Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 836 Conspiracy

Xiao Runing scratched her hair and quickly put down her phone.

"Go quickly, go quickly!"

"How to go? Everyone is at the door."

"Don't you have space attributes? Hurry up! If Xinyue sees you, you'll be in trouble. It's hard to explain!"

Lin Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "Anyway, she will know when I go to your house. Now it's just telling her to act, so it doesn't matter."

"No! Let's go!"

"Okay, okay, hey, heartless woman!"

Lin Xuan sighed and put on the slippers next to him, and disappeared from the spot.

When Lin Xuan appeared outside the community, he suddenly took a look.

Holy shit!

He forgot to change his clothes! I didn’t even change my shoes!

Can you still go up now? Definitely not, Xiao Runing is probably opening the door.

That can only be like this. Although wearing pajamas and slippers in winter is quite popular, fortunately, these pajamas are not pink. At first glance, they thought they were girls' pajamas. Then Lin Xuan found Ren Shao He struggled to return home. With his space power, he could probably return home. After all, it was not very far away. However, although his proficiency was full, there was still something missing. He was not sure whether he could accurately locate the location. When I get home, it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s nothing anyway.

Xiao Runing on the other side opened the door. Xiao Xinyue was wearing beautiful clothes and a khaki coat. She was beautiful anyway. After all, she was going home, so she must be dressed as beautifully as if she were going on a date.

"Just got up?"

Xiao Xinyue saw Xiao Runing still wearing pajamas.

"Yeah, I just got up. It's okay. I'll tidy up. Half an hour is enough to get to Xingyun Station. You can sit there as you like, and I won't pour you water. I'll go change clothes."

Xiao Xinyue nodded and sat on the sofa.

The next moment she frowned because there was a coat on the sofa! It's obviously a men's jacket.

How could there be boys' clothes in her sister's place?

Then she took a look and it looked familiar!

Isn't this Lin Xuan's clothes?

But it didn't seem to matter. The fact that Lin Xuan's clothes appeared in Xiao Runing's house was because he had been here as a guest and forgot to take them back, so she didn't think much about it.

But maybe out of doubt, she looked at the shoe cabinet at the door. She hadn't noticed it before, but now she suddenly discovered that there was a pair of boys' shoes there!

That belongs to Lin Xuan too!

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Lin Xuan...shouldn't he be here? ’

Xiao Xinyue thought in shock, after all, the shoes are all there, could it be...

Xiao Xinyue looked at Xiao Xinyue's bedroom with the door closed. Could it be that Lin Xuan...


She then walked around and walked to the bathroom, where she saw a complete set of clothes and pants...

Those are all Lin Xuan's! Because they were still together during the day, and that was it!

Stripped off?


Xiao Runing opened the door and saw Xiao Xinyue staring at the clothes on the washing machine.

Her heart suddenly "thumped".

Come on, come on! Forget this! Can't Lin Xuan just put on his clothes and leave?

Lin Xuan would be aggrieved if he knew what she was thinking. You didn't even give me time to get dressed!

"Oh...ahem, that's it. Lin Xuan and I went shopping last night. We are good friends after all. We bought some clothes and so on. Then he came to my place for a meal, but he didn't eat outside. , which made me tired again and made him a meal. He changed into these clothes and directly changed into the newly bought clothes. I don’t need these anymore. It made me forget that he didn’t let him take them with him when he left. threw."

Xiao Runing's reaction was also very quick, and then she packed up Lin Xuan's clothes and threw them into the trash can.


Xiao Xinyue nodded.

"And these shoes, really, if he hadn't helped you and saved my life, I wouldn't have bothered to care about him!"

Xiao Runing threw her shoes into the trash can and smiled bitterly.

"Hurry up and prepare, otherwise you will be late.


Xiao Xinyue didn't say much. She quite believed what Xiao Runing said. Mainly, she didn't think anything could really happen between Xiao Runing and Lin Xuan, because she knew Xiao Runing too well.

It's a pity that she doesn't understand Lin Xuan! Although she has been in contact with Lin Xuan for a while, Lin Xuan's shamelessness has not really shown up to her yet.

Lin Xuan returned home and changed into clothes, and Lin Ya went to work. Today is the last day the company is open this year. It will be a holiday tomorrow, and the Chinese New Year will be the day after tomorrow. However, the factory is only closed on the Chinese New Year day. For many ordinary people, For people, they just want to go home for the New Year's Eve dinner for their families. They also want to make more money, and their salary is tripled during the New Year. If anyone wants to rest more, that's fine, but most of them really just Just rest for a day or two.

Yes, taking a few days off will make hundreds of millions less, but they really don’t lack it, and companionship is more important. For a company that can steadily make a lot of profits, it really doesn’t matter.

Lin Xuan then went out, bought some wine, fruits and other things, and went to Lu Yufan's house.

After the New Year, I won’t have much time to visit, so I’d better pay a visit before the New Year. After all, I have a good relationship with Lu Yufan, including Ye Yiyi. Today I will go to the Lu family and tomorrow to the Ye family.

Lin Xuan had made an agreement with Lu Yufan beforehand, and of course Lu Yufan had made an agreement with her parents.

For Lu Yun and his wife, Lin Xuan is also very important to them. Firstly, Lin Xuan is excellent, and secondly, Lin Xuan saved them! So Lin Xuan said he wanted to come over, and Lu Yun immediately stopped the work of the company at hand.

Lu Yufan's family is also quite wealthy. Even in Lin'an City, the foundation is still there. Lu Yu has opened another company and the momentum is not bad. It is no problem to make 100 million or tens of millions a year. They are too lazy to buy anything. In the villa, we live in a simple three-bedroom apartment.

Dong dong dong——

Lin Xuan knocked on the door, and then Lu Yufan happily ran over and opened the door for him.

"Lin Xuan, you are here."

Lu Yufan was a little shy. This was the first time Lin Xuan came to her home since moving to Lin'an City.

"Xiaoxuan is here, sit down quickly."

Lu Yun and his wife walked over together, and Lu Yun smiled happily when he saw Lin Xuan.

"I didn't say anything in advance, so I bothered you." Lin Xuan smiled.

"What's the trouble? Your Uncle Lu has been mumbling all day long about wanting to have dinner with you. If he wasn't worried that you were busy, he would have visited you and your sister long ago."

Lu Yufan's mother Zhang Ling smiled and took what Lin Xuan brought.

"Then why are you embarrassed..." Lin Xuan scratched his head.

"You guys chat, I'll cook." Zhang Ling walked to the kitchen with a smile.

In the eyes of the couple, it would be great if Lin Xuan could be their son-in-law.

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