Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 844 Linglong Yue: I can’t stand it anymore!

Linglongxue and the others are not lazy people to begin with, but...

Today is very important. The only one who is dawdling is Linglongxue. Why is she dawdling?

Change clothes!

For the past half hour, she had been hiding in the room changing clothes.

In front of Lin Xuan, she really felt that it didn't matter, but she wanted to see Lin Ya tonight, and she knew that today was the most important festival in human beings every year. I heard that at this time, men and women in love sometimes When she brings her partner home to meet her parents, she wonders if she is also meeting her parents... Then she wants to be in the most perfect state.

She was already beautiful enough, even if she wore ordinary clothes, but she was dissatisfied today no matter how she looked at it, it couldn't be said that she was dissatisfied, she always felt that it could be better.

"Ahh! I can't stand it anymore! I can't stand it anymore!"

Ling Longyue is wearing a white and yellow skirt with white stockings on her legs. She is really beautiful and cute. She is the absolutely charming lolita in the video. Normally it would be cold to wear this kind of clothes on this day, but what kind of state is she in? It's a lie if she's still afraid of the cold. She's been sitting on the sofa doing nothing for a long time! Linglongxue didn't just change clothes for half an hour, and then she went crazy.

She is so beautiful, why do she keep changing her clothes? Is this necessary?

Bing Lingyue was wearing a beautiful light blue dress. To be honest, her dress was extremely grand, as if she was attending a high-end party. In fact, it could be seen that she also cared about it.

Bing Lingyue said with a smile: "After all, Linglong and Lin Xuan are now partners. This is the most important festival for people. It is still at Lin Xuan's home. Lin Xuan's sister is also there. It is normal for Linglong to care."

"Ahhh! It's so slow."

"When you get together with a boy you like, you will visit his home. You will do the same."

Bing Lingyue said with a smile.

"Huh, no way."

Linglongyue wrinkled her little nose cutely.

Then Linglongxue finally walked out of the room.

To be honest, Lin Xuan definitely wanted to knock her down and hit her when he saw her.

It is said that a man relies on his clothes and his horse relies on his saddle. No matter how beautiful a beauty is, wearing ordinary clothes cannot hide her beauty, but if you wear something more beautiful, it will make you shine.

Wearing a pure white pleated party skirt, there is a necklace around her delicate white neck, and she wears earrings on her ears for the first time. It is indescribable... I can really see how much she cares.

"May I?"

Linglongxue came out and asked.

"Anything is fine."

Bing Lingyue said with a smile.

"Well, that's it."

Linglongxue then put on black boots, which looked so charming.

"Phew, it's finally better, it's finally better!"

Linglong Yue said frantically.

"Wait a moment."

Linglongxue suddenly thought of something.

"What's wrong?"

"We are visiting other people's homes, and it is a very grand festival. As guests, we should bring gifts, right?"

Bing Lingyue thought for a while and nodded: "Probably."

"But... what gift should I give? Lin Xuan wants it too, and Lin Xuan's sister Lin Ya definitely needs it too!"

Then Linglong Yue waved her hand, and in front of her were the treasures in her storage ring, all kinds of treasures...

Linglongyue is going to cry! Will this choice... take another half an hour?

"Yue'er, you also choose some gifts for them."


Linglongyue's face dropped.

She just wants to have a big meal, is it that difficult?

The food is ready on the other side, and Lin Ya is driving red wine there. Anyway, tonight is definitely a wild night. She doesn't have to go to work, and it's the Chinese New Year. She can have fun casually, and she's not afraid of getting drunk. Anyway, Lin Xuan is the only man in the house. Drinking Why should I be afraid of Lin Xuan when I'm drunk?

It seems... really scary.

"Damn it! Why don't this little Linglong and the others come?"

Lin Xuan had eaten an unknown amount of snacks. He looked at the time and saw that it had been an hour and a half since she said it was fast.

Although the food is not in a hurry, because even if we come to eat, we have to start at seven o'clock and then eat after the party starts, but... it's too slow!

Then Lin Xuan took out his cell phone and saw that Linglong Yue had sent him a message ten minutes ago.

Help! (crying loudly).

Lin Xuan: "..."

If it was really just to save lives, Lin Xuan would be worried, but with the expression behind her, Lin Xuan knew that it was definitely not dangerous.

Damn, when your life was in danger, you still had time to make a crying emoji from behind?

"What's going on? You haven't come yet?"

Lin Xuan replied.

"We're coming soon. Please treat that woman Ling Longxue!"

Linglongyue reluctantly sent a message to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan; "..."

What happened to Linglong Snow?

That's right, she, Bing Lingyue and the others really spent more than half an hour selecting gifts, and it was already extremely dark outside.

About a minute later, there was a knock on the door outside.

"I'm coming!"

Lin Xuan rushed to the door faster than Lin Ya. As soon as the door opened, Lin Xuan was stunned.


"Welcome, come in, it's cold outside."

Lin Ya and Murong Qing also came over, and then they were also stunned for a moment.


Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

I was really stunned at the first moment. She was already beautiful, and she is even more beautiful today, but...

"Are you going to attend the Spring Festival Gala or what?"

Lin Xuan really laughed and said.


Linglongxue looked at Lin Xuan doubtfully.

"Why are you dressed so grandly? Even though you have to wear new clothes for the New Year, you act like you are going to sing at the Spring Festival Gala. Who can resist this?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Isn't today a very grand day?"

Linglongxue was a little aggrieved.

I put so much effort into dressing up, but Lin Xuan didn't seem very satisfied...

"It's very solemn, but how do you put it? It's not really necessary."

"Oh." Then they walked in.

Lin Ya was also pleasantly surprised. Although they all knew each other, weren't they so beautiful?

"I brought you some gifts."

Linglongxue said.

Lin Ya smiled and said: "This is the Chinese New Year. I'm really happy that you can come. No need..."

Before Lin Ya could finish speaking, Lin Xuan grabbed her directly.

"If you need it, sit down quickly."

Then Lin Xuan put it aside to see what gifts Linglongxue brought them.

Lin Ya: "..."

Murong Qing: "..."

Isn't this guy too promising?

Lin Ya was helpless.

"What, Xiao Linglong, what are these things?"

Lin Xuan asked doubtfully.

Linglongxue sat on the sofa, then stretched out her hand, and the delicate bag in Lin Xuan's hand appeared in her hand. This simple move surprised Lin Ya! Bravo! I had only seen this on TV. Murong Qing was also surprised. She always felt that she was much more powerful.

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