Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 876 Crushing gesture

Ouyang Hao frowned.

As the head of the Ouyang family, one of the eight largest families, no one has ever dared to say such a thing in front of him! If it weren't for the fact that this was the Han family, if it wasn't for the fact that Lin Xuan was Han Chuxue's boyfriend and had to take care of the Han family, if it wasn't for his status that prevented him from falling out with a junior, he would not be the calm person he is now. . And... Ouyang Hao, the son of one of the eight great families, was actually said by an unknown boy that he was not as good as him in everything? What a joke.

Although Ouyang Jing is indeed not the top of the eight major families, his brother is, but he is not bad at all!

"Boy, I tolerate you in everything because you are a junior, but you can't be unscrupulous and speak freely just because you are a junior!"

Ouyang Hao stared at Lin Xuan and said.

"No, I'm just seeking truth from facts. Patriarch Ouyang said that your son is better than me in every aspect, so I will refute your point. I said that I am better than him in every aspect. Do you think this is called speaking out? Then why can Patriarch Ouyang say that? , but I can't say it?'s because the Ouyang family is in a high position and looks down on me, a person from a third-tier city, and thinks I'm not qualified to speak like this in front of you, right?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Everyone could hear that Lin Xuan was confronting him, or even quarreling with him.

Are you qualified or not?

But how could Ouyang Hao say such a thing in front of the Han family?

"Okay, if you are not convinced, then tell me how you are better than my son?"

Ouyang Hao said with a cold snort.

His son is a member of one of the eight great families. His identity, position, wealth, and power are all better than his.

Han Guang and the others sat there drinking tea and quietly watching Lin Xuan's performance.

Although it was indeed a bit overestimating his ability to confront such a big boss, he did not show any timidity at all, which was something they were very optimistic about.

If Han Chuxue really marries him in the future, then in a few years, he will be in charge of the Han family. Although Han Chuxue is the best candidate, as a man, his career will still fall on him. His Han family The future head of the family must not be an ordinary person, so this is why whether it is the Ling family or the Han family, it is so difficult to make a choice for their daughter to find an ordinary person from a third-tier city as her boyfriend. This is also a very important aspect. .

"Instead of asking this, I think I want to ask Master Ouyang, what do you think you are better than me?"

Lin Xuan looked at Ouyang Jing with a smile.

"There shouldn't be any need to say more about this, right? The power of my Ouyang family, the money of my Ouyang family, and the heritage of my Ouyang family are all beyond your reach."

Gongsun Hao also smiled coldly in his heart and dug his own grave. Isn't this looking for embarrassment?

"No no no."

Lin Xuan smiled and shook his head.

"What's the meaning?"

Ouyang Jing frowned and looked at Lin Xuan.

"Young Master Ouyang made a mistake. Why do you think this is where you are stronger than me? This can only be said to be your advantage. It is because the Ouyang family is better than my Ye family, not that you are better than me. Please tell me whether it is Were you the one who created the Ouyang family's power, wealth, and wealth? No, you were just born well.


"That's right, what you are competing against is the strengths and weaknesses of individuals, not families."

Han Guang also nodded and said.

Lin Xuan then continued, "In terms of power, I can't compare to you, but you didn't create it yourself. In terms of background, it's naturally not on the same level, but you didn't create it yourself. In terms of money, I don't create it either." I can't compare to the Ouyang family, but I created the Yaxuan Group by myself. On the first day of its official establishment, daily sales reached one billion and lasted for a week. If the Yaxuan Group directly established branches in the five empires, I think This daily sales will increase dozens of times, so I think it won’t be long before my wealth can surpass that of your entire Ouyang family. And this is my own achievement, what about your own? "

Lin Xuan looked at him with a smile.

Ouyang Jing was immediately speechless.

Then Ouyang Hao suddenly found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding and was caught by Lin Xuan! The Ouyang family is much better than him, no

Comparability, but if it's personal...

Ouyang Jing's face turned ugly.

"Your Yaxuan Group just happened to come across a project. It can indeed make a lot of money, but a single project will not last long and will be saturated. It makes a lot of money, but that's all." Ouyang Hao said after taking a sip of tea.

"Oh, but why can I find it, but your son can't? Why can I make Yaxuan Group sell one billion a day, but your son can't? I'm lucky? Then why can't the tens of billions of people in the entire continent be as good as me? What about people’s luck?”

Lin Xuan asked Ouyang Hao with a smile.

"Who can explain this thing clearly?"

"Okay, then Master Ouyang, what do you think you are better than me in?"

Lin Xuan then looked at Ouyang Jing with a smile.

Ouyang Jing broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. How is he better than Lin Xuan? Before, he was full of confidence because he felt that his life experience crushed Lin Xuan and everything he brought was crushing. However, he suddenly realized that if he abandoned his family, he seemed to be really not comparable to Lin Xuan.

"You can't match your strength, you're older than me, and your attributes aren't as strong as mine, huh?"

Lin Xuan continued to be aggressive.

In terms of aura, Ouyang Jing has been completely defeated by Lin Xuan.

Han Chuxue found the bad guy next to her more and more charming.

"Boy, confidence is a good thing, but the marriage between two families depends on how much benefit it can bring to each other. Your Yaxuan Group is just a project. After it is over, there will be nothing, not even the strong ones. What can you bring to the Han family? What's coming?"

"Master Ouyang, look, we are obviously comparing ourselves, but you deliberately changed the subject. Does that mean that I am indeed overpowering your son in terms of personal ability?"

Lin Xuan asked without giving any face.

"But don't you think background is also very important? Is it also important to give the other party a sufficient sense of security? The marriage between my Ouyang family and the Han family can bring countless benefits to the Han family, and it can also protect Chuxue. What about you? ? A company with limits, although it was brilliant for a while, you still have to rely on the Han family in the future, but you can't give any help to the Han family. "

Lin Xuan then laughed.

"Why does Mr. Ouyang think that my Yaxuan Group can only have such a project? Where did you hear this news? It's really strange."

"Isn't it right? If you develop other industries, you will just compete with others, and you will definitely not be able to compete with others!"

"So everything our Yaxuan Group does is a monopoly, not just attribute-enhancing potions. Now Yaxuan Group has started a secret cooperation with three major forces worth one trillion yuan. This cooperation in the future will involve the entire continent. , the money you can ultimately earn is no less than that from genetically modified fluid!”

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