Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 910 Su Zhiming’s Thoughts

The man was stunned for a moment.

"Brother, you are..."

"Lin Xuan, her boyfriend!"

"Nice to meet you! Sorry, I don't know, so I'm sorry."

Lin Xuan smiled, and then they walked away.

"What are you talking nonsense about?"

Xiao Runing glared at Lin Xuan.

"Isn't this done once and for all? By then, they will all know that you are pregnant by spreading the word casually, and no one will come to buy you a drink. It will save trouble."

Lin Xuan said with a very reasonable look.

The truth is this.

"Let's go and eat something. I haven't eaten yet. There will be many things here that can only be eaten in our country of ice. I recommend you to try them."

Xiao Runing said to Lin Xuan.


Then Xiao Runing took Lin Xuan's arm and walked forward with Xiao Xinyue, a "light bulb".

During this period, there were really many people who came to strike up a conversation, but when they saw Lin Xuan's existence, they were all rejected. Thinking about it, it was quite helpless. Yes, isn't it normal for Xiao Runing to have a boyfriend? Especially since her parents were pressing so hard. It was a pity that she was not in Bingdu, otherwise they would all have a great chance.

But Xiao Runing has a boyfriend, Xiao Xinyue does not, and there are so many people who admire Xiao Xinyue!

"Hello New Moon, long time no see!"

Two beautiful girls ran over. They were both beautiful, definitely beauties, but to be honest, there was still some gap between them and Xiao Xinyue and Xiao Runing!

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Xiao Xinyue waved to them, which was obviously different from the boys' mood.

"Hello, Sister Ningning."

They also said to Xiao Runing with a smile.

"Well, I've grown taller again." Xiao Runing said with a smile.

"No way, sister Ning Ning is really tall, with long legs, huh? Who is this?"

A beautiful girl looked at Lin Xuan.

"I am a boyfriend with long legs." Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Wow! Sister Ningning, you finally found a boyfriend. It turns out you are not..."

One girl quickly covered her mouth and almost spilled the words.

"What's it not?" Lin Xuan asked with interest.

"'s nothing. Let's leave first, Bai Bai!" Then they ran away quickly.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Runing.

"It's none of your business, eat!"

Xiao Runing then brought Lin Xuan a piece of ice.


Lin Xuan: "..."

"You want me to eat ice? You're so cruel."

"This is a specialty of our ice country. It looks like ordinary ice. You will know after you try it."

Lin Xuan took it with interest and put it in his mouth.


"Isn't this just ordinary ice?"


Xiao Runing showed a wicked smile that seemed to have succeeded.

Lin Xuan: "..."

Holy shit! Got fooled by this girl!

Xiao Runing felt so happy, and felt that the unhappiness of the past two days was gone.

"Let's go, let's take you to meet your grandparents."

Xiao Runing said.


Then Xiao Runing took Lin Xuan to the largest, most luxurious palace. This was not comparable to ordinary so-called villas! Those who came were all outside. It was an open-air gathering. Although it was cold, who could come here who was not a high-ranking official? Which one has no cultivation? The so-called coldness actually doesn't matter. On the contrary, there is a lot of space outside. It's especially beautiful when you dress it up and match it with the starlight and moonlight in the sky.

This hall can only be entered by those special people, at least at this time. It is now filled with some outstanding heads of big families, Xiao Zun and others, including the emperor of the Ice Kingdom, the little princess, and their close relatives. Kinds of people chatting inside.

At this moment, Su Zhiming was walking in a corner, looking at Lin Xuan who walked into the hall with a sinister look.

Xiao Runing is a woman he has admired for a long time. The Su family in Bing is as big as the Xiao family. A family of the same level, he feels that he is worthy of Xiao Runing, and he is willing to wait. Anyway, Xiao Runing will be his wife. He must be qualified and satisfied!

He even mentioned Xiao Runing when he was a guest at Xiao's house some time ago.

Xiao Runing's mother also intended to arrange a match for them, but she never thought that she would bring her boyfriend with her when she came back this time!

He didn't know how far they had developed, but he was unwilling to do so, very unwilling to do so. Even if he couldn't get it, he wanted to break them up! He just can't stand other men having the women he likes! The worst she can do is attack her sister Xiao Xinyue. After all, she is also a peerless beauty, each with her own temperament!

"Young Master Su, why are you drinking alone here?"

At this time a man came over with a smile.

"Master Qin? Any advice?"

Su Zhiming drank the red wine in one gulp.

The Qin family is another top family in Bingdu, and Qin Ming and Su Zhiming are both top geniuses in Bingdu, beings admired by others! The two are both rivals and close friends.

"I don't have any advice. I just heard that Xiao Runing is pregnant."


The red wine glass in Su Zhiming's hand was crushed to pieces!

It really doesn't matter if he can't get this woman, there is Xiao Xinyue, but what makes him unhappy is that if he can't get it, why can others get it?

Qin Ming smiled and said: "Her boyfriend seems to be from a third-tier city in China. Xiao Runing seems to have gone to Tianhua City, a third-tier city. That is the boyfriend she is looking for in Tianhua City. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I just feel very emotional, why didn’t he choose such an outstanding man as Mr. Su, but just chose an ordinary person from a third-tier city. "

"you sure?"

Su Zhiming looked at him.

"That's natural. What do you think even the young master of the largest family in a third-tier city can do?? Hey, I'm just feeling emotional. I guess I've been in love for a long time. To be honest, I'm also very angry. After all, Xiao Runing is our Bing She is a famous beauty, and I admire her too. It’s a pity.”

Qin Ming sighed.

"Master Qin, why don't you go find out about that person?"

"It's useless. What's the point of searching? Xiao Runing is pregnant. It has finally become a fact. All we can do is compare him to Xiao Runing and let everyone know how big the gap is between him and us. ! That’s enough!”

Qin Ming said.

Su Zhiming nodded, this is actually what he wants to do!

It is a fact that Xiao Runing already has a boyfriend, but she also has an equally beautiful sister, Xiao Xinyue. Her sister has found a boyfriend. If she can completely destroy Xiao Runing's boyfriend in front of everyone, If he compares, crushes him, and pursues Xiao Xinyue in this manner, then in Xiao Xinyue's eyes, he is much better than his sister's boyfriend!

Everyone has comparisons, even if they are biological sisters, my boyfriend is better than your boyfriend! So it might be easier to pursue!

In fact, this idea came to Su Zhiming immediately after he saw Xiao Runing and Lin Xuan! He thinks it’s absolutely feasible!

"Well, that's it!" Su Zhiming nodded and walked away, but he couldn't tell Qin Ming this idea.

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