Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 834 Is it natural now?

Lin Xuan's words stunned Xiao Runing for a moment.

yes! They have to really act like a couple.

Then she let go of Lin Xuan's hand.

"That's right. It's not just about being in bed. The details determine success or failure. Then you may have to watch TV, chat, and go shopping with your uncle and aunt. What if I don't hold your hand while you go shopping? What if? If you want to be held, you are resisting subconsciously. This subconsciousness is very dangerous. If your uncle and aunt happen to see it, does that mean you have failed? "

Lin Xuan then explained.

"I see."

Xiao Runing felt a little aggrieved.

Why do you feel like you are begging Lin Xuan to take advantage of you?

Oh my god.


Then Lin Xuan smacked her pink cheeks.


Xiao Runing gritted her silver teeth and glared at Lin Xuan.

"Look, you're not good again, are you?"

Xiao Runing: "..."

Ah ah ah ah ah! !

"Go and take a shower!" Xiao Runing said helplessly.

"Put the water on for me, get me a towel, pajamas, etc."

Xiao Runing: "..."

"You can't even put the water in? Put it in yourself!"

Xiao Runing glared at Lin Xuan.

"Look at you, these are all details. After I go to your house, you need to adapt to many things, such as helping me serve food, helping me pick up vegetables, and helping me put the bath water. Of course it’s not necessarily what my girlfriend wants to do, but only these small details can reflect our love. Details determine success or failure. I believe my uncle and aunt will pay attention to these details. "

After hearing this, Xiao Runing felt that it really made sense.

"I see."

Xiao Runing then went to the bathroom to help Lin Xuan fill the water, and then personally brought the slippers in front of him.

"You go take a shower."

"That's right."

Lin Xuan grinned, then hummed a little tune and went to the bathroom.


Xiao Runing clenched her pink fist.

Really, it’s so annoying, he’s just a stinker, he’s just a bastard!

"Forget it, just take some losses. Just get your parents over safely, and..." Xiao Runing's pretty face blushed slightly.

It's not like we haven't been intimate before. Anyway, there was a first time, a second time, and not less than a third time.

Lin Xuan took a bath comfortably and put on the pajamas Xiao Runing brought for him. Then he hummed a little tune and happily opened Xiao Runing's bedroom door and walked in.

Xiao Runing wrapped herself up tightly while Lin Xuan was taking a shower. Winter pajamas were thicker, so she wore two!

Lin Xuan: "..."

Lin Xuan felt unhappy when he saw this scene! Holy shit!

But Lin Xuan calmly threw himself on the bed.

"You won't wash it?"

"I just washed it this afternoon." Xiao Runing spread a quilt for Lin Xuan.


"One quilt per person." Xiao Runing said.


Lin Xuan said helplessly: "Are we going to have a quilt each when we go to your house?"

Xiao Runing: "..."

"The reason I'm staying here is to rehearse in advance so that you can get used to it. If you say this, what's the point of my staying?"

Xiao Runing; "..."

Damn it! Involved?

I really want to chop him to death.

But what Lin Xuan said does make sense. Will everyone have to have a quilt when going to her house? You definitely can’t ask for it!

"Oh well."

Xiao Runing sighed helplessly, then pointed at Lin Xuan and reminded: "But you can't touch me!"

"I know, I've said it several times."

Lin Xuan then got in happily.

Xiao Runing turned off the light and slowly moved to the bed.

I never thought that one day I would be with a man, no, no, no, with a man who is not my boyfriend...

Fortunately, I wore very thick clothes.

Very strict.

"Come in."

Lin Xuan patted it.


Xiao Runing puffed her little mouth, and then slowly got in. Only halfway through, Lin Xuan hugged her into his arms, and Xiao Runing's whole body trembled.

"Don't be nervous. Get used to it slowly. I'll just hold you there and won't move you. Once you get used to it, it'll be fine."

Lin Xuan whispered in her ear.


Xiao Runing's whole body was tense.

"Hey, don't be so tight. Be more natural. It won't be natural at all when your parents see you. Is that okay?"

"I also want to be natural."

Xiao Runing was about to cry.

How is this natural?

"Then let me help you!"

Xiao Runing was stunned for a moment and glanced at Lin Xuan in the dark. Can she still help with this kind of thing?

The next second her beautiful eyes widened.


Xiao Runing subconsciously slapped Lin Xuan.

This bastard... raped her again!

However, Lin Xuan was very strong and she couldn't break free, just like the previous time.

Ten minutes later, Lin Xuan let go of her.


Xiao Runing cursed.

"Is it natural now?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.

Xiao Runing was stunned for a moment.

Holy shit!

Not to mention, nature is much better.

"Go to sleep."

Of course, Lin Xuan couldn't do anything more excessively. Although Xiao Runing was really cheating just now, if Lin Xuan had been tougher, he might have been able to deal with her that night, but he didn't want to, so he held back. .

This is enough, but it may be bad to go further.

Lin Xuan then looked at Xiao Runing like this, and the two of them closed their eyes.

Xiao Runing's heart was very, very uneasy.

Because she was very aware of her state just now, and even at that time she had a kind of citrus that seemed to cater to whatever Lin Xuan did to her. On the contrary, Lin Xuan felt a little disappointed after he let go of her!

Oh my God!

Is she a bad woman?

Early the next morning, Lin Xuan opened his eyes before Xiao Runing and looked at Xiao Runing who was like a kitten in his arms. Lin Xuan couldn't help but smile.

In fact, she is quite cute.

And their relationship has definitely taken a step further!

As if she felt Lin Xuan's movement, Xiao Runing's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was Lin Xuan looking at her with a smile on his face.


Her little face suddenly turned red.

Then Xiao Runing quickly pushed Lin Xuan away, looked out the window, and then looked at the phone.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

The next second, Xiao Runing jumped up.

"Go quickly, go quickly!"

Xiao Runing pushed Lin Xuan.

"Hey, hey, you can't be like this. You killed me last night and then drove me away like this?"

"No, it's almost eight o'clock. Xinyue and I left at nine o'clock. She is probably coming!"

Lin Xuan: "..."

As luck would have it, just when Xiao Runing finished saying this, her cell phone rang.


Xiao Runing then answered the phone.

"What? Are you at the door?"

:. :

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