Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 899 Then kiss 1

An Xin's face turned slightly red when she heard Lin Xuan's words.

Because when Lin Xuan mentioned this, she thought of the scene where her mimi was pinched like that by him.

But one thing is that Lin Xuan is indeed her savior, and after spending most of the day together, she found out that apart from being a bit bad, this man seemed to be pretty good in other aspects.

Bah bah bah!

Impossible, impossible! Isn't he a scumbag?

Maybe this is a scumbag? He is the kind who can make girls happy, and he can talk and tease girls. Because of this, many girls fall into his arms, so he is a scumbag! If they are truly single boys, shouldn't they all be straight? Look at his slippery tone, hum! Scumbag man!

"But... I don't know how to repay you. I only have money and nothing else. I'm not very powerful and can't help you..." An Xin lowered his head and played with the hem of his clothes with his little hands. .

"Isn't there beauty in this? Aren't people's movies always about promises? I don't need you to promise yourself, just give it to me." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Anxin: "..."

"Go to hell, you scumbag!"

An Xin said frantically.

Lin Xuan shook his shoulders: "Okay, ungrateful woman!"

Anxin: "..."

"No...can you make some normal requests?"

How could An Xin let others say that he was an ungrateful person? But how can she sacrifice herself?

"It's more normal..."

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin and thought.

Normally, Lin Xuan and this girl would have nothing to do with each other, but she let Lin Xuan trigger the mission, and the rewards of the mission were very attractive. Lin Xuan's current proficiency in all attributes was greatly improved!

What is the concept?

Lin Xuan's proficiency in all other attributes except for the space proficiency is probably a little higher than the thunder attribute. Ice and fire are even pitifully weak, because they are hardly used, so the proficiency is naturally very rubbish.

But if he completes her task and achieves all proficiency levels, he will be able to perfectly control all attributes at this stage and be much stronger than he is now in actual combat.

This is essentially improving one's own strength, rather than improving through martial arts or spiritual weapons, so it is really important.

"Then kiss me."

Lin Xuan said to An Xin.

There's nothing I can do. Although I don't want to be merciful, who can withstand the task triggered by TM?

Anxin: "..."

"Wow! I saved you, you can't even satisfy such a small request, right? You are ungrateful, let's go!"

Lin Xuan looked distressed.

Anxin: "..."

Ahhhh! asshole! rogue! Scumbag!


Just a kiss shouldn't be a big deal, right? Although she has never kissed.

"Only... can only kiss on the face."

An Xin muttered with a red face.

"bring it on."

Lin Xuan tapped his cheek.

An Xin raised his head, his mouth full of resentment towards Lin Xuan!

Huh, after all, the favor is returned after the kiss!

Then she closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly because of her inner unrest. She was so cute. Then she slowly stood on tiptoes, and her pink lips slowly walked into Lin Xuan's face.


Lin Xuan only felt a hint of coolness and softness.

It's quite excellent.

"Ding... trick the young lady into kissing you, the male god value will be +300000."

An Xin then quickly stepped back and opened her beautiful eyes.


Lin Xuan touched his cheek and grinned.

" must never tell anyone."

An Xin muttered softly.

"Don't worry, no one will know about you if you tell me. Who am I to tell you?"

Lin Xuan smiled.

Anxin: "..."

He really doesn't know himself.

From Mars?

If it was normal that it was difficult to recognize her with those big sunglasses on, but now...

Forget it,

Didn’t he say he plays with girls every day? Don't watch TV either.

"Are you from the Ice Kingdom?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"No." An Xin shook his head with a blushing face and said, "I'm from Tiandu, China. I came to Ice Kingdom just to... travel."

Lin Xuan; "..."


Who the hell would take the risk of traveling cross-border? Of course, it is, but it is really dangerous. Most people who have the ability are not willing to take the risk.

Lin Xuan didn't suspect anything. He really didn't know her because he didn't really watch TV. Wouldn't it be nice to have that time to go out and spend time with a girl?

What's on TV is other people's lives.

But since it was Lin Xuan from the Hua Kingdom, he was relieved. After all, he would have to confess his love in the future. How would she get along with her in the Ice Kingdom?

"And you?"

she asked.

"Lin'an City."

"Lin'an City..." An Xin muttered, and then secretly made a decision.

"I will definitely go to Lin'an City."

she then said.

Originally, Lin'an City was the most bordering city, and the company never thought of letting her hold a concert there, but now she felt that it would be necessary to hold a concert there in the future.

Lin Xuan nodded.

At this time, a private plane flew over from a distance, apparently spotting Lin Xuan and An Xin.

"Holy shit!"

Lin Xuan couldn't help but twitch his lips when he saw the private jet.

The Xiao family is not ordinary rich, they even have private jets!

Then the plane landed and a dozen people got off the plane.

"An'an, I told you not to come alone. You have to come alone. What if something happens to you?"

A woman close to thirty years old hugged An Xin and looked scared.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Depend on! Bai was happy. It turned out that Anxin had sent a message to her people, and her people came first.

"Sister Ling, I'm sorry." An Xin stuck out her pink tongue.

"As long as it's okay, it's okay. Just leave quickly. You shouldn't stay in the monster realm for a long time."

"Yeah!" An Xin nodded, and then ran towards Lin Xuan.

"Lin Xuan, come with me."

Lin Xuan smiled and shook his head: "No, I'm still waiting for my friend. If I leave, won't her trip be in vain? You go first, I have spatial attributes, and it's safe here!"

"Then I'll accompany you."

"No, go ahead."

Lin Xuan patted her shoulder.


An Xin nodded, suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out his phone.

"Um...can I add you on WeChat?"

The people behind looked at each other.

"If the girl takes the initiative to add WeChat, she must agree."

Lin Xuan smiled and then added her on WeChat.

An Xin smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, then you must be careful."

Lin Xuan nodded.

"Let's go."

Then An Xin got on the plane with them, and kept looking at Lin Xuan below on the plane.


An Xin waved to Lin Xuan and then closed the cabin.

Lin Xuan was relieved when he saw a few powerful people behind him.

Then the plane took off into the sky.

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