Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 824 Lying again

Xiao Xinyue and Lin Xuan were walking on the road like this. When she heard Lin Xuan's words, she looked at him again.

"I told you, I'm not interested."

"But you also said that anything is fine."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Wow! He had just left a scumbag, so why did he meet a shameless person again?

But yes, she did say that just now.

Xiao Xinyue was silent for a while.

"You have a girlfriend." Xiao Xinyue said helplessly.

Are all men like this?

"Actually not."

Lin Xuan shook his head and said.

Xiao Xinyue frowned slightly and looked at Lin Xuan.

"Ding... deceive the young lady, the male god value will be +100000."

Lin Xuan then said: "Actually, just ask your sister. Ling Ying, Lu Yufan, and Ye Yiyi and I have known each other for a long time. We were all classmates of Teacher Xiao when we were in Tianhua City, so what do you mean? What you see me hugging and hugging is actually all acting.”

"Ding...what you did is a scumbag's approach, and the male god value is +200,000."

Saying that he doesn't have a girlfriend even though he has one is indeed a scumbag behavior, Lin Xuan admitted!

Because Lin Xuan knew that if he let her know that he had a girlfriend before he even pursued her, it would be almost impossible to pursue her. Even if she ended up having a crush on him, it would be useless. She must not be able to cope with it in her heart, but she will find out later when she falls in love first, then maybe it will be different at that time!

Lin Xuan also sighed, what a scumbag.

"Why act?"

Xiao Xinyue was puzzled when she heard Lin Xuan's words. Of course she was also surprised, but if she thought about it carefully, those girls were all outstanding, beautiful, and had good family backgrounds. How could they be willing to share What about a man? Is it even known to the world?

"Lu Yufan, Ye Yiyi and Wang Xintong... purely because we are good friends and they don't care about their reputation, they simply asked me to do a favor and put on a show to let others know that they all have boyfriends. It's the legendary shield! As for Ling Ying, someone made a bet with me. The bet was five million in cash. They bet on whether I could catch her within three days. Then I discussed it with Ling Ying and divided it between her and her. Half of it, wouldn’t it be a fool if you didn’t make free money?”

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Why does Xiao Xinyue just don't believe it? She felt that the way those girls looked at him was not the way they looked at a friend. She was a girl and she might understand better, but she had never really fallen in love with someone. She didn't know if the way they looked at Lin Xuan was true. like.


"Damn it! It's true. Otherwise, do you think I can still catch Ling Ying in three days after I hugged her? Do you think she is the kind of girl who can be beaten with money?"

"Ding... deceive the young lady, the male god value will be +300000."

"All right."

Xiao Xinyue nodded, then her beautiful eyes saw a place selling milk tea on the street, and then walked over.

"Boss, pudding milk tea, add more pearls." Then she looked at Lin Xuan and asked, "What are you drinking?"

"same as you."

"Two drinks."

Lin Xuan then continued: "But you must not tell anyone."


"So, can we try to fall in love now?"

Lin Xuan then asked with a smile.

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Why are you here again?


"Wow, wow, wow, you really don't mean what you say! I've seen through you."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

"Be careful yourself during this period, Gongsun Jun will definitely try his best to kill you." Xiao Xinyue was too lazy to continue this topic with Lin Xuan, and then reminded Lin Xuan.

"Am I afraid of him because of my spatial attributes? On the other hand, you, although he won't kill you, he will definitely do something to you, because he has already broken up with you, and he doesn't need to hide anything anymore.

"Lin Xuan reminded.

"Just take care of yourself."

Xiao Xinyue took the milk tea, then handed Lin Xuan a cup and said.

"Are you concerned about me?"

Lin Xuan took the milk tea and said with a smile.


Lin Xuan: "..."

"Please say it again with your conscience in mind."


"Then can I touch your conscience and listen to it?"

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

There is a very strange feeling. She obviously hates this kind of person who talks nonsense and acts like a gangster, but why doesn't Lin Xuan hate her when he acts like a gangster? It's not that annoying at all.

She thought about it, maybe it was because Lin Xuan saved her and helped her, which was of great help to her.

"go home."

Xiao Xinyue said with a slight sigh.

"Hey, you haven't replied to me yet, let's try talking about it?"

Lin Xuan grinned at her.

"you like me?"

Xiao Xinyue asked.


Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose, then nodded: "I like it, you are so beautiful, any man will like you, right? If I didn't like you, I would help you when I have nothing to do, and then I would get angry? Isn't that a fool? I was also I don’t know that you are Teacher Xiao’s sister. My previous contact with you was only in the Holy Dragon Flame Cave, and I didn’t have much contact in the Holy Dragon Flame Cave. Why should I help you, right? That’s because? like."

"Let's talk about it later."

When Xiao Xinyue heard Lin Xuan's words, she didn't know whether to believe it or not. Xiao Runing said that he was a big gangster and very bad, but Xiao Runing had a good relationship with him. This was strange, and she I also have a slight fondness for him, which is also strange.

" don't want to be my girlfriend first. Of course, I don't think I'm very attractive. Let's try it first and go out to eat, drink and have fun as friends. If you like this feeling, I'll I will tell you whether I agree or not. It is equivalent to giving me a chance to pursue you. This is your compensation for me, okay?"

Lin Xuan found this trick very useful and asked the girl to give him a chance to pursue her. He even took advantage of Linglong Xue at that time. He believed that he could take advantage of this girl and cultivate more feelings.

Xiao Xinyue felt that what Lin Xuan said was quite sincere, and she was just eating, drinking and having fun with him. She didn't do anything else. As for whether Lin Xuan liked her or not, she was not sure, so she kept her doubts and didn't care.

"I will repay you. As for what you said, I think it is normal for friends." Xiao Xinyue said slightly, and then sipped the milk tea.

Lin Xuan was delighted.

Her words have made it very clear that she regards Lin Xuan as a friend. It is normal for friends to go out and play together, and she will agree to it when she has time.

"Then let's go out and watch a movie tonight?" Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

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