Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 826 Just come in and give me a hug

Xiao Xinyue then asked: "Anyway, he is a very good person, right?"

Xiao Runing nodded: "Yes, he is very good, very reliable, and values ​​​​love and righteousness. Aren't there fewer and fewer such people in this world now? And...he also saved my life. "

Xiao Xinyue frowned and then looked at Xiao Runing.

Never heard her talk about it.

Xiao Runing smiled and said: "There was an accident during the previous training at Tianhua Academy. He used space power to rescue everyone, including me, but his spiritual power was not enough, and he was left alone in the end." There, luckily I survived."

Xiao Xinyue showed a surprised expression.

In such an era, a student at that time was willing to save everyone else and put himself in a desperate situation where he would die?

For such a person, no wonder he can make Xiao Runing have such a good relationship with him and have so many beautiful girls around him. As a girl, she knows very well that as long as she is not the kind of Neptune, a relatively pure and self-loving girl, Who doesn't like this kind of sincere guy? With this approach, for example, if a boyfriend and girlfriend go out together, as a girl, you don't have to worry about whether this person is the kind of person who will leave you alone and run away when in danger, and you feel very safe.

"Did he say anything to you?" Xiao Runing then asked doubtfully.

Xiao Xinyue then shook her head.

"No, I didn't say anything. I just thought it was surprising that he didn't even worry about being hated by the Gongsun family."

"Yeah, you don't know him very well, why would he help you like this? It's not necessary, could it be..."

Xiao Runing suddenly thought of something, and then looked at Xiao Xinyue.

"Is he going to attack you?"

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

It seems like this.

"Let me tell you, this man is very sexy. Although he is worthy of trust, there are too many girls around him. Some of them even like him. I know that, but I don't know whether they are boyfriend or girlfriend. I don’t know, you should think about this carefully, I don’t care about you.”

"I see."

In the hospital, Gongsun Jun had just been pushed out.

His arm has been reattached, but even if it is reattached, it will not affect normal life in the future and he can move freely, but obviously it cannot be too burdensome. I am afraid that this right hand cannot be used too hard when fighting in the future, and it must not be used with him. When the opponent punches, the right hand may not even be able to hold the sword because it is fragile.

This obviously had a great impact on his combat effectiveness.

He has been lying in the hospital for at least a month, and this still requires water warriors to heal him regularly.

"Jun' Jun'er!!"

In the ward, a beautiful woman held Gongsun Jun's hand and cried extremely sadly.

No matter how you are a person, you are a mother after all. Of course, as a mother, your son has become like this. As a mother, you are very sad and heartbroken.

Gongsun Hao stood beside the bed feeling sad, but of course, he was more angry.

This was not only hurting his son, but also slapping him in the face of Gongsun Hao and the face of the majestic leader of the White Tiger Hall of the Shura Hall.

To put it simply, in Lin'an City, apart from the three major forces, no one who is rich or powerful can compare to him, Gongsun Hao! Then Liao Zhian is under him

"Mother, father... you must avenge me."

Gongsun Jun was lying on the bed, his eyes full of anger and pain.

"Husband, husband, kill them, you must kill them!"

Gongsun Jun's mother then cried and held Gongsun Hao's hand.

"rest assured!"

Gongsun Hao patted her shoulder to comfort her, and then said to Gongsun Jun: "I will definitely kill Lin Xuan for you. If you provoke me, Gongsun Jun, he will destroy himself!"

Gongsun Hao said with a sinister expression.

"Thank you, father. Father, you must not kill that Xiao Xinyue. I will make it impossible for her to live or die!"

At this moment, Lin Xuan and the three of them were gathered around the dining table.

I poured some red wine, and the home was very warm. The characters "Fu" were posted early, and there were all kinds of beautiful flowers. In short, the whole home was very beautiful, but it was a little empty. After all, there were few people, but on the day of the New Year It will be lively. Murong Qing, Linglong Xue, Bing Lingyue and Linglong Yue will all come together to celebrate the New Year. However, it is also a bit hard for Lin Xuan. Although the New Year is happy, it will be painful after the New Year. Because he had to go to Tiandu to welcome the "whipping" of the Ling family and the Han family.

So he is enjoying this happy time now.

However, Lin Xuan thought about it and felt that it would be no problem to bring Linglong Yue there by then. He said that he would take her to see big events and take her to the most prosperous city to eat more delicious food. Then she would be in the Tianzun realm. The girl's protection should be no problem, right?

Although he is their boyfriend, what is the problem? Their mothers are basically fine, but the most difficult thing is their fathers!

For a father, his daughter is really the most precious. Naturally, he has to face the test from his father, and there are also a group of pretentious young masters in Tiandu. Lin Xuan is already ready to face the storm. 's ready.

"I have to say your skills are pretty good."

Lin Xuan took a bite of the food and then praised Murong Qing.

"Nonsense, you think I don't know how to cook? I am alone every day. Although most of the time I am helped by others, there is still more boring time. I usually like to cook alone and finish the meal. Sometimes two hours pass."

To be honest, it's a bit sad.

"Then you can come here if you have nothing to do. Xiaoxuan and I happen to be very boring at ordinary times, so it would be more lively when there are more people." Lin Ya said to Murong Qing.

"Okay, I'm happy to do it anyway, but I don't know if someone is welcome or not."

Murong Qing looked at Lin Xuan with a smile.

"Welcome, of course you are welcome, do you see it?" Lin Xuan then pointed to his room.

"What did you see?" Murong Qing was stunned.

"That's my room. I don't mind staying there at night and squeezing in with you when you come."

Murong Qing: "..."

Lin Ya: "..."

"Xiao Xuan."

Lin Ya said to Lin Xuan somewhat reproachfully.

In her eyes, Murong Qing should be regarded as Lin Xuan's sister. Murong Qing is also Lin Ya's sister, and she obviously doesn't feel good about Lin Xuan teasing her like this.

"It's okay, it's okay." Murong Qing smiled and said, "Being able to joke like this proves that we all get along well."

Lin Ya nodded slightly: "As long as you don't mind, Xiaoxuan doesn't have any other intentions, that's just how he is."

"I know."

Lin Xuan scratched his head.

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