Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 919: As time goes by, this hatred will last forever...

At this time Qin Ming stood up and said: "Elders, the name of the poem I wrote this time is "My Fair Lady"."

"Well, read it!"

Then Qin Ming slowly read out the poem he had written.

After finishing reading, there was silence for a while, as Lan Tianhai and others were discussing something.

After a while, Lan Tianhai said: "Yes, I can write eight lines of poetry in such a short period of time, and the level of each line is very high. Although I only wrote about love, love, and beautiful women, it is not better than The level is higher and the emotions are more real. It should be the best song so far! Come on!”

"Thank you Uncle Lan! This poem was inspired by Crescent Moon!"

Qin Ming bowed slightly and said.

"Oh? Could it be that the woman in the poem is the crescent moon?"

"Well, I am very satisfied to get everyone's approval based on the new moon!"

Qin Ming said with a smile.

Xiao Xinyue; "..."

"Hahaha, Mr. Xiao, it seems that your little granddaughter is going to be single too."

Lan Tianhai looked at Xiao Qingcheng with a smile and said.

Xiao Qingcheng said: "Let the children decide their own affairs."

At this time, Su Zhiming stood up and said: "Master Qin, although it is very good to write eight sentences in thirty minutes, your song has four fewer sentences than Ben Shao's "New Moon"."

Qin Ming frowned.

Then Su Zhiming bowed slightly and said: "Dear elders, the poem Zhiming brought is called "New Moon". It was also inspired by the new moon. The following is the content."


Lin Xuan: "..."

"Wow! These damn licking dogs are better at licking than the last one."

Lin Xuan couldn't help but secretly gasped!

The title of the poem "New Moon" is here! You are also a talented person.

When Su Zhiming finished reading, Qin Ming's frown deepened.

Twelve lines of poetry in half an hour is really difficult, and if you want to maintain the quality, it will be even harder!

"Not bad, not bad!"

Lan Tianhai and the others nodded with satisfaction.

"Although it is a poem expressing love, its level is almost the same as that of Qin Ming. At the same time, it has four more lines than Qin Ming. It is very good. The poem depicts a very beautiful picture of a moonlit night. The name of the new poem is new. The moon has two meanings, and it is also the best in the name of the poem. Everyone, this song "New Moon" should be regarded as the best one in this field, right? "

Lan Tianhai asked everyone.

Everyone nodded.

"Thank you, seniors!"

Su Zhiming smiled and bowed, glancing at Xiao Xinyue who was not far away.

"Both of these guys are going to pursue you?"

Xiao Runing poked Xiao Xinyue with her elbow.

"Whether they chase or not is their business." Xiao Xinyue naturally didn't care, because they didn't have any good impressions!

"Let's go to Lin Xuan, let's see what he can write!"

"Next, Lin Xuan!"

Everyone in Lan Tianhai looked at Lin Xuan.

"Lin Xuan, I just saw that you and Xinyue were also chatting. After chatting, they sat down to write lyrics. Could it be that this phrase of yours was also inspired by that girl Xinyue?"

Lan Tianhai joked.

"Master Lan, don't say this nonsense, Ning Ning is still here."

A middle-aged man laughed.

"Hahaha, I don't mean anything else."

Lin Xuan then said: "No, the poem I wrote was actually inspired by a novel."

Although this is a true story, it is the story of his world. There is no such story in this world, so Lin Xuan can only virtualize it and say that the inspiration comes from a novel.

"Oh? Then you are in trouble. How can the emotions in the novel be replaced by your own personal experience in reality."

Lan Tianhai then asked: "I just saw you writing vigorously for ten minutes. How many sentences did you write in these ten minutes?"

"One hundred and twenty sentences, seven words each."

Everyone: "..."

"One hundred and twenty sentences, seven words per sentence? Eight hundred and forty words? You composed eight hundred and forty words of poetry in just ten minutes?"

After hearing what Lin Xuan said,

They looked shocked.

Is this too exaggerated?

"I wrote so many words in such a short time. Isn't it a running account? If it were a running account, everyone here would be able to do this."

Su Zhiming said.

To be honest, with this time and this number of words, it’s hard to believe that I can produce any good work.

Xiao Runing also frowned slightly.

Eight hundred and forty?

Does he really write essays?

"Come and let's listen!"

Lan Tianhai said.

Lin Xuan nodded.

"The Emperor of Han was obsessed with beauty and wanted to overwhelm the country. He couldn't get it from Yu Yu for many years.

There is a daughter in the Yang family who has just grown up. She is raised in a boudoir and no one knows her.

It's hard to give up on natural beauty, and once you choose it, you will be on the side of the king.

Looking back and smiling, the sixth palace has no color. "

When Lin Xuan simply read out the first few sentences, everyone was speechless!

Yes, I thought it might be a running account at first, but just looking at the first few sentences, which one is a running account?

Even the first few sentences are directly half of them that make them feel that they can be passed down through the ages!

The Emperor of the Han Dynasty attached great importance to beauty and thought of his country. It is hard to give up on natural beauty, especially when he looks back and smiles, the sixth palace has no color!

That's it... just write the woman in it vividly and vividly, and she will captivate the country and the city.

Look back and smile with all your beauty... The pink and white in the Sixth Palace have no color...



“I would like to be a winged bird in the sky, and a twig on the earth.

As time goes by, this hatred will last forever. "

Five minutes later, Lin Xuan read out the entire song.

To be honest, Lin Xuan was not very emotional when he wrote it. After he finished reading it, he was filled with emotion! The sense of picture and story in this poem is simply too strong!

This whole poem directly completes a relationship, a story, and an era!


Running account?

Find for me a sentence in this poem that is a running account!

Which sentence is not a masterpiece?

When Lin Xuan finished reading, the surroundings were still silent and quiet...

"I wish to be a winged bird in the sky, and a twig on the earth. The time will come when heaven and earth will last forever, and this hatred will last forever..."

Lan Tianhai and even many poems, everyone murmured the last few lines of Lin Xuan! Think over and over again, whisper over and over again!

Xiao Xinyue and Xiao Runing were also stunned on the spot!

As girls, their minds are more delicate. It may be easier for them to understand the picture and content of this poem, and they can better understand the helplessness of the woman in this poem, her dedication and perseverance in love, and her final sadness...

This hatred lasts forever...

When Lin Xuan was reading, they seemed to have watched a movie all the way through, with a tragic ending, a poignant tragedy that made people unable to help but shed tears.

"What a person who looks back and smiles with all the beauty, the six palaces of pink and white are colorless, what a person who wants to be a winged bird in the sky, and a tree with branches on earth, what a person who lasts forever and sometimes ends, this hatred lasts forever!"

Lan Tianhai's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but praise loudly.

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