Chen Mu turned his head back and bit the seal fish directly, swallowing it in one gulp.

Compared with the great white shark, the seal fish has a much lower fighting power, and it is no match for the great white shark at all.

But the problem is that if the great white shark is accidentally touched by this thing, it will be in trouble.

The seal fish is like a parasite in the ocean. It will use the thing on its head that looks like a shoe print to stick to the belly of the great white shark.

It's like hitching a ride, taking the great white shark with it.

When the great white shark is looking for food, the seal fish will even be one step faster and snatch the food from the great white shark.

Sometimes, the great white shark even starves to death because the seal fish snatches too much food from the great white shark.

To say why the great white shark doesn't kill these seal fish, it is mainly because when the seal fish is found, the seal fish has already stuck to the belly of the great white shark.

No matter what the great white shark does, it can't attack the seal fish under its belly, so it can only admit that it's unlucky.

Chen Mu didn't know if he could get rid of this thing after being stuck and turning into other creatures. If he couldn't get rid of it, he would be doomed. Of course, Chen Mu could also use his swallowing ability to swallow it directly, but this thing was so small that he was not very interested.

"This thing tastes really bad. It looks like the sole of a slipper and tastes like a slipper." Chen Mu muttered.

There are many creatures in the ocean, but for Chen Mu, a two-meter-long great white shark, most of these creatures can't pose any threat to him.

And the evolutionary energy that those creatures can bring to Chen Mu is too low, so he is not very interested in them.

Swimming for a whole morning.

Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly: "Found it!"

In front of him, a huge whale shark was swimming slowly, occasionally opening its mouth, swallowing sea water, and filtering plankton in the sea water.

Next to this whale shark, groups of yellowfin tuna were surrounding it.

Those yellowfin tuna exuded an attractive luster under the sunlight.

Chen Mu drooled at the thought of the yellowfin tuna's firm and tempting meat.

The yellowfin tuna in front of him was like a natural buffet.

Chen Mu shook his body and quickly moved closer.

But when he got closer, Chen Mu suddenly discovered something.

"What is going on?"

A yellowfin tuna swam past Chen Mu.

And the size of that yellowfin tuna was a full circle larger than Chen Mu at the moment.

The longest yellowfin tuna can reach 3.5 meters.

And Chen Mu's current size is only over two meters.

Compared with some yellowfin tuna, Chen Mu's current size is obviously not enough.

"I, a great white shark, am not even as big as these tunas..." Chen Mu muttered.

"But it doesn't matter!" Chen Mu smiled: "Obviously, not all tunas are as big as mine. Just find those small tunas to devour."

As he said, Chen Mu opened his conscious vision, and while swimming with the whale shark, he used his conscious vision to observe the school of tuna.

Although Chen Mu's body was not big, he was still a threat to those tuna schools.

They ran directly to the other side of the whale shark and hid.

They wanted to use the whale shark's huge body as a wall to block Chen Mu.

The wall can indeed block Chen Mu's naked eye, but Chen Mu used his conscious vision, within a kilometer, 360 degrees without dead angles, as long as it is within a kilometer of Chen Mu, Chen Mu can see everything.

Chen Mu carefully looked for his prey.

He found a tuna that was slightly smaller than Chen Mu, and he set off.

With a move of his body, he moved at a very fast speed.

He suddenly bypassed the whale shark and pounced on his target.

The tuna group was frightened and scattered instantly.

Chen Mu didn't care about the scattered tuna, he had only one goal.

Chen Mu quickly caught up with the tuna that was fleeing in a hurry at a terrifying speed.

He bit it.

The blood flowed into Chen Mu's nose along the sea water.

For Chen Mu, who was a great white shark, the taste of the blood was not bloody, but a kind of fragrance, the fragrance of food.

It was worthy of being a yellowfin tuna, the taste was simply superb.

Chen Mu tore the tuna, which was more than one meter long, into pieces and ate it bite by bite.

The tight tuna entered his mouth, and the taste was simply fascinating.

After eating this tuna, which was more than one meter long, Chen Mu felt that his stomach was a little bloated.

But what made Chen Mu a little depressed was that

"The system didn't give any prompts..., that is to say, when I was a dolphin before, I could get 1% of the evolutionary energy by eating a tuna, but now that I have evolved into a great white shark, it is no longer possible..." Chen Mu thought for a while: "What will happen if I change?"

Chen Mu's body turned into a dolphin, and then quickly approached a tuna that was smaller than him.

As soon as he approached, he swallowed it!

The tuna turned into golden light and was swallowed by Chen Mu.

Eating a tuna, but the system still didn't give any prompts.

Chen Mu shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that I thought too much. This evolutionary energy is judged according to the last evolved creature. Even if I use the transformation energy to turn myself back into a dolphin, the required evolutionary energy is still calculated based on the identity of a great white shark."

Sure enough, this system does not give any loopholes at all.

Chen Mu turned back into a great white shark, and he swam: "Forget it, at worst, I'll just take my time."

Chen Mu locked onto a tuna again and pounced on it.

A yellowfin tuna had already filled Chen Mu's stomach, so Chen Mu directly turned on the swallowing mode and swallowed it.

All tunas smaller than Chen Mu were transformed into Chen Mu's evolutionary energy.

At the same time, Chen Mu's size became larger because of the evolutionary energy he gained.

As Chen Mu's size grew, he had more choices of tuna to swallow.

Of course, even if the size was not as good as the tuna, it didn't matter.

Chen Mu went over directly, tore the tuna that was larger than him into pieces of meat, and then swallowed it.

Soon, most of the tunas swimming around the whale shark became Chen Mu's evolutionary energy.

Chen Mu swallowed another tuna.

At the same time, Chen Mu heard the prompt of the biological evolution system.

"Receiving energy, the current progress of evolutionary energy is 10%."

Chen Mu was slightly startled, he came back to his senses, looked around and saw that there were less than ten tuna left.

Chen Mu counted carefully, he had devoured at least hundreds of tuna during this period.

But Chen Mu never expected that he only gained 6% of the evolutionary energy progress.

Too little.

Suddenly, Chen Mu sensed movement through the inductor.

Several large creatures are rushing here.

Chen Mu frowned slightly, then used the consciousness vision to look in the direction of those large creatures.

The picture transmitted through the consciousness vision.

Chen Mu saw seven killer whales, roaring and approaching here.

"Another group of killer whales, these guys have too sensitive noses." Obviously, these things were attracted by the blood of tuna.

Chen Mu retracted his gaze.

"Forget it, I've eaten almost everything anyway, it's time to change the taste." Chen Mu turned and left.

After swallowing so many tunas, Chen Mu's body has grown to five meters, which is not as big as a killer whale, but it is also the size of an adult great white shark.

He can go find other prey.

"Killer whale group, hum, next time we meet, I will make you my killer whale buffet."

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