Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 951 An Xin’s troubles

Lin Ya's pretty face blushed slightly when she heard Lin Xuan's words.

"No, but take a look at the top trending search."

"What's wrong with the number one trending search? Isn't my news the second most trending?"

"No, you are also the number one most searched topic."

Lin Xuan: "..."

Then Lin Xuan quit and took a look.

"Anxin is suspected of dating Lin Xuan. Is it really a coincidence that Lin Xuan was selected for Anxin's concert in Bingguo?" 》

Yes, this is a post posted by an unknown person. I don’t know why it went viral.

Lin Xuan then took a look.

There are a few photos at the beginning. The photo is of Lin Xuan and An Xin having dinner in that hotel, a photo of Lin Xuan entering the box, and a photo of An Xin walking out of it.

Obviously, this should have been taken by the paparazzi. With this kind of title, plus the topic and popularity of An Xin, it is of course normal for it to be ranked first in the hot search.

Regarding An Xin and Lin Xuan's dinner date alone, An Xin's manager and company have issued a statement. They were discussing cooperation alone and discussing the production of the next album. This is believed by everyone and confirms this. Things will just have to wait for the release of the Anxin album, and the songwriters and songwriters will find out.

But the reason why this matter continues to ferment now is the second reason...

Was it a coincidence that An Xin drew Lin Xuan at the Bingguo concert, or was it premeditated?

Then this post gave a lot of perspective.

Out of hundreds of thousands of people, the chance of getting him was too small, but he happened to be chosen, and he happened to be such a talented person. It was hard not to think that An Xin was intentional.

Then why do it on purpose?

She might want to give Lin Xuan some heat and hype for him! Let him debut as an amateur. You know, if an amateur produces such a song and a singer produces such a song, for ordinary people and fans, there are two different feelings. It must be the former that can give society Bigger sensation.

So if this is true, why do it?

At the same time, I can think of the first topic of this post. Lin Xuan and An Xin may have a relatively close relationship. An An Xin wants to secretly hold his hand and make him famous!

If they are boyfriend and girlfriend, the best way is not to expose it. Once it is exposed, many male fans of Anxin will be sad and lose their fans. And Lin Xuan became famous because of Anxin, so he will naturally be criticized, so he must use this method !

Of course, countless people insist on this, and countless people abuse the poster, but there are also people who agree!

Because there is one more thing.

Lin Xuan was very relaxed throughout the whole stage. Let me ask, why would a normal person be so relaxed in front of hundreds of thousands of people when called upon? You can even joke!

This is normally impossible!

I'm even speculating whether Nocturne and Sunny Day were written by An Xin for Lin Xuan? Is this concert actually an opportunity to increase Lin Xuan's popularity and package his debut? In fact, An Xin is a scheming person?

This suspicion led to many trolls scolding Anxin, and Anxin's fans responded back. Under such circumstances, it continued to ferment and became the number one hot search topic.

This matter is so fermented that all the topics are actually one, whether An Xin is scheming or not! After all, she is safe in the eyes of the world. She is a beautiful girl, pure, cute, polite, kind, beautiful, talented...

In fact, this kind of thing cannot be said to be scheming. Even if it is true, it is actually a kind of human nature. But An Xin's image and identity are destined to amplify this kind of thing! And she also has some competitors, and those rival companies or individuals are likely to secretly fan the flames on this matter.

Suddenly being put on a scheming watch, to be honest, this kind of heat is really big enough!

Regarding this point, An Xin is very worried now. She really has no way to clarify, because she really chose Lin Xuan on purpose, but she and Lin Xuan are really not boyfriend and girlfriend, and she is really not a scheming person. Xuan didn't want to expose that he was the one who rescued people on the plane...

So she has been keeping silent.

If Lin Ya hadn't told him, Lin Xuan wouldn't have known about it.

I guess An Xin is quite troubled now.

"what happened?"

Lin Ya asked.

"What else can happen? It's just that I met An Xin, who appreciated my talent, and asked me to help her produce an album. That's all. As for scheming and other things, the Chinese trolls are still very powerful."

"Then aren't you in danger now?"

Lin Ya said worriedly.

"It's okay. I've been playing outside all day and nothing happened. The quality of this photo is not high. If I change my clothes, others won't be able to recognize me, let alone think of me."

"It's okay."

Lin Ya nodded slightly.

After dinner, Lin Xuan and Lin Ya chatted a lot. It was getting late, and Lin Ya had to go to work on time every day, so generally she went to bed early.

Normally Lin Xuan would definitely take advantage of her, so he would have to sleep with her arms around her no matter what, right?

However, Lin Xuan cared more about An Xin, so Lin Xuan returned to his room, took out his cell phone, found An Xin's friend and sent a message.

On the other side, An Xin is sitting in a hotel room with her agent Zhang Ling.

"An'an, the public opinion in society is too big now. You must explain this matter, otherwise the impact will be too great."

As An Xin's manager, Zhang Ling takes care of her schedule, her concerts, including the variety shows, movies, and TV series she accepts. An Xin is angry. Making money with An Xin means she makes money. This incident has indeed caused It's a very big sensation, and the hype can go a long way, but An Xin's popularity does not require such hype. What's more important is her innocence and perfect image in everyone's eyes! Once this is broken, it's over!

"There's nothing to explain. Just let them talk. Besides, Lin Xuan and I did know each other before, and I did point to him on purpose."

An Xin scratched his hair and said.

"It's not important. What's important is that those people outside are scolding you for being scheming and suspecting that you and Lin Xuan are a couple. This will have a great impact on your stardom, a star, especially one with your popularity and age. Girls, falling in love will ruin your future! You know this very well. Although this is not the case, then you should clarify it. If you don’t clarify it, Sister Ling will use the company’s Weibo account to tell you!”

"Don't! Lin Xuan doesn't want to show off. Sister Ling, once you say that he and I met on the plane that happened, even though I will be fine, Lin Xuan will probably be surrounded by people when he goes out. He doesn't like this."

An Xin said.


If you don't explain it clearly, it won't be convincing!

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