Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 902: Your time is too short?

Lin Xuan took a sip of milk "helplessly".

"My... aunt, uncle... I can't rush into having a baby. Besides, Xiao Ning Ning said that she doesn't want to have a baby, so I didn't have much intimacy with her when we lived together." Lin Xuan then felt aggrieved. said.

"That means, Xiaoxuan, you want a child, right? That girl doesn't agree?"

Lin Xuan nodded: "Yes!"


Xiao Runing, who had just walked over, staggered and almost fell.

What is this bastard talking about?

Lin Xuan suppressed a smile in his heart.

Baby, I won’t cheat you to death! Why don't you submit to me obediently?

"Ning Ning!"

Ye Qianling glared at Xiao Runing next to her.

"Mom... don't listen to Lin Xuan's nonsense."

Xiao Runing said aggrievedly.

"I told you a few years ago that I wanted you to bring me a grandson. How many years has it been? Xiaoxuan wants a child so much, and so do your father and I, but you are so disobedient!"


Xiao Runing was in trouble and couldn't tell.

"Auntie, don't blame her. Maybe it's my problem."

"You? Time is too short?"

Lin Xuan: "..."


Xiao Xinyue walked over with a fruit plate and couldn't help coughing.

I just went to get a fruit plate. What were they talking about?

Lin Xuan was also stunned.

Holy shit!

This mother-in-law is no worse than Ling Ying's mother.

"Of course not, Auntie, you really know how to joke." Lin Xuan said angrily.


Ye Qianling also patted her chest!

As a woman, she knows this kind of worrying thing best. It would be really uncomfortable for a woman not to be satisfied. So she was really worried that Lin Xuan was the reason. Fortunately, it wasn't.

"That is……"

Lin Xuan sighed and said, "Auntie, you also know that your daughter is very good and there are many people pursuing her."

Hearing Lin Xuan's praise, the two of them were also very satisfied. This was equivalent to praising them for being born well and having good genes.

"I finally managed to catch her, but she is too good, so I don't have much status in front of her, you know... So... it depends on her mood, she doesn't No matter how hard I try, I can’t do it.”

Lin Xuan said aggrievedly.

Xiao Runing: "..."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

Wow! This bastard is so shameless! Holy shit!

"Ning Ning!"

Ye Qianling looked at Xiao Runing reproachfully.


Ahhhh! !

So unhappy!

Lin Xuan suppressed a smile in his heart.

"I see."

She had no choice but to swallow the bitter water into her stomach, and then mumbled in frustration.

"Girls have to listen to boys. If you don't bring me and your dad a grandson next year, don't come back to this house!"

"I didn't see you listening to me either."

Xiao Zun muttered.

"What did you say?"

", no, no, I said Madam is right!"

Xiao Zun said quickly with a smile.

"That's pretty much it!"

"Drink water!"

Xiao Runing put the water in front of Lin Xuan unhappily.

"how to say?"

Ye Qianling then glared at Xiao Runing.


"Is this how you talk to your boyfriend?"

Xiao Runing couldn't laugh or cry.

Then she picked up the cup and handed it to Lin Xuan, saying in a gentle tone:

"Drink water."

"That's pretty much it!"

Ye Qianling muttered.

Lin Xuan took it with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"So good!"

Xiao Runing: "..."

Ahhhh! She can't stand it anymore!

"Um...Mom, I'm going to prepare dinner while you chat with Lin Xuan."

Xiao Runing wanted to run away quickly.


Ye Qianling stopped her.

"Anything else?"

"There's no rush for dinner. It's only less than three o'clock in the afternoon. Just let the servants prepare the ingredients first.

You can do it with me then, the top priority now is the children! "

Xiao Runing: "..."

"Mom, I can't just conjure up a child for you right now!"

Xiao Runing is going crazy!

"Xiaoxuan, bring the things!"

Ye Qianling opened her hands to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was confused.

"Auntie, what is it?"

"It's what you wear when you're making out."

Lin Xuan; "..."

Xiao Runing: "..."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

"Mom, mother, I beg you, can we get our nails done and our hair done?"

Xiao Runing hugged Ye Qianling and said with a smile.

Next to her, Xiao Xinyue held the tea in both hands and took a sip.

Lin Xuan said awkwardly at this time: "Then...I don't have it."

"No? Shouldn't you guys normally carry one or two in your wallet?"


Lin Xuan then scratched his head and said, "But Xiao Ningning and I can't be intimate a few times a year, so we can't use it sincerely."

Xiao Runing: "..."

Ahhhh! This bastard did it on purpose!

Ye Qianling looked at Xiao Runing.

" fault, my fault!"

Xiao Runing said quickly, and Lin Xuan gritted his teeth with hatred in his heart.

"You girl have been obedient since you were a child. It is your sister who is disobedient. Why do you just disobey your mother in this matter?"

"I listen, I listen!"

Xiao Runing said repeatedly.

She lost, she gave in.

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up.

Oh, this little Xinyue was disobedient when she was a child?

Why do you feel like it's reversed? Lin Xuan felt that it was more likely Xiao Runing than Xiao Xinyue who was disobedient.

When Xiao Xinyue saw Lin Xuan's eyes and looked over, she quickly lowered her head and drank the tea.

"Okay, not much else to say, Xiaoxuan, do you want to go to Ning Ning's room to rest?"

Ye Qianling asked.

"No need, Auntie, we'll talk about it tonight."

"Well, that's fine. Then Ning Ning and I will go prepare dinner first. You two can chat. Xinyue, tell your brother-in-law more about your sister's past."

Xiao Xinyue: "..."

"Okay, I get it now."

Xiao Xinyue nodded and said.

Obviously Ye Qianling is helping Lin Xuan, asking Xiao Xinyue to tell Lin Xuan some facts or embarrassing things about Xiao Runing, and then she can improve his status. This mother-in-law is also deliberately planning.

Xiao Runing is about to despair. Her own mother has made her despair, and this bastard Lin Xuan is adding fuel to the fire, ahhhh!

Damn it!

"Xiao Xuan, your aunt is like this. Please be more considerate. She misses her grandson so much all the time. Especially when she sees her friends carrying her grandson out for a walk all day long, she wishes she could have a grandson in her arms."

Xiao Zun said to Lin Xuan with a smile.

"Well, of course I understand!" Lin Xuan nodded.

"But Ningning's child is already quite old. It's time to start a family. There's also a new moon."

The topic suddenly came to Xiao Xinyue.

Xiao Xinyue was stunned for a moment.

"We were very happy when we heard that Xinyue had a boyfriend some time ago. We originally thought that our two precious daughters would be able to bring their boyfriends with them during the Chinese New Year this year, but she said they broke up again."

"Didn't you say you wouldn't mention it?"

Xiao Xinyue said lightly.

"After your mother has finished urging your sister, she will start urging you."

Huo Zun said helplessly.

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