Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 848 Awesome!

After Lin Ya heard the news, she felt a feeling that she couldn't express.

In her heart, Lin Xuan didn't even have a girlfriend, and now that he was nothing more... she felt like he had really grown up.

But actually it doesn't matter if you think about it carefully, after all, he is really good.

And she is Lin Xuan's sister. What is she thinking here? You should be happy.

"Keep going, keep going!"

Lin Xuan said unhappily!

Murong Qing, depends on whether I want to punish you!

Lin Xuanke holds a grudge very much.

Xiao Longer then fiddled with the pointer again, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the pointer again. The pointer slowly slowed down, then stopped, and finally stopped in front of...Murong Qing.

Murong Qing: "..."

Isn't it? so coincidental?

"Retribution! It's all retribution! Hahahaha——"

Lin Xuan laughed.

"Why are you laughing? It's not your turn to ask questions!"

Murong Qing suddenly said something that made Lin Xuan's smile freeze.

Wow! ! He didn’t come up with the question!

"Anyway, when it's my turn, just point at Lin Xuan, the bad guy." Linglongyue is here looking forward to this.

Lin Ya gave Murong Qing a question.

"I choose to tell the truth."

Murong Qing glanced at Lin Xuan sullenly, wanting to tease me? But you can't.

"Little fairy, you can't ask questions that are not interesting at all. You have to ask the same questions she asked me before."

Lin Xuan reminded Lin Ya, because he was afraid that Lin Ya would ask her questions like what brand of clothes do you like, what brand of cosmetics do you like, that would be too boring.

Lin Ya thought about it carefully, and then asked: "Is your first kiss still there?"

After asking, her face turned red, because Lin Ya is a very serious person. Playing such an ambiguous game, you can't say that the game is ambiguous. The main reason is that Murong Qing raised her head in an ambiguous manner, and then inexplicably she was taken inside.

"Then let's talk about what counts as a first kiss." Murong Qing said with a smile.

"It's just that you have never kissed a man."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"No, still there."


Lin Xuan then muttered.

Murong Qing: "..."

Grass mud horse! I really want to fuck him!

"My sister has never had a boyfriend."

Linglong Yue blinked her big eyes and asked.

She had been in the human world for a while, and she knew that many girls must have had boyfriends. Especially this sister, she felt that she should be quite relaxed, but she didn't expect that she had never had a boyfriend.


Murong Qing said helplessly, why is she being "discriminated" even if she doesn't have a boyfriend now?

"Just don't fall into my hands!"

Lin Xuan said fiercely.

"Giggle--then just pray that you don't fall into my hands again."

"Keep going!"

A few more rounds followed, with Linglongxue, Bing Lingyue and Lin Xuan being selected, but they all chose the truth.

"Can not be done."

How could Lin Xuan take advantage of them just by telling the truth? You absolutely cannot play like this.

"What's wrong?"

They had a lot of fun, especially Linglongxue and the others, who had never played before. Everyone gathered here together, listening to the party and the sound of firecrackers outside, eating, drinking and playing games. It was really comfortable.

"Everyone chooses truth or dare. It's not interesting at all. If we don't play a little dare, then the game we play is called truth or dare, not truth or dare." Lin Xuan said.


They pondered slightly and felt that it did make sense!

"Let's do this. No matter who you point to in the next round, it will be a big risk. The next round will be true. The next round will be a big risk. You won't be allowed to choose. How about that?"


They didn't guess Lin Xuan's "conspiracy", and then nodded.

Lin Xuan's mouth curled up slightly,

The next round will be for him to ask questions.

"Xiao Long'er is about to start."

It was quite fun for Xiao Longer to just spin the turntable here and listen to them talk.

The turntable slowly stopped, and finally stopped in front of Linglong Xue.

Linglongxue: "..."

I seem to have some bad luck tonight...

"Tsk tsk tsk, little Linglong."

Lin Xuan showed a wicked smile.

"Come up with a question."

Linglongxue acted very calm, but in reality she was not that calm.

"This round is a big adventure."

Lin Xuan reminded him.

Linglongxue nodded.

Everyone else looked at Lin Xuan curiously, wondering what questions he would ask?

"Kiss me."

Lin Xuan then tapped his cheek and said.

Linglongxue: "..."


Murong Qing couldn't help laughing.

She should have guessed it! This is Lin Xuan, this is this stinky gangster! Sure enough!

Although in this society, it is really okay for a girl to kiss a boy on the cheek when everyone is having fun together. Although she does not want to, Murong Qing feels that this is definitely Lin Xuan's bad behavior from the beginning. A thorough idea.

Linglongxue is so beautiful. She is a woman who feels that she can fall in love with this woman. She is really a perfect woman, and she is also very strong. Especially that kind of temperament cannot be faked. Taking advantage of such a goddess, but Really a pure gangster!

Lin Ya was helpless. Then she glanced at Linglong Xue, then looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Xiao Xuan, isn't it good?"

"Playing games, what's the point? Isn't it just a kiss? It's not a kiss. I think it's nothing!" Then Lin Xuan looked at Linglong Xue and smiled: "Little Linglong, you can't afford it, can you?"

Linglongxue: "..."


But it's really useful. How could she not be able to play the Void Fox?

If this is a man she hates, she may not be able to afford it, but Lin Xuan has had skin-to-skin contact with her many times. A kiss on the face is really nothing, but the only thing is... there are several people around. !

She had been intimate with Lin Xuan many times, but she had never been intimate with Lin Xuan in front of outsiders, not even Linglong Yue and Bing Lingyue. They always behaved coldly, so this was where she was shy.


Linglongxue said.

Bing Lingyue thought it was magical, but thinking about it, it didn't seem to matter, because the two of them were partners.

"Come on then!"

Lin Xuan then moved his face closer.

Linglongxue bit her red lips slightly, and then closed her eyes. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, proving that she was not peaceful inside.

Although they had been intimate many times, this was definitely the first time they took the initiative to kiss Lin Xuan.


Then her cold red lips touched Lin Xuan's cheek. After touching her, she quickly stepped back with a blushing face, and straightened her hair in a panic.


When Murong Qing saw this scene, she secretly gave Lin Xuan a thumbs up.

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