Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 839 Beheading

Lu Yufan and Ye Yiyi were doused by the two basins of water and then woke up.

When they first opened their eyes, the two girls were very confused, but when they suddenly saw the scene around them, and then thought about what happened before they fainted, they could probably guess it.

But they suddenly saw Lin Xuan standing in front.

"Lin Xuan!"

When Lin Xuan was in their sight, the panic at that moment disappeared.

Because Lin Xuan is their backbone, they can feel at ease as long as Lin Xuan is here.

Lin Xuan gave them a reassuring look.

"It seems like you are still very happy! I will send you all to hell later to see if you can still be happy!"

The man sneered and looked at Ye Yiyi and Lu Yufan.

Lin Xuan sneered.

"Are you sure that this small number of people can beat me? Also, don't forget what my attributes are!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, those people couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, the only reason he dared to come was because of his spatial attributes!

"Is it a space attribute? Then you should release one and leave here to see! Hahaha!"

Hearing his words, Lin Xuan raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, it is no secret that he has space attributes. Even if he still tries this method, then they have a way to block the surrounding space. He can use the power of space attributes, but he cannot leave a certain area.

At this moment, Lin Xuan could feel the power of space being released, sealing off the surrounding area!

However, Lin Xuan did not see any of the people around him using any power!


Lin Xuan curled his lips.

There must be someone in this dark place! There must be, he is in control of the overall situation, and he also releases the power of this space!

Gongsun Jun?

No, he has no ability anymore, but at least that person is the highest status among these people! He's nearby and he can't run away! Now that the space power is released, it is equivalent to the surrounding area being blocked. Not only is the spatial attribute unable to get out, you simply cannot get out, which is equivalent to isolating this place.


Ordinary space power cannot get out, but the Space Dzi Bead can certainly do so, because it comes from the powerful power of Linglong Snow! Lu Yufan and Ye Yiyi must be safe so that Lin Xuan can do whatever he wants.

Lin Xuan then looked at Ye Yiyi and Lu Yufan, and tapped his wrist.

Lu Yufan and Ye Yiyi immediately understood what Lin Xuan meant.

But they looked at Lin Xuan worriedly, and they saw determination and confidence in Lin Xuan's eyes. After thinking about it, they would only be a burden to Lin Xuan even if they stayed here.

"Lin Xuan, you have to work hard and nothing will happen to you!"

Lu Yufan said worriedly.

"I know, let's go!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Lin Xuan's words stunned everyone around him.

"Go? Hahaha - where to go?"

Those people laughed, but their expressions froze in the next second, because...

Lu Yufan and Ye Yiyi disappeared under their noses!

"What's going on! What's going on!"

They looked around and couldn't see them at all!

The moment Ye Yiyi and Lu Yufan left, Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly changed and became cold.

Liao Zhibang was also stunned. Although he was not on the rooftop, he could hear their words through the headset. Although he couldn't believe it, he knew that Lu Yufan and Ye Yiyi ran away!

In fact, it really doesn't matter that they ran away. Even if the news spread, it was the fault of the Gongsun family. The main one, Lin Xuan, was still here, but how did they run away?

"Now that they have left, then you will welcome death!"

Lin Xuan said viciously!

"Although I don't know how they escaped, you are also the one who died!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Lin Xuan's mouth curled up slightly,

Then he pointed.

"Look at the people around you!"

The man turned around and looked around, his pupils suddenly shrank.

There were more than a dozen people around, and they seemed to have nothing to do. When the man looked over, some of them fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching all over, while a few of the stronger ones covered themselves. chest, brows furrowed, face ugly!

"How can it be!"

The man showed an expression of disbelief, and suddenly his expression changed drastically. He covered his chest and took a few steps back!

"Poison! You use poison!"

He pointed at Lin Xuan and said angrily.

That's right, in fact, Lin Xuan had secretly released the poisonous attribute the moment Lu Yufan and Ye Yiyi left. In such a situation, and because they had no idea about Lin Xuan's poisonous attribute, they were completely unable to prevent it, and then they were already poisoned. Got it!

The poison of four stars in the Law Realm is naturally poisonous to those with eight, seven or even six stars in the Law Realm, but the premise is that they have time and energy to force out the poison. Those with four stars and below in the Law Realm will be poisoned instantly, and these Even if the lives of stronger people are not in danger for the time being, it will have a great impact on their combat effectiveness.

"It's poison!"

Lin Xuan curled his lips.

Lin Xuan rarely used this poison attribute, but it was definitely very effective and caught these people off guard!

"Quick! Don't delay any longer, join forces to kill him!"

The man roared angrily, and a terrifying power erupted from his body, and then followed by the four six-star and seven-star law-realm experts beside him, rushed towards Lin Xuan.

"Exchange the spirit and condense the space!"

Lin Xuan redeemed a 100% increase in mental power. The increase in mental power will definitely be of great help to Lin Xuan in releasing the power of space!

The next moment, the five people who rushed over were instantly gathered together and sealed in the same space!

They can break through this space instantly, but Lin Xuan is faster!

"Xiao Long'er, come and try!"

No matter how Lin Xuan fought, it was absolutely impossible to lose to them who were poisoned, so Lin Xuan took advantage of this moment to see how strong Xiao Longer was.

Xiao Long'er then got out his little head from Lin Xuan's arms, and then stretched out his little hands.


A burst of flame... no, to be precise, it was a pillar of fire blasting towards them.

After the flames hit them, it seemed that they were not blocked and flew directly into the sky. They didn't know how far they would land.

But in front of them, the figures of the five people... were gone!

That's right, they turned into dust! He was instantly killed by Xiao Longer's flame! There seems to be no ash at all! There was no time to scream!

Lin Xuan; "..."

This little dragon's power seems to be much stronger than he imagined! I'm afraid this is at least the power of the realm, right?

She was usually not showy, but this simple release of power was so exaggerated. Lin Xuan underestimated her.

Damn it! His experience is gone!

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