Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 888 Ye Qingyun

Just when Lin Ya didn't know what to do, Lin Xuan appeared.

At that moment, Lin Ya quickly walked towards Lin Xuan as if she had found a backbone.

"Xiaoxuan, when did you come back?"

Lin Ya walked towards Lin Ya and helped Lin Xuan straighten his clothes out of habit.

"just came back."

Lin Xuan smiled and pinched Lin Ya's cheeks.

This scene was naturally in Ye Qingyun's eyes, but he didn't think it was anything because he knew they were siblings.

Lin Xuan looked at Ye Qingyun and said, "Who is this handsome guy??"

"Hello? Mr. Lin, right? I'm Ye Qingyun, from Jiangsu and Zhejiang."

Ye Qingyun smiled and stretched out Lin Xuan's hand to shake it.

If he was just a pure suitor, Lin Xuan would think it was nothing. At least for now, in Lin Xuan's eyes, Ye Qingyun was just a pure suitor of Lin Ya.'s useless.

If Lin Ya is Lin Xuan's biological sister, then if you really like her, you are very good and have a good character, Lin Xuan will not stop you. This is your freedom, but they are not biological sisters. Lin Ya is Lin Xuan's default woman, so that won't work.


Lin Xuan smiled and shook hands with him.

"Xiaoxuan, Mr. Ye came to our group to cooperate."

Lin Ya said something.

"Cooperation? No problem."

Then Lin Xuan sat on the chair, and Lin Ya sat quietly not far away.

"Oh? Mr. Lin means that we can cooperate? But Miss Lin said that your company is not considering cooperation with any company for the time being."

Ye Qingyun also sat in front of Lin Xuan.

"That's true, but Mr. Ye came all the way from Jiangsu and Zhejiang just for this matter and is so sincere, so we really have to think about it. We can't let Mr. Ye come in vain, right?"

Ye Qingyun roared in his heart!

no! The key purpose of his coming is not to do business, but to do it for Lin Ya. Why do you say that so firmly?

But it doesn't matter, it's good if the business can be done, and this is Lin Ya's younger brother, his future brother-in-law. To please him, if he helps her pursue Lin Ya, wouldn't it be more effective with half the effort?

But what surprised him was that Lin Xuan had such a high say in Yaxuan Group? Originally, he thought that Lin Xuan was just Lin Ya's younger brother, and that Lin Ya was the one with the highest say. According to information on the Internet, she had almost complete control over the shares of Yaxuan Group. But now it seems that this is not the case.

"That's right, our family wants to cooperate with your company..."

Before Ye Qingyun finished speaking, Lin Xuan waved his hand.

"No, no, no, I won't read the content of your cooperation. Of course, I don't mean anything else. I'll just talk about the content of my cooperation. If Mr. Ye thinks it's okay, then we can cooperate."

"you say."

"It's like this. Our company has plans to expand recently. Since Mr. Ye is from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, we can consider opening the company's market in Jiangsu and Zhejiang first. The content of the cooperation is also very simple. You give us money, and we will give you the Ye family. The franchise rights in Jiangzhe City, that is to say, your Yejia can serve as the sales channel of Yaxuan Group in Jiangzhe City, what do you think? "

The meaning is actually very simple. Your Ye family opens various stores in Jiangsu and Zhejiang cities, selling things from the Yaxuan Group. My Yaxuan Group supplies products to your Ye family. Naturally, the price is higher than normal. You buy it, and you sell it. ! As for how many stores to open in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, that's your freedom, but no matter how much money you make, you have to pay for it yourself. Dongtong and Yejia have just become a sales channel for Yaxuan Group, but if you sell a lot, Yejia is the middle-income earner. The price difference!

It will definitely make money anyway!

But the franchise fee is definitely not low!

"Of course...of course!"

Ye Qingyun nodded in agreement without hesitation. The thing he might have come to discuss was probably similar to this.

"Refreshing, I like Brother Ye's refreshing. Let's talk about the franchise fee. One billion a year, what do you think?"

“One billion is no problem.


300 million is just for acquiring the agency right of Yaxuan Group in Jiangsu and Zhejiang cities. It seems like a loss, but in fact it is not a loss! Because if it is obtained, then the Ye family will become the only company that cooperates with the Yaxuan Group in this regard. There are countless families in the entire continent who hope to fight for their agency rights for the Yaxuan Group in a certain city! However, no one has been qualified because Yaxuan Group is temporarily not cooperating with external parties.

Lin Xuan and the Yaxuan Group are not at a loss. They don't have to develop by themselves, open branches by themselves, or operate there by themselves. They make money from selling their own goods, and then they make money from everyone else. The money is actually about the same in the end!

When Xiao Xinyue's mission is completed and there is an unlimited supply of chalcedony liquid, the simplest way is to find a family in each city to act as the agent of Yaxuan Group. In this case, Yaxuan Group will be spread throughout the world in a short time. Empire, even the five great empires! And they are the ones fighting for this agency right! It is much faster and simpler than Yaxuan Group to develop each city bit by bit! The money is definitely enough to earn, and Lin Xuan doesn't want Lin Ya to be too tired. He can just collect the money when the time comes, so this method must be used in the future!

Think about it, there are hundreds of cities in an empire, even if we only find one agent in each city, and we charge them one billion in agency fees a year, then the fee that the five major empires simply charge for this agency right will be... 10,000 per year. More than 100 million! This doesn’t even count the money they spent on getting the goods from their own side!

The simplest and very profitable.

"However, the franchise fee may increase in the future. Mr. Ye should be fine with this, right?"

"Will it still grow?"

Ye Qingyun frowned.

"Of course, after all, Mr. Ye should understand how to do business."

"We can talk about the details slowly."

Ye Qingyun looked at Lin Xuan and said.

"Well, of course. It's not early now. Why don't Mr. Ye go back and rest first? I'll discuss things with my sister."


Ye Qingyun then stood up.

"Then I'll leave first." After saying that, he walked out.

After walking out, he suddenly realized something.

its not right! The main purpose of his coming here was Lin Ya. Why did he leave happily because he had temporarily reached a verbal cooperation with them?

But being able to negotiate cooperation with them is also a huge gain.

"This Lin Xuan seems not as simple as it seems!"

Ye Qingyun smiled and walked out.

"Xiaoxuan, didn't you say you won't cooperate?"

Lin Ya looked at Lin Xuan doubtfully.

Lin Xuan then stretched out his hand and hugged Lin Ya's waist, causing her face to blush slightly.

"It will definitely be in the future. In the future, the Yaxuan Group will definitely dominate the five empires and become an existence that no other family can match in power." Lin Xuan said with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

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