Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 942 I like you very much

I'll wipe it!

This Linglong Yue is so cruel.

But absolutely not! What if they really find out? It will be troublesome! They didn't ask about their relationship with Xiao Runing, so Lin Xuan didn't have to answer. He would just confess if they asked. It wasn't like they were lying to her now.

Moreover, Lin Xuan will have to sleep with Xiao Runing by then. If Linglongxue and the others continue to live there... it will definitely not be possible.

"This is not good, my parents are also at home." Lin Xuan said.

"Feeling guilty."

Linglongyue muttered.

"This is not a guilty conscience. My parents are at home."

Lin Xuan said.

"It's indeed not good, but Yue'er is just talking, don't take it seriously." Bing Lingyue said.

"Xiao Bingbing, you are the best."

Lin Xuan said movedly.

"Don't you still want to discuss business with An Xin? Go ahead, we will leave immediately." Linglongxue said.

"Okay, then I'll go and stay with you and give you a kiss when I get back."

Lin Xuan then came over.

Linglong Xuette pushed Lin Xuan's face away with her hands in disgust.

"I'm sorry, I'm leaving."

Then Lin Xuan walked away.

"But Lin Xuan's songs are really nice. My favorite is the nocturne." Ling Longyue then muttered.

The melody of the nocturne chorus is still lingering in her mind.

Linglongxue also nodded.

It really sounded good, and she was also surprised. She had never seen him in Lin Xuan being able to do this. Although his singing skills and voice were not particularly outstanding, his songs were definitely outstanding, otherwise An Xin would not be so good. Excited.

"Get ready to go back."

On the other side, Lin Xuan came to a box in the five-star hotel that Anxin had made an appointment with him in advance!

The finishing work at the concert was left to the staff. She was more excited about the matter with Lin Xuan now.

These two songs are really great! She loved it so much.

Especially the lyrics...

Play Chopin's nocturne for you... in memory of my dead love.

She didn't know who Chopin was, but since it appeared in the lyrics, as a lyricist, words had a soul. What really resonated with a song was never the music, but the words!

Of course Lin Xuan has to worry about An Xin, because she triggered the task, and the task reward is to have all the existing attribute proficiency levels maxed out!

This is definitely the most direct way to improve a warrior's combat effectiveness!

Just like ice, fire, poison! Lin Xuan has it, but if it is used sparingly, the effect will not be great, but if your proficiency is maxed out, it will be a different concept.

And it's very beautiful...

Maybe this is the man!

As long as you have an excuse, you can do anything.

Dong dong dong——

Lin Xuan knocked on the door, and An Xin ran over quickly and opened the door for Lin Xuan.

"You're here, come on, come on."

An Xin looked at Lin Xuan excitedly and said.

"Just the two of us."

Lin Xuan walked in.

"Yes, the dishes are all here, waiting for you, come on, come on!"

An Xin dragged Lin Xuan in, then quietly glanced outside a few times, and then closed the door of the box. People who didn't know what they thought they were doing.

If Lin Xuan and An Xin were together, Lin Xuan didn't need to be cautious and just sat there and ate delicious food.

An Xin is also a little rich woman, and she seems to be very sincere. The table is full of big dishes, and one dish may even cost tens of thousands.

"No one saw you, right?"

An Xin sat next to Lin Xuan and looked at Lin Xuan and asked.

"I'm not transparent, why can't anyone see me?"

Lin Xuan stuffed a big abalone into his mouth and muttered.

"I mean, those fans didn't see it, did they?"

"Don't worry, I'm wearing a sweater and a hat."

"That's fine. By the way, you are really so talented. Then why don't you go into this line of work?"

An Xin looked at Lin Xuan expectantly.

"I don't like it,

I don't like publicity. "

Lin Xuan said.

"Oh, it seems so."

At that time, Lin Xuan saved a plane of people, but he has not shown up yet. Those people are even looking for his savior. If he showed up, he would definitely receive the attention and praise of the society, but he didn't even do it. This is something An An admires quite a lot. .

Normal people would use this opportunity to speculate.

"Hey, those two beautiful girls are really your girlfriends? No, no, they are one of them."

"No, isn't my girlfriend here?"


An Xin turned and looked to the side.

"Where is it?"

An Xin said doubtfully. Just after she finished speaking, she suddenly realized something and her face couldn't help but blush.

"Go to hell!"

Her foot under the table kicked Lin Xuan.

Then she ate her food in a ladylike manner.

Of course she was hungry after holding a concert for such a long time. Normally she would have dinner with people from her company and the staff, but because this time was special, she was alone with Lin Xuan.

"What kind of boys do you like?"

Lin Xuan then wiped his mouth and asked with a smile.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I want to be what you like." Lin Xuan smiled.

"Scumbag! I won't believe a word you say."

An Xin rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan.

asshole! Still want to take action on yourself?

"I'm surprised, why did you call me a scumbag."

Lin Xuan looked at her puzzled.


An Xin didn't know what to say.

She hesitated for a while, and then said: "At that time... I was sitting in front of you on the plane, and I heard you chatting with several girls."

Lin Xuan; "..."

I see!

"Those are my sister and my friends. I have a very good relationship with them. You said that when a relationship between a man and a woman is good, isn't it normal for the conversation to be a little ambiguous?"

"Hmm...really? It seems so."

"Yes, why did I come to the ice? I came to pretend to be the boyfriend of that beautiful girl you saw at that time. The family was in a hurry, so they asked me to pretend to be a boyfriend across the country. It’s not easy for me either.”

"Wow! Then you guys have a really good relationship."

An Xin exclaimed.

"Almost, she is my teacher."

Anxin: "..."


"Yeah, he's the mentor who taught me how to practice. I can't help it, he's so handsome."

Anxin: "..."

"Go, go, I can still admit that you are talented. As for being handsome, you are far from it."

"Then if I become your boyfriend, can you think about it?"

Lin Xuan looked at her and asked with a smile.

That's right, now Lin Xuan has begun to gradually give hints, the kind of hints that feel like a joke.

Anxin: "..."

"Tch, that's a good idea. I have thousands of fans, and my boyfriend is useless."

"But I like you very much."

Anxin: "..."

"Go to hell, you scumbag and a gangster!" An Xin rolled his eyes at Lin Xuan.

Yes, in her eyes Lin Xuan was indeed joking.

"Really, you said it would be more respectable if your girlfriend was a popular star, right?"

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