Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 953 Bai Xuanxuan

Why do Mao want to be together...

A hero saves a beauty, this is fate! They are so talented and they met again. It is really magical and destined!

What made everyone even more admirable was that An Xin said that the reason why he did not clarify it immediately was because Lin Xuan did not want to show his face and be noticed by social media. As a result, Lin Xuan's image was completely that of someone who was not interested in fame or fortune. A great hero who works silently!

This deserves everyone’s admiration and appreciation!

For a while, fans were asking for Lin Xuan's Weibo under An Xin's Weibo. It's a pity that Lin Xuan doesn't do these things.


In the ice country, in a courtyard that looks like a farmhouse, a woman in casual clothes is sitting there looking at the stars. She seems to be thinking a lot and is not in a very good mood!

If Lin Xuan saw it, he would be in awe!

This is crazy...

Are there so many beautiful girls in the world?

This girl looks to be twenty-four or five years old, but her whole person exudes a temperament that is beyond her age.

Her maroon bangs hang in front of her eyes, and the big waves of the same color are particularly charming. She shakes her head unintentionally, revealing a pair of clear and mysterious dark purple eyes. Yes, her eyes are dark purple, which is absolutely rare. Yes, but it gave her a mysterious beauty, with a hint of coolness, thin lips slightly pursed, a delicate face with oval seeds, and long thick eyelashes that were slightly curled like mimosa leaves.

Especially her figure, it can be said that she has a curved front and a curved back, a devilish figure, one look at it makes her blood boil. Even if she is wearing loose casual clothes or home clothes, if she wears a tight one, obediently, no one can stand up to her figure. living.

At this time, an old man walked out of the room quickly with a mobile phone. His hands were trembling slightly. It was unclear whether he was excited or had something strange in his body.


Just by looking at this woman, you will feel that she has a lot of stories. She is very mysterious but also has a feeling that strangers should not approach her. However, this "grandpa" makes her feel extremely well-behaved.

Bai Xuanxuan quickly stood up and supported the old man who was not very tall and looked old.

"Grandpa, it's cold outside. You're not feeling well. Go back home and sit down."

Bai Xuanxuan gently supported the old man.

"Xuanxuan, grandpa has found a benefactor."

The old man said slightly excitedly.


Bai Xuanxuan was also very surprised.

Bai Haojun nodded, holding Bai Xuanxuan's slender hand with one hand, and handing over the phone tremblingly with the other.

Bai Xuanxuan could not help but feel a sore nose when she saw her grandfather's old hands still shaking uncontrollably. She took the phone and took a look.

The mobile phone screen is the number one hot search, and the number one hot search now is An Xin’s clarification.

Bai Xuanxuan then looked at the content carefully.

"So this guy named Lin Xuan was also on the plane at that time. He is a space attribute. He was the one who saved the entire plane, as well as you, grandpa."

Bai Xuanxuan then said.

"Yes...yes!" Bai Haojun nodded excitedly.

At his age, he is particularly concerned about gratitude.

Yes, he was also on that plane at that time. He was the only one, without Bai Xuanxuan.

Bai Xuanxuan and him depended on each other for life, and Bai Xuanxuan only had this grandfather, so why did she leave Shura Palace aside and rarely manage it? It was because she spent more time with her grandfather in Tiandu.

But after the Chinese New Year, she happened to be coming to Bing. She had important things to do, and she might be away for more than a month, so she came.

But her grandfather Bai Haojun was very reluctant and wanted to be with his granddaughter. For a month, he was in a panic. He thought about spending a day flying to Bingdu to accompany his granddaughter, even if his granddaughter was with him during the day. If something happens, he is very satisfied if we can have dinner together in the evening!

So, he didn't tell Bai Xuanxuan, because he knew that if he told her, she would definitely not agree. Because he was not in good health, Bai Xuanxuan was worried that she would worry about him. Then he took a plane to Bingdu alone,

Then something happened! Then he was rescued by Lin Xuan.

These days, Bai Xuanxuan was also looking for the savior who saved her beloved grandfather, but she didn't expect to find him on the Internet.

After learning that her grandfather had an accident, she realized one thing. Compared with her family, the so-called career was nothing.

Although she had given up most of her time in Shura Hall to accompany her grandfather, at that time, she was willing to give up the entire Shura Hall in the hope that her grandfather would be fine.

"Lin'an City..."

Bai Xuanxuan pondered slightly.

Lin'an City is where she started from scratch. In Lin'an City, she single-handedly founded Shura Palace, which is getting bigger and bigger. It is even now found in nearly one-tenth of the cities in the entire Chinese country, that is, thirty or forty cities. The shadow of Shura Palace, now that the three major forces are in power, it is really extraordinary that one person can develop his power to such a great extent! It is no exaggeration to say that Shura Palace can basically be called the strongest group of small individual forces among the three major forces in China.

The combined power of the entire Shura Palace is enough to surpass the eight major families of Tiandu. There may still be some gap between the real T2 level power, but the gap is definitely not big! Even above the T3 level power of the eight major families!

But now she hopes even more... no, she has always hoped that her grandfather will be in good health!

Lin Xuan saved her grandfather, and she must be grateful.

"Grandpa, you need to rest for two days. I will take you back to Lin'an City to find him in two days."

"Xuanxuan, grandpa is dragging you down."

Bai Haojun gently patted Bai Xuanxuan's hand and said.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? You are Xuanxuan's only relative now. As long as grandpa is in good health, Xuanxuan will be the happiest person in the world. Xuanxuan will definitely find a way to cure grandpa. That Lin Xuan saved Grandpa, he is the benefactor of our Bai family, no matter what he has to do, he must repay her. "

"If grandpa hadn't come to you in a fit of rage, nothing would have happened to grandpa, and he wouldn't have made you worry."

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? That's my problem. Xuanxuan should stay with grandpa more, instead of leaving for a month. From now on, we will stay in Lin'an City. It doesn't matter where we are, as long as grandpa is there. It’s home.”

Bai Haojun sighed.

"Lin'an City is the root of our Bai family."

"Okay grandpa, we will go back in two days. It's getting late, so you should rest quickly."

"Well, you should also go to bed early!"

After Bai Haojun returned to the room, Bai Xuanxuan's eyes changed. She was no longer the good girl. Her light purple eyes were particularly mysterious, deep and beautiful. Then she took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Help me check on a person named Lin Xuan in Lin'an City. Give you five minutes. I want all his information."

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