Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 936 What the fuck? Why are Linglongxue and the others here?

When Lin Xuan stood up and walked away along the aisle, his whole body trembled.


Very meow...

They were in the first row, probably the fifth row, basically directly behind them, less than eight meters apart. Lin Xuan didn't know why, but he looked over inexplicably, and then he saw a 哓哧哐There is a girl eating delicious food. Take a closer look, am I crazy? Isn’t this Linglong Moon?

Then Lin Xuan looked next to her...

Linglong Snow...


Why are they here?

No one knows what Lin Xuan is doing here. If they find out that he is here for a woman, then Linglong Xue will be angry.

Holy shit!

Why are they here?

Because the live version was relatively dark, there were many people coming and going in the aisle at this time, and they never expected that Lin Xuan would be here, so they didn't care, but Lin Xuan lowered his head and left quickly with a dull head. past.

Why did they come?

Originally, Ling Longyue wanted to come with Lin Xuan when she came because there was an Anxin concert here. They didn't say how much they liked her, but many of the songs they heard were hers, and many movies and TV series they watched were also hers. I just wanted to see what she was like in reality. They happened to have nothing to do, so Linglongyue spent a lot of money to buy three tickets from scalpers, and they were front row tickets, and then they came!

They have money, and they have no concept of money. For example, the normal official price of this front row ticket should be less than 2,000 yuan, but it was sold to nearly 20,000 yuan in the hands of scalpers. No, people are stupid and have too much money. Linglongyue bought three of them without hesitation. She didn't feel like she was at a loss at all, because she didn't know how much they were worth.

Linglongxue and Bing Lingyue didn't care much. They just had nothing to do. Watching a concert here is better than staying at home and watching TV, right? And I have been in the human world for so long, and I have never seen a celebrity concert.

"Hmph! I will laugh at Lin Xuan when I get home!"

Linglongyue said while taking photos.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I came to the concert and he didn't."

"Maybe he's busy now. Didn't he say he had something to do even when he came to the ice?"

Bing Lingyue said.

"Not necessarily, maybe he is playing."

Linglongxue knew Lin Xuan relatively well. What could he do that would allow him to cross the border?

She also knows now that Lin Xuan's Yaxuan Group is temporarily developing in China, and has not even cooperated with other families yet. Even if he wants to develop his own power, it will only be from Lin'an City, various cities, and so on. Let’s start with China. Why go to Ice Kingdom?

Mostly it has something to do with the woman, that's her intuition anyway.

Lin Xuan bought the food and then walked through the aisle next to them. Linglongxue and the others didn't pay attention because they were not the kind of people who would be shaken by the movements around them. For example, some people were She kept looking at the aisles next to her, but she didn't recognize them. She just wanted to see the people passing by. For a person with Linglong Xue's temperament, what's so interesting about this?

Ling Longyue might pay a little more attention.

"Why...I seem to smell Lin Xuan's breath?"

After a few seconds, Linglongyue muttered softly.

If Lin Xuan knew about her, Lin Xuan would probably cry.

The Void Fox belongs to the demon clan, and the Void Fox's own sense of smell is extremely keen. In such a noisy environment, with so many people, they didn't deliberately smell it, but they still felt Lin Xuan's breath a little bit. Of course, she didn't have much doubt, she just muttered.

"Have it?"

Linglongxue asked.

"I don't know, I guess not. Forget it, forget it. Let's eat delicious food and wait for the stars to come. I don't know what a so-called concert by humans is like?"

Linglongyue said to herself curiously.

On the other side, Lin Xuan sat in his seat with delicious embarrassment.

Then Xiao Runing and Xiao Xinyue each took a bag of delicious food, popcorn, Coke, etc. and ate them silently.

"Why don't you eat?"

Xiao Runing saw Lin Xuan sitting there in a daze, and then asked.

"Ah... I don't want to eat it. Let's talk about it later."

Then Lin Xuan turned his head back silently.

How can this be done?

These three people didn't even tell me when they came. If they did, Lin Xuan wouldn't even come to the concert.

Time passed slowly, and it was slowly approaching seven o'clock...


Suddenly all the lights in the stadium went out, and then the entire stadium slowly took on a starry sky-like scene...

A song started playing again on the big screen!

Everyone knows that this is the prelude to the star's appearance.

"Starry sky, one of my favorite songs!"

"An'an! An'an!"


The venue was filled with screams!

A nice song was playing on the big screen. Some people were singing along quietly, some were paying attention to the huge changes on the stage, and some were calling An Xin's name.

During the first half of the song, these fans chanted An Xin's name with super tacit understanding. Hundreds of thousands of people shouted. You can imagine this feeling!

At this time, the song continued to play, but someone noticed something was not right!


The audio of the original song still has some details that make people know that it was released. However, now, although it sounds good, it seems that it is not released, but... sung!


A ray of light suddenly shone in a corner, and a beautiful girl in a white princess dress was smiling, singing, waving to everyone, and walking towards the center of the stage.

"An'an!! An'an!"

"I love you!! An'an, I love you!"

"Goddess Goddess!"


Seeing her sudden appearance, the entire gymnasium was boiling, but it only boiled for a short while, because everyone still wanted to listen to her singing quietly.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really beautiful."

Lin Xuan took one look and said, and the song he sang was also nice, and his voice was very sweet.

A song was sung quickly, and An Xin bowed in several directions.

The entire relatively dark stadium was filled with the light of fluorescent sticks and fluorescent signs. This was when the fans shouted loudest. It was deafening and the crowd was roaring.

An Xin stood on the stage and glanced at the front row with her beautiful eyes. The ticket she gave her knew where Lin Xuan should sit if he came. Then she glanced at Lin Xuan seemingly unintentionally.

When she saw it coming, she was actually quite happy. Then she saw two girls sitting next to Lin Xuan...

Lin Xuan asked for three tickets. In other words, the two girls sitting together were his friends?

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