Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 949 Why don’t you go home?

With the existence of this barrier, it is impossible for monsters to come in, no, that cannot be said!

It's okay if it's very strong. For example, monsters that have reached the Heavenly Realm can ignore this barrier and enter! The barrier cannot be detected!

But when such monsters transform into the human world, they are either neutral and have no ill intentions, such as Linglong Xue and the others, or they are enemies! But even in the third-tier Lin'an City, it is useless for monsters like the Tianzun Realm to enter the city!

Of course, if you just kill some people... that's normal!


"If you say so, those monsters are at the lowest level of Heavenly Lord?"

"I don't know, but it is said that the barrier can block all monsters below the Heavenly Realm!" Lu Yufan said.

"But... there will also be some very weak monsters that enter the city in some other way. Didn't we also encounter them in Tianhua City?"

Lin Xuan knew this very well. He was still very weak at that time and saw with his own eyes several students being bitten to death on the spot, so this kind of thing cannot be prevented! There will even be some people who bring monsters in through certain means! Most are from the Evil Temple.

Therefore, no one can draw a conclusion until the investigation is complete.

"Then how do you know that the monster that came in is in disguise?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"It was captured on surveillance camera, I'll show it to you!"

Then Wang Xintong took out her cell phone, swiped it, and put it in front of Lin Xuan.

The video has been exposed. This kind of thing must be exposed to make everyone vigilant!

Lin Xuan then looked at the screen!

He didn't know the location very well, but it must be somewhere in Lin'an City! It seems like a snack street!

The surveillance video was taken in front of a convenience store. It captured a total of five people, but it is not certain whether it was exactly five people. The five people were walking in this deserted snack street late at night. At a corner, they Went in!

I haven’t seen anything wrong so far! But the next moment...

The moonlight and a sliver of light just happened to shine there. Just after the five people entered the corner, several shadows appeared in the snack street and the corner. These shadows became bigger and bigger, and became less and less... Humanoid! Then it disappeared!

The video ends here!

It's very simple. The five people are monsters. They transformed in that position. To be honest, this video is quite shocking. I saw a few people walking in, and then the shadows on the ground turned into monsters. It felt more... Seeing a human being transform into a monster with your own eyes is even more terrifying and heart-wrenching.

"Have you been to this place?"

Lin Xuan asked.

"I don't know, I should have checked it out." Lu Yufan said slightly.

"It's strange. It's hard to say that they entered the human world. Why did they transform into monsters for no reason in the human world?"

Lin Xuan pondered slightly.

This is what Lin Xuan finds most incomprehensible!

You said that there may be many ways for monsters to enter the human world. You don’t need to consider this. But in the human world, you are in the human form. Normally, as long as you are not a very powerful human race, you will not find out that you are It belongs to a monster, and there is no need for you to transform into a monster form!

Among all things, humans are the best. It is not that humans are the strongest, but that the form of human beings is the most perfect. Therefore, demons all hope to transform into human forms. Transforming into human forms is very convenient, and the demons and beasts will no longer even like it. My own body, even in the realm of monsters, those monsters that can take the form of humans do not live in their true form, they all live in human form. So under what circumstances will the monsters turn into their true form again?


And she only turned into her true form when she was at a disadvantage!

After the monster beast transforms into its true form, its combat effectiveness will be greatly improved!

But, in the human world, in Lin'an City, are they fighting?

Maybe they can kill and fight,

But it is absolutely impossible to force it out of its true form!

So, there must be some reason for this!

They shook their heads at Lin Xuan's words.

Miao Xiaomiao was deep in thought.

If Lin Xuan hadn't said it, she really wouldn't have realized this!

Yes, why do monsters transform into their true form in the human world? It’s not like he’s fighting against a strong human being. He’s not fighting against a strong person. If he kills someone, he won’t use his true body, but he’ll be exposed! If the store owner hadn't accidentally checked the video, no one would have discovered this.

"Then why do you think it is?"

Miao Xiaomiao asked Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan shook his head; "I don't understand, but it's very dangerous to have these people in Lin'an City now. Has anyone died?"

They shook their heads.

Maybe, but they don't know it!

There may be good news now...

These monsters may be neutral and just sneak into human life quietly. This may be good news, but you must never think in a good direction about anything.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, if they come to play in the human world, why do they have to become their true bodies in the human world?

So this possibility is not high.

"During this period, you must not go out at night. You can go out, but you must not go to some remote places. You can only go to places like the city center with many people. Do you hear me?"

Lin Xuan said to them.

"I know, I know, we don't know how to do it even if you don't need to tell us. Besides, we don't want to go to remote places to play at night."

Lu Yufan muttered.

"Yes, except Lin Xuan tricked us."

Wang Xintong nodded her head seriously and said.

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Hey, hey, Xiao Xintong, you are making it sound like I am a bad person."

Wang Xintong suppressed a smile.

"Basically, the realm of monsters that can turn into human form is the Law Realm. The Law Realm is the base, and the Domain Realm is more likely, because the Law Realm needs to have a stronger bloodline to transform into human form. In addition, if they are ignored If the human sister comes in, they should be the existences of the Heavenly Realm. I don’t know what this demon clan is going to do!”

Lin Xuan rubbed his chin and pondered.

Wow! How dangerous! Now I feel like it’s no longer safe in the city. In addition to human enemies, there are also monsters from the outside world, and now there are more monsters in the city!

Who can withstand this?

Lin Xuan plans to talk to Murong Qing about this matter. Maybe Lin Xuan is not worried about Gongsun Jun and the Liao family, but he is still super worried about this kind of monster!

"Let's go out and play. Don't go home after playing."

Lin Xuan said.

"Why don't you go home?"

Ye Yiyi asked doubtfully.

"Get a room."

Four girls; "..."

Wow, what a stinker! !

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