Become a Scumbag from Now on

Chapter 961 Does God really exist?

"how do you know?"

Murong Qing frowned and looked at Lin Xuan.

"Because that person was a former blind date of mine, half a classmate of mine, and there was a lot of hatred between her and her. She tried to pull me into her own power, so she appeared next to me and told me so many!"

Murong Qing: "..."

"However, I'm not sure this is true. This is just a clue I found. As for the mechanism, it is right there. There is a button similar to a stone at the corner between the ground and the wall on the left. It requires spiritual power to press. , there is a secret room inside, which is where they disappeared, and they probably won’t go there again.”

Murong Qing nodded: "I understand."

"Well, I'll leave first. By the way, if I'm not here in the future, can you spend more time with the little fairy?"

"What? I'm worried that your sister will be lonely."

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes.

"No, it may be dangerous. Although she has a spiritual weapon that can escape danger, I still don't feel reassured."

Murong Qing nodded: "I understand."

"Oh, by the way, as for kissing, you can make up for it when I come next time. Also, don't forget my heaven-level martial arts." After saying this, Lin Xuan walked away.

Murong Qing; "..."

What a stinker.

After leaving, Lin Xuan naturally went to Linglongxue!

I have been home for two days, and this is the first time I have come to their place. You must be angry. On the first day, you played with other girls. On the second day, you played with another group of girls. I just remembered to go to them.

But Linglongxue doesn't care, it can't be said that it doesn't matter, she just looks at it more cheerfully, and it's natural and normal to feel a little unhappy in her heart.

"elder brother……"

As soon as Lin Xuan got there, Xiao Longer flew towards Lin Xuan very happily, hugged Lin Xuan's neck and chewed several times.

"It made me drool all over my face."

Lin Xuan gently pinched her cheeks.


Xiaolonger giggled happily.

"I heard that you have become powerful again?"

Lin Xuan scraped her little nose, then sat on the sofa and hugged her.


Last time Linglongxue and the others went to the Bing Country to watch a concert, they did not take Xiaolonger with them because she was being promoted. This was a promotion without danger. Linglongxue naturally understood and knew that it would take about a few days, so she silently took Xiaolonger away. The children were left at home, and they went to the concert.

"How is it? What additional abilities do you have?" Lin Xuan asked.

Xiao Longer is a very magical girl with unlimited potential.


Linglongxue took a look, and then said: "There is no awakening, but the realm is stable at the domain level."

"Just...the realm?"

Lin Xuan looked at Xiao Longer in his arms.

How long has it been since this girl broke through the dragon egg? She didn’t even practice, so she didn’t do anything, and then she reached the realm...

She is now firmly in the realm, but that doesn't mean she can't release the power beyond the realm! Otherwise, how could he have destroyed the door that Murong Qing could not break?

"Yeah, Xiao Long'er can help brother in the future."

Xiaolonger said sweetly.


There are more and more masters around Lin Xuan.

"By the way, Xiao Linglong, do you have anything else that can save your life?"

Lin Xuan looked at Linglongxue beside him.

"Is there any danger again?"

Linglongxue looked at Lin Xuan.

Apart from being a gangster, this person is very capable of causing trouble.

"The danger has never stopped. I am not worried about myself. I am just worried about the friends around me. They will do something to my friends!"

"Give me three days to help them refine some spiritual weapon space bracelets."

"Is it the one you gave to the little fairy?"

Linglongxue nodded; "It's not that good, but it's definitely no problem to save your life."

"Okay, it's okay. I'm not in a hurry. Don't get too tired."

Lin Xuan leaned over and touched her belly.

Linglongxue took Lin Xuan's hand away,

Her pretty face turned slightly red.

If it was just the two of them, it would be okay to do something slightly intimate. There were Linglong Yue and Bing Lingyue beside them.

"Why hasn't your cultivation level improved at all?"

Linglongxue then asked.

Lin Xuan was really embarrassed to ask this question.

He really has been playing with various girls during this whole period. He went to Tiandu for the girls, went to Ice City for the girls, and hadn't been to the monster realm for a long time.

"I just play with my little sister every day, so I don't have time to practice."

Linglongyue rolled her eyes and said.

"Go, go, go, what do you know?"

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes in return.

Linglongyue then made a face.

"No matter what happens, your own cultivation must be the most important thing. Without cultivation, you will be at the mercy of others. In this era where strength is respected, you will not have the capital to survive."

Linglongxue said lightly.

Lin Xuan nodded: "I know, but for us humans, there is a shortcut that is faster than yours, which is the God Son System. You can improve your realm by killing monsters without meditating and practicing."

"Speaking of the divine subsystem, this is indeed something difficult to explain. "

Linglong Xue frowned and said.

Bing Lingyue also nodded.

"How could there be any divine subsystem in the era I lived in? Even humans have to rely on their own abilities to practice little by little. I never thought that such a thing would appear in the future!"

Lin Xuan said: "Yes, this cannot explain at all why people are born with a system now. This is indeed something that goes against common sense."

Some people may think that this is normal and not surprising, but for Bing Lingyue, this is really something unimaginable.

Lin Xuan also felt that this was too unreasonable, but he was more accepting of this thing because he had a male god system that surpassed the god son system, but he didn't know where it came from.

"Xiao Linglong, what do you think is the reason for this phenomenon?"

Lin Xuan looked at Linglongxue.

Linglongxue said: "The only possibility I can imagine is that there is an existence beyond this plane. To put it simply, it may be God. The true God who can rewrite everything in a single thought. His single thought can make the humans of Sky Blue Star I have a divine son system! Otherwise, I can’t explain it.”

"Does God...really exist?"

Linglongxue nodded; "I don't know but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Since the Heavenly Dao Realm exists, and since the Heavenly Dao Realm cannot escape from this plane, why can't there be an existence beyond the Heavenly Dao Realm and beyond this plane?"

Regarding this point, Linglongxue may have the most say. There were so many powerful people in the Heavenly Dao Realm in the Void Fox clan back then, but when they went to that place, they all died! Does this further illustrate that there are existences beyond the realm of heaven?

This is also the reason why she has never dared to go. Now she is even more afraid to go because of Lin Xuan and the child in her belly, but she must go!

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