Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 913 I can’t write poetry

Lin Xuan only knows one thing, you must not write poems or lyrics to pursue a girl, that is bad writing!

Of course, for a girl who also likes you, this may be a different kind of romance, but if she also likes you, it is not considered a pursuit, but an instant hit-off!

Pursuit is a relatively long process, it can take a few weeks, or even many years!

In this case, for example, if you give her a poem of your own confession on Chinese Valentine's Day, that would be a pure pen!

Maybe you have been pursuing her for a few months, and she has already had the idea of ​​becoming your girlfriend. Just because of such a poem, she finally got some female hormones and was able to win her over in an instant.

And Xiao Runing's grandfather actually relied on this to chase girls... It seemed like he had something.

"Then if I write you a poem, can you be my girlfriend?"

Lin Xuan asked Xiao Runing.

"I'll slap you to death!"

"Little Crescent Moon, who are you?"

"plus one."

Lin Xuan; "..."

Su Zhiming, who was not far away, looked at Lin Xuan and the others with sinister eyes.

In addition to being a genius, he is also one of the four famous talents in Bingdu. To put it simply, his poems are very powerful and are even praised by many masters. He doesn't know Lin Xuan's strength. He is from a third-tier city. He is just a kid, and he feels that he is completely incomparable to himself!

But tonight, he will crush this Lin Xuan in all aspects, starting with poetry and prose!

Those who compose poems and lyrics in Bing City are admired by everyone, especially those who can reach the level of some older generations at a young age. This is definitely a existence that the people of Bing City admire. Yes, he is basically like this. Existence, if he was only good at poetry and prose, he wouldn't be so confident. Mainly because he is also a top genius in martial arts.

"Everyone, please be quiet!"

Lan Tianhai stood on the stage and glanced at everyone before saying!

Everyone on the field fell silent.

"Now we are going to the second part of this banquet. As usual, it is the improvisation part of poetry and prose. Last year, an ode to a beautiful woman by Zhiming was strongly loved and sought after by all the masters. There is also a song by Ning Ning. Yingyue is loved by everyone and us, and of course there are many excellent poems and poems. I won’t mention them one by one here. The rules this year may be different from those in the past. In the past, we have all become parents. Old guys can participate, but we old guys are of no use, so this year we hope that you children are the future of our world and your home field. So this year, we old guys will not participate! ”

"Hey, Yingyue? Read it out and let me listen!"

Lin Xuan elbowed Xiao Runing and smiled.

Xiao Runing's face turned slightly red, feeling embarrassed.


Lin Xuan shook his shoulders.

"Now please go forward to all the young people who want to participate in this poetry meeting."

Then dozens of people stepped forward.

There are probably more than 500 young men and women here, but there are only a few dozen people participating!

Although the Ice Kingdom advocates culture, it is not that easy to write poems and lyrics, especially in front of so many big bosses in the entire Ice City. They are embarrassed to show their shame because most of their skills are not enough!

But then there will be martial arts. Although they prefer culture, they still prefer strength!

"Ning Ning, you won't participate?"

Xiao Runing and Xiao Xinyue have not moved forward, but they still attract more attention! Then Lan Tianhai asked.

Xiao Runing said: "I won't participate anymore. I haven't touched it much for a year, so I won't show off my shame."

"It would be boring if sister Ning Ning doesn't come."

Lan Xingxing said with a pout.

"It's okay. I'll join the fight later."

Xiao Runing smiled and said.

"That's okay, is there anyone else?"

Su Zhiming looked at Lin Xuan.

He won't participate? That's absolutely not possible. How can he prove that he is better than him if he doesn't participate?

At this time, Su Zhiming stood up, looked at Lin Xuan, and said, "Mr. Lin, aren't you going to participate?"

Lin Xuan shook his head: "I'll forget it, I can't write lyrics or poems."

"Master Lin, please stop being modest. As Ning Ning's boyfriend, you must be very outstanding. In fact, it is very important for girls from the Ice Kingdom to find a boyfriend that they are talented. I think this is one of the things that Ning Ning can appreciate. It’s the right place, so Mr. Lin, don’t be humble.”

Lin Xuan; "..."

Qin Ming also stood up and said: "Yes, let's come together, Mr. Lin. We also hope that Mr. Lin can participate in the subsequent fighting, because we also want to see how Mr. Lin is better than us in all aspects, otherwise we will not be able to participate." It’s impossible to catch up with the beautiful women in our Tiandu, right?”

"Yes, yes! Mr. Lin, please participate!"


For a time, many people were catering to them.

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose: "I really don't know poetry."

Xiao Runing also nodded and said: "Lin Xuan is from the Chinese country, and the Chinese country does not advocate these things, so..."

"Ning Ning, you are too humble. I still remember a few years ago that you said that the standard for a boyfriend in the future is to know some poetry and poetry. It's funny to say that. I also spent a lot of energy studying for this. This is a small achievement. It’s just a pity that you already have a boyfriend, so Mr. Lin must be accomplished in this area.”

Su Zhiming smiled and said.


Lin Xuan nodded at this time; "Okay, then I will show off my shame a little bit, and don't make fun of me then."

After hearing Lin Xuan's words, Su Zhiming's plan had succeeded.

"Of course not. I just hope that Mr. Lin, you will never pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. You are obviously very proficient but look like you are not, hahaha!"

Su Zhiming smiled and said, of course he just said that! In terms of poetry and prose, among his peers, he is definitely at the top of the list! Even if Lin Xuan is not from China, there is no way he can compare to him!

"That shouldn't happen. I don't know poetry or prose."

Lin Xuan smiled.

"Hahaha, that's fine. It would be interesting to see Ning Ning's boyfriend come to participate!" Lan Tianhai said with a smile.

"Lin Xuan..."

Xiao Runing looked at Lin Xuan worriedly.

How could she not know what Su Zhiming was thinking? Lin Xuan is her boyfriend, do you want to participate in a half-cent relationship with him? And he even asked Lin Xuan to participate in person, but they refused and kept talking, obviously because he wanted to compete with him in front of everyone, and Lin Xuan...

He really doesn’t know poetry and prose! Anyway, Xiao Runing's understanding of Lin Xuan is that he is a rough guy who writes poems and lyrics? Can this guy carry it?

"It's okay, just for fun."

Lin Xuan patted Xiao Runing's shoulder and walked forward.

(I am preparing a new book. The world view and genre are similar to this one. The protagonist is extremely coquettish... The tentative titles are "I Have Infinite New Systems", "I Have a New System Every Day", "I Have Billions" "Wanxin System", if you see these three names, which one is easier to click on? I hope to leave a chapter review, it is very important...Thank you)

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