for now. Lin Xuan defeated her easily, so she will remember it more deeply.

"Look, what I said is that a man is looking for a woman to go out to eat. It's already afternoon now. It's probably evening when we eat. He must have bad intentions. This guy must be attracted to you. It doesn't matter whether you have a boyfriend or not. Anyway, Just want to pick you up."

Xiao Runing pointed at the phone and said with a reasonable look.

I don't know why, when Xiao Runing said these words, Xiao Xinyue felt a hint of joy in her heart. Maybe she didn't even notice it.

But this is what Xiao Runing said, and this is not necessarily true. Although she does know that Lin Xuan seems to be very carefree, and there are many things about him in the academy, but what if something really happens to him?

But thinking about it, I shouldn’t go to her if something happens.

"Maybe something happened." Xiao Xinyue said.

"Then you can ask again."

She nodded and replied to Lin Xuan.

"What's matter?"

Then the phone rang again.

"It's such a big deal. I want to talk to you when I go out to eat. It's hard to talk on the phone."

"Na na na."

When Xiao Runing saw Lin Xuan's news, she looked like she had seen through everything.

"Did you see? He desperately wants you to go out. Are you familiar with him? Is there anything particularly important you two can talk about?"

Xiao Xinyue shook her head.

She is not familiar with Lin Xuan.

"That's right. You're not familiar with him. What important topics can he talk to you about? His focus is not on talking to you, but on asking you out and deliberately saying that he has something very important to talk to you about. , in fact, I just want to ask you out."

Xiao Runing said with a very reasonable look, and Xiao Xinyue believed it.

Indeed, Xiao Runing's understanding of Lin Xuan, a gangster, was correct.

"How to do that?"

Xiao Xinyue had no idea. It seemed that her sister had a good relationship with Lin Xuan. Although she was talking bad about him, there was no such disgusting expression on her face.

"Let him come here."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

"rest assured!"

The corners of Xiao Runing's mouth slightly raised, very pretty, and then she said: "I won't leave here. If you ask him to come to your home, he will definitely be more excited than asking you out, and then he suddenly sees me... …”

Xiao Runing showed a wicked smile.

It's a secret that she and Xiao Xinyue are sisters.

No one knows, but it's not something that must be hidden. It's okay to let Lin Xuan and his friends know.

"forget it."

Xiao Xinyue shook her head slightly.

Her home is a very private place for her. She doesn't have many friends, but her home is very warm. The only person who has been to her home is Xiao Runing. Even if Gongsun Jun sent her back several times, he never came up. Chance.

"Let him come. Do you still want to go out with him?"

Xiao Runing said.

"Oh well."

Xiao Xinyue then replied to Lin Xuan and asked him to come to her home.

Lin Xuan was stunned for a moment when he saw Xiao Xinyue's reply. Damn it, he was just allowed to go to her home?

How about giving him some preparation?


Of course Lin Xuan is very willing.

Then Xiao Xinyue sent Lin Xuan another address.

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose and replied: "Well, isn't it inconvenient?"

Xiao Runing couldn't help but smile when she saw Lin Xuan's reply and said, "Look, this is a man. He deliberately seems to want to refuse, but actually he is happy in his heart. Let him come."

Xiao Xinyue then replied: "I'm cooking at home and don't want to go out."

Xiao Runing saw it and said helplessly: "Then don't we still have to cook?"

"It's almost dinner time." Xiao Xinyue said lightly.

"Okay, then let your favorite sister cook dinner for you and that bastard."


Xiao Xinyue shook her head.

"What's not?"

"Not my favorite."

Xiao Runing: "..."


"Yes, the one you love most is your boyfriend, hey."

Xiao Runing then sighed and walked to the kitchen.

Gongsun Jun?

Xiao Xinyue shook her head slightly.

Anyway, when she heard Xiao Runing say this, she didn't want to admit it or say anything more, because she knew in her heart that she had no feelings for Gongsun Jun at all. Although it felt good to get along with her, she didn't have the legendary love. She didn't quite understand the happy situation. She was also telling herself that it was because the time we got together was too short, and it was because of her personality that things would get better in the future.

She has never been in love and doesn't know much about relationships. She really doesn't understand anything. She tried to hold hands with Gongsun Jun when they went out, and she did it, but it was really awkward and she didn't like it. Besides, there were more than one person. It's been over a month, and they haven't made any progress. Although Gongsun Jun wanted to kiss her many times, he couldn't do it! Gongsun Jun feels uncomfortable too! It's been more than a month, and I haven't even kissed him on the lips or touched his face. It's so silly!

But he is patient, he can play slowly, and during this period he can casually find other women to have fun with.

Then Xiao Xinyue also walked to the kitchen and helped Xiao Runing.

Lin Xuan excitedly took a taxi to Xiao Xinyue's residence and arrived.

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