Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 17 About the Great White Shark's BUG-like Ability

After Chen Mu's body was wrapped in golden light, he did not leave the place.

Instead, it evolves directly in place.

It didn't take long.

A shark appeared where Chen Mu was.

Chen Mu came back to his senses and saw himself through his consciousness.

This is a great white shark with a body length of over one meter.

It was said to be a great white shark, but now Chen Mu is very small.

It can be just like a newborn.

Now Chen Mu is smaller than the tuna next to him.

Chen Mu was stunned.

"Although I'm very happy to have evolved into a great white shark, isn't this size too small?"

Great white sharks are apex predators, and being able to evolve into great white sharks means that more food can be added to Chen Mu's dinner plate.

But the problem is, Chen Mu never expected that the great white shark that would evolve would be so small.

We can’t eat these yellowfin tuna.

Chen Mu could only move his body and leave here first.

With Chen Mu's current body shape, he must get in shape quickly.

But the question is, how to do it?

Chen Mu suddenly smelled a smell, it was the smell of blood.

When he smelled the smell of blood, Chen Mu felt like he was smelling the aroma of food.

Chen Mu subconsciously swam in the direction of the smell of blood.

Great white sharks have a highly sensitive sense of smell. They can smell blood from seawater with a concentration of one part per billion. Scientists believe that great white sharks can smell trace amounts of blood up to 3 kilometers away. The source of this powerful sense of smell comes from An organ called the olfactory bulb grows under its nostrils.

At the same time, great white sharks also possess an organ called a lateral line, which can sense the trembling of water in the sea.

Great white sharks can sense potential prey up to 250 meters away.

Suddenly, Chen Mu had a magical feeling.

He could feel what information was being sensed around him.

For a moment, Chen Mu could sense that there were countless creatures near him. Although Chen Mu didn't know what those creatures were, he could feel them swimming.

"Is this a sixth sense?" Chen Mu asked himself subconsciously.

Some are closer to Chen Mu and some are further away.

However, Chen Mu didn't know what was there.

At the same time, Chen Mu also sensed that there were more than ten large creatures gathered at the source of the blood.

Although he didn't know what kind of creatures they were, Chen Mu was sure that those creatures were very large.

This magical feeling made Chen Mu a little puzzled.

Is this the evolutionary reward for evolving into a great white shark?

In fact, Chen Mu was wrong.

This is not an evolutionary bonus, but a special ability of the Great White Shark.

The great white shark has inductance. The great white shark is very sensitive to electric fields. It has a very keen ability to perceive electric fields.

The shark's sensory organs are made up of the ampullae of Laurentia, which are found in the dark spots on its face.

The ampulla of Laurentianis allows great white sharks to detect the magnetic fields emitted by all living creatures.

Chen Mu can sense the existence of living creatures around him, naturally through induction.

However, Chen Mu didn’t know much about great white sharks, so naturally he wasn’t that clear.

Chen Mu didn't think much about it. If he continued to have a sixth sense, he would just use this sixth sense to hunt prey.

Chen Mu was a little curious about the source of the bloody smell.

He swam his body and continued to approach in that direction.

It took half an hour.

When Chen Mu saw this scene in front of him, his eyes widened.

I saw a huge gray whale floating on the sea with its belly turned over. Next to this extremely huge gray whale, more than a dozen killer whales were enjoying the gray whale.

One of the killer whales saw Chen Mu.

The killer whale turned around and rushed towards Chen Mu.

Chen Mu was so frightened that his pupils condensed slightly, and he turned around and ran away.

Be very fast and escape quickly.

After throwing the killer whale away.

Chen Mu looked back and breathed a sigh of relief.

"No wonder I feel that there are several huge beings near the source of blood. It turns out that those beings are killer whales." Chen Mu shook his tail and continued to swim forward: "I almost died. Fortunately, I had doubled the speed, otherwise It’s really gone.”

"However, it seems that my sixth sense ability is genuine." Chen Mu said, "In other words, I can use this ability to hunt."

Chen Mu smiled: "This is much easier to use than conscious vision."

The conscious vision can only see everything within fifty meters, while the inductive ability is relatively far away.

"Congratulations on your successful evolution. You have obtained the evolution reward and the range of your consciousness has been increased to one thousand meters."

Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly.

Although the inductor can help Chen Mu detect the presence of prey, even if he finds it, sometimes he can't see what the other person is like just now.

The vision of consciousness can help Chen Mu see the appearance of the creature earlier.

The previous distance of fifty meters was too short, but now the distance of one thousand meters was a great blessing for Chen Mu.

Paired with the Jaws' inductor, it's perfect.

"So, my sixth sense-like ability is not a reward for evolution, but an ability carried by the great white shark itself?" Chen Mu muttered: "It is indeed the top predator of the ocean, it is really powerful."

Forget it, Chen Mu is too lazy to think about it. The most important thing now is to hunt quickly, devour it to gain evolutionary energy, and improve his body size.

Otherwise, with Chen Mu's current size, let alone encountering killer whales, even if he encounters dolphins, he must be careful of being hunted by dolphins.

Dolphins will hunt great white sharks. As long as the great white sharks act alone and are smaller in size, the dolphins will learn to attack and hunt the great white sharks like killer whales.

With Chen Mu's current size, if he encounters a group of dolphins, he must be careful.

Chen Mu swam for a while, and suddenly his consciousness was seen through his vision.

He saw a group of six dolphins, jumping and playing happily on the sea, and approaching Chen Mu.

Seeing this, Chen Mu's expression changed slightly.

"Say dolphins and you will meet dolphins..., I must have opened my mouth."

Chen Mu adjusted his mood: "It's okay."

Although he encountered dolphins, Chen Mu still has a way to deal with dolphins, and he can use this group of dolphins to help him do something.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu continued to swim in the direction of the dolphin group.

Not long after, Chen Mu could see the dolphins running towards this side with his naked eyes.

It's time.

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