Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 864 Lin Xuan VS Xiao Yun

Xiao Yun then looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Young Master Lin, then I accept the concession."

"Young Master Xiao is so powerful, do you want to give in to me?"

Lin Xuan asked with a smile.


Xiao Yun smiled, and then said: "If it is normal, then I will definitely fight with Young Master Lin with the same strength, but Young Master Lin is also very strong, and it concerns Xiaoying. Even if I am criticized by the world, I No matter what, I won’t stop for my beloved Xiaoying!”

"Little Yingying."

Lin Xuan didn't say anything to him, he just said something to Ling Ying.

Ling Ying then walked over.

"There's going to be a big war soon. Give your husband a kiss to cheer him up."

Then Ling Ying stood up on tiptoes and smacked Lin Xuan's cheek.

"come on."


When Ling Hai saw this scene and pointed at Ling Ying, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

"What happened if I kissed my boyfriend?"

Ling Ying said to Ling Hai very reasonably!

"Come back!"

Ling Hai said angrily, Ling Ying stuck out her pink tongue, then walked to Ling Hai and stood quietly, and then quietly made a cheering gesture for Lin Xuan.

When Xiao Yun saw this scene, he was really... so angry!

The woman he likes kissed another man in front of him. Although he is indeed her boyfriend now, this is the identity they are competing for now, and whoever wins will get engaged directly!

Xiao Yun secretly clenched his fists.

Very angry! Very angry!

But Lin Xuan was very happy, extremely happy.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Yun didn't want to stay here for one more second, he wanted to torture this Lin Xuan, torture him severely!

Then the two walked to the open space.

"Xiao Ying!"

Ling Hai then looked at his daughter angrily.

"Hmph! I don't care. I don't care who wins. Anyway, my daughter is Lin Xuan's girlfriend. She has chosen him. Even if Xiao Yun wins, her daughter will never be engaged to him even if she dies. If my father insists, If he wants to get engaged, let him get engaged with his daughter’s corpse.”

Ling Ying said.

"You girl!"

Ling Hai pointed at him angrily.

Then he shook his hand!

"Let's watch the competition first."

He sighed inwardly.

Yes, if his daughter is really unwilling, can he still let his daughter die?

It's just that Lin Xuan is really not worthy of her!

In fact, Ling Hai also had other thoughts when it came to letting them compete.

Indeed, he had a great hatred for Lin Xuan, and he was most optimistic about Xiao Yun, but for his daughter's happiness, it was good for his daughter to be happy. He made things difficult for Lin Xuan and asked them to compete in martial arts. There was another key point...

That is to see if this Lin Xuan is different from ordinary people!

If he is just powerful in terms of spatial attributes, it is really useless. Only when he shows that he is different from ordinary people can Ling Hai think that he is worthy of his daughter!

After hearing Ling Hai's words, Ling Ying understood in her heart that her father was actually helpless and soft-hearted.

Lin Xuan and Xiao Yun stood in that area.

"Lin Xuan, no wonder Ben is missing. After all, Ling Ying is my favorite woman. For her, I am willing to give up everything, and I must win you! And I will win you in a crushing way!" Xiao Yun tightened his grip. Fist looked at Lin Xuan and said.

"Then you don't know what realm level Master Xiao is?"

"Two stars."

He felt that it was nothing to tell Lin Xuan, even with one star he could absolutely crush him.

Lin Xuan was secretly speechless.

Domain realm two star, which means he has understood the realm basically just after he advanced to the realm realm. No wonder Ling Hai is so optimistic about him. This talent and understanding have already shown how high he can reach in the future.

And he, Lin Xuan, who is five-star in the Law Realm at this age, may surpass most of his peers, but there is indeed a huge gap between him and Xiao Yun!

But he didn't know that it had been less than a year since Lin Xuan really started to level up! He was twenty years too late!

But there is also good news,

He is only two stars! If it's four or five stars, Lin Xuan really doesn't have a chance, but if it's two stars, he has a chance!

Although he has a domain and laws, Lin Xuan also has a lot of things that he doesn't have, things that he doesn't even know about! This is where Lin Xuan relies on! It is indeed impossible to fight and win someone across so many levels in this realm, but for Lin Xuan, it is possible! Although very small! But Lin Xuan believes in himself!

At the same time, this is also the only opportunity to prove in front of Ling Hai that he is stronger than anyone else and worthy of Ling Ying than anyone else!

Xiao Yun then said: "Although not using spiritual weapons will indeed reduce my combat power a lot, the suppression of realm is here. We all have the same spatial attributes. My realm is stronger than yours, and my space power is stronger than yours." It’s so easy to deal with you, just blast through a space and you’ll have no chance!”

After that, he pointed at Lin Xuan, and the space blockade blocked Lin Xuan there, and then the space exploded!

"There is no need to fight at all. Both of them have spatial attributes, and Master Xiao is much stronger than him. With this move, Lin Xuan has no room to resist. The gap in realm lies here!"

Someone next to me said.

Wang Heping looked ahead. He always felt that Lin Xuan would not be defeated so easily. Although Lin Xuan would definitely not be able to defeat Xiao Yun, at least he would not be defeated so directly, right?

Ling Ying looked ahead worriedly.

The gap between their realms is too big. It might be better if they were in the same realm, but they are no longer on the same level.

"If that's the case, then this kid has no merit at all and is not worthy of you at all!"

Ling Hai said something to Ling Ying.

"No, he will definitely not lose so easily!"

Ling Ying said stubbornly that she believed in Lin Xuan.

"Hmph! Both have space attributes, so Xiao Yun is seven levels higher than Lin Xuan, and there is a big realm in the middle. Even if two people use space power against each other, the final result is that Xiao Yun's space can block Lin Xuan at will, and Lin Xuan can block it at will. Xiao Yun can easily break through Xuan’s space!”

"Then why do you let them fight if you know it! This is an unfair competition."

Ling Ying said aggrievedly.

"Then it can only be said that he didn't work hard enough. Then why can Xiao Yun reach the domain level at this age, but Lin Xuan can't? If he has no outstanding points and just relies on this space, this is his certainty and his confidence. Then today I will let him know that he is nothing!"

Ling Hai said angrily.

"The reason Lin Xuan's level is not high is because he only started going to the monster realm half a year ago!"


"It's not that he is lazy, it's that he only obtained the Divine Son System half a year ago!"


Ling Hai frowned and looked at Ling Ying.

"Impossible! The Divine Son System was born with it, how could he only get it half a year ago! If you are partial to him, there is no need to make up such a ridiculous reason!"

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