Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 938 A brief self-introduction

Now Lin Xuan really wants to push An Xin down on the sofa, let her wear a small skirt, then stick out her vagina and slap her hard with her hand!

That's her! She deliberately let herself show her face, deliberately selected herself, and now she is exposed!

Damn it!

"Sir, please come to the stage."

An Xin smiled and said to Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan touched the tip of his nose.

Isn’t it OK to not go up?

In fact, Lin Xuan wanted to ask such a question, but he didn't dare.


Lin Xuan was afraid of being sprayed to death by these fans.

People invite you to the stage with peace of mind, but you still ask if it’s OK? Aren't you looking for someone to spray?

Then Lin Xuan stepped onto the stage and followed An Xin.

"Hey, An Xin must have chosen Lin Xuan on purpose, right?"

Xiao Xinyue asked Xiao Runing next to her.


Xiao Runing said.

They knew that Lin Xuan and An Xin knew each other, and the one in 100,000 chance fell on Lin Xuan. It was obvious that Lin Xuan was chosen deliberately.

But Linglongxue and the others didn't know that. When they saw Lin Xuan was chosen, they were confused.

How come you just happened to choose him?

"Can he sing?"

Linglongyue asked.

They can't blame Lin Xuan, because Lin Xuan didn't say what he came to Bingguo for, whether it was to develop his own career or something like that. Although it was unexpected to appear at the concert, he didn't lie to them either. If he He would be lying to them if he said that Bingguo was developing his own career, but he didn't. He just said that he had something to do here.

There's something...that covers a lot of points! So you can't blame her. Linglongxue is still very rational. Anyway, she hates people who lie to her the most! If you didn't lie to her, even if there were other young ladies outside, she wouldn't blame you. At most, she might be a little aggrieved.

Linglongxue shook her head: "I haven't heard of it anyway."

"I haven't heard of it either, but his voice must be quite unpleasant to sing."

Anyway, Lin Xuan wasn't around, and Bing Lingyue didn't give any face, so she said with a smile.

Linglongxue nodded: "As a man, you are so bad at games, can you sing well?"

If Lin Xuan knew what they said, his mentality would probably collapse!

Wow! Is this what you said about me behind my back? So heartbreaking.

"Wouldn't that be embarrassing?"

Bing Lingyue couldn't help but laugh.

"He is thick-skinned and not afraid of embarrassment."

Linglongxue said.

She has a lot of resentment towards Lin Xuan, although she would never say it.

She was such an outstanding woman, and she didn't feel aggrieved by following Lin Xuan. Even though she felt like he had a baby in her belly, he still ran out and had affairs with other girls. This was a bit resentful.

Lin Xuan and An Xin then faced everyone and the camera.

"Sir, please briefly introduce yourself to everyone."

An Xin looked like he didn't know Lin Xuan and said with a smile.

Not to mention, although Lin Xuan is not very handsome, he is very good-looking and photogenic, because after all, he is meeting Xiao Runing's parents, and he is with a beautiful girl, and Lin Xuan's clothes are not sloppy. It's not casual. Although it doesn't give people the feeling that he is a star, it doesn't feel ugly.

"short introduction……"

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin.

"Well, a brief introduction will do."

An Xin said with a smile.

It feels like Lin Xuan is not nervous in front of hundreds of thousands of people. She was even nervous in front of so many people during the first seven or eight concerts. She is much better now! It must be the first time for Lin Xuan to face so many people, right? I feel like his face, speech, etc. are quite normal.

This is true. Lin Xuan has nothing else. During this period, he has been picking up girls. Anyway, his thick skin is really unmatched by others. Although he faces hundreds of thousands of people, he is really not nervous at all. Compared to this, Lin Xuan Xuan felt like he was being watched by Linglongxue and the others, and this was the most stressful thing.

"Then do you have a ruler?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"Ruler? What ruler? Why do you want a ruler?"

An Xin looked at Lin Xuan doubtfully.

That's right, hundreds of thousands of people were all extremely confused when they heard Lin Xuan's words. After a brief self-introduction, why does this guy need a ruler?

"Introduce yourself."

Lin Xuan said.

Lin Xuan's words left everyone confused again!

This is a fan that makes people feel like they are not thinking well.

Logically speaking, after being slapped, you should be very excited. Even a man would probably cover his mouth normally, come to An Xin excitedly, and then say various things like "I'm so happy, I didn't expect it", but this He seemed very calm and said a lot of things that no one understood.

An Xin was confused, what on earth was Lin Xuan doing?

"Well, since this gentleman wants a ruler to introduce himself, although I don't understand what it means, he may have some other ways, so let's look forward to it. After all, the probability is one in a hundred thousand. If it’s on your head, then we are really destined. Please wait a moment and I’ll ask the staff to come over with a ruler!”

After about thirty seconds, a staff member ran up and handed a tape measure to Anxin, who handed it to Lin Xuan.

"Sir, you only have a tape measure. Can you introduce yourself now?"

An Xin asked with a smile.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Of course!"

Then Lin Xuan took out the measuring tape, pulled out twenty centimeters, and then placed his hand on the twenty centimeter mark.

"Okay." Lin Xuan said.

"What's the meaning?"

Peace of mind includes everyone looking at each other on the big screen.

"Please give me a close-up of the camera, thank you."

Lin Xuan said!

Then what was displayed on the big screen was Lin Xuan holding the tape measure with his thumb and index finger holding the twenty centimeter mark.

Everyone was confused.

"Okay, this is my brief self-introduction." Lin Xuan said.

Everyone: "..."

What do you mean?

An Xin was also stunned for a moment.

what does it mean?

"Um...sir, what do you mean?"

An Xin asked doubtfully.

"This is my self-introduction, twenty centimeters."

Lin Xuan said straightforwardly.

Everyone: "..."

At that moment, about one-third of the hundreds of thousands of people suddenly realized what Lin Xuan meant, and then the remaining people slowly understood! Or asked other people and figured it out.

A brief self-introduction. Your self-introduction... is so direct and brief!


The next moment those people couldn't help bursting into laughter.

"Holy shit! Talent! This damn thing is talent! To be honest, I feel like this is the effect of the program set up by Goddess An An."

"Twenty centimeters, a brief introduction to myself, hahaha, this guy is awesome! I think he will become an Internet celebrity, hahaha, I am laughing so hard!"

"Is this an attempt to tease our goddess An An? It's probably nothing, right? Anyway, I'm really convinced! This fucking concert passerby gave me a surprise, and I laughed to death!"


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