Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 874 How can he compare to me?

Han Guang and Zhao Yazhi have never spoken. Their purpose is very clear. What their daughter likes is their choice. If they really like it, they will choose to stand by their daughter. However, they did not say anything because they wanted to see how Lin Xuan would deal with this. .

Lin Xuan probably understood what they meant. To be honest, it was much simpler than the Ling family! The Han family is very cultivated, so they can cultivate a lady like Han Chuxue. Of course, it cannot be said that the Ling family is uncultivated, but they have different personalities. One is violent, the other is gentle. Different personalities will lead to different ways of handling many things.

At this time, Lin Xuan smiled and then held Han Chuxue's hand.

Ouyang Jing frowned, but his father's expression didn't change at all!

Can a kid still compete with him? He is the dignified head of the Ouyang family. For this matter, he came here on the second day of the Lunar New Year. His sincerity and intention have been shown here.

"I'm sorry. I'm afraid Young Master Ouyang made a mistake. You said competition, that's no problem, but that was before I pursued Chuxue so that we could compete fairly. And now Chuxue is my girlfriend. You are telling me that you are going to compete, what are your qualifications?”

Lin Xuan said such domineering words with a smile, but the smile was mocking and disdainful, and this scene was actually recognized in the eyes of Han Guang and Zhao Yazhi.

Yes, Chuxue is his girlfriend. Doesn’t it seem wrong for you to pursue a boy’s girlfriend in front of her? Normally not allowed to be beaten to death?

If two people pursue girls together, it is a different concept than if you pursue one person's girlfriend.

A man should behave like a man, even if he is in front of the Ouyang family of the eight major families!

So they are satisfied with this, but this is only from the perspective of Han Chuxue's boyfriend, but if you look at it from a longer perspective, he has provoked the eight major families, he is very dangerous, he is not smart...

Therefore, it is not easy to judge. They can only watch the whole scene before making an evaluation of Lin Xuan.

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, both Ouyang Jing and Ouyang Hao looked ugly!

An unknown boy is actually saying that his son is not qualified?

"Haha, little brother Lin, my Ouyang family is one of the eight major families in Tiandu, so there should be no doubt about our qualifications." Ouyang Hao said with a smile.

"Your eight major families are the eight major families. Your son said in front of me that he wanted to pursue my girlfriend. If the head of the Ouyang family, the eight major families, were not here, I would give you some face, but if you are not here, even if I I know he is from the Ouyang family, but I have already destroyed him, do you believe it?"

Lin Xuan's words were extremely confident.

Han Chuxue's beautiful eyes sparkled as she looked at Lin Xuan.

When a girl follows a boy, money may be one aspect, but more importantly and more importantly, she hopes that the boy can give her a sense of security.

Obviously Lin Xuan did it.

"Your tone is too loud."

"Really? But Master Ouyang, don't you think it's immoral for you to come here to propose marriage even though you know Chuxue has a boyfriend?"

Lin Xuan's momentum was not timid at all.

Han Guang and Zhao Yazhi exchanged a look.

This boy has the momentum and temperament to be able to stand alone. He is not timid at all when facing the heads of the eight major families. There are really too few among young people.

"I think there is no right or wrong in relationships. Yes, it is true that you are Chuxue's boyfriend now, but you are not her husband. I like it. I am willing and dare to express my feelings. I just want to fight for it. I don't want to regret it. For the rest of my life, I think I still have a chance to snatch her back from you. I think I can give her more happiness than you. I would rather admit that what you said is immoral is right! But from my standpoint, I feel that I can give her more happiness than you can. I’m fighting for the person I like, there’s no right or wrong.”

Ouyang Jing also spoke particularly impassionedly.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Lin Xuan then looked at Han Chuxue and asked, "Chuxue, do you have a chance to tell him now?"

Han Chuxue shook her head.

"No, please come back, you two.

Although this is not my home, my uncle said personally that he will not entertain guests today but only me, my future son-in-law. If you still want to, please come back the next day, okay? "

Lin Xuan grinned.

"Master Han!"

When Ouyang Hao saw that his son, including himself, couldn't deal with this kid, although he was very angry, he certainly couldn't show it. He also knew why he couldn't say it, because as he said, he lost from his position.

So he could only talk to Han Guang.

"Master Han, although we adults can't take care of children's affairs, I think adults can still give some opinions. Ling Qianjin does have a boyfriend, but relationships can be cultivated. Jing'er and Chuxue don't have much I think these two children should be nurtured a little bit, what do you think?”

Ouyang Hao looked at Han Guang and said.

Lin Xuan felt contempt in his heart.

Wow! Isn't this person too shameless? Can you say this?

You said that if Han Chuxue was single, then it would be okay and reasonable to say this, but if she has a boyfriend, the meaning is completely different.

Han Guang was also quite confused. Although he did feel that what Ouyang Hao said was unreasonable, he was troubled by more things than he imagined.

"Master Ouyang, Lin Xuan is right. After all, he is Chuxue's boyfriend. If others find out that Chuxue has a boyfriend and is still having relationships with other boys, it will be bad for our Han family and Chuxue's reputation. , and it’s also not good for the child Lin Xuan.”

Ouyang Hao took a sip of tea, and then said lightly: "If our two families can become in-laws, it will be extremely beneficial to the development of our two families. Didn't the Han family regret the 366 project before? If we become In-laws, this project can be done together, and if two of the eight major families become in-laws, it won't take long for our two families to be among the top two of the eight major families. Jing'er will be in charge of the Ouyang family in the future, and Chuxue will naturally be in charge too. The Han family is also a good match. In terms of talent and ability, Jing'er is not inferior to Lin Xuan at all, what do you think?"

The emotional card doesn't work, so he can only play the profit card, and he is sure to win with this profit card.

If it were normal, Lin Xuan would fuck you at all costs, but this is the Han family, and he also has to consider the situation of the Han family. If he really gets into trouble with them directly, then the Han family will lose face! But Lin Xuan endured it so hard!

"Lin Xuan, what do you want to say?"

Han Guang cleverly pointed the finger at Lin Xuan again.

Look at what he means, look at his opinions, look at his actions!

"I want to say that you two please come back. Don't waste your time. Yes, I am indeed not as good as your Ouyang family now, but what I want to say is, is there anything your son Ouyang Jing can compare to me?"

Lin Xuante's domineering words made everyone stunned.

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