Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 28: The enthusiastic and talkative killer whale group

Chen Mu just made a sound.

The voices of other killer whales came from afar.

"We are here, make a sound, and we will rush over to pick you up." Hearing this voice, Chen Mu was stunned for a moment.

He reacted, and it was obvious that this was the translation made by the system for Chen Mu.

Chen Mu swam towards the source of the sound.

He made a sound: "I'm here."

"How many killer whales do you have over there?" The voice of the killer whale in the distance came slowly.

Chen Mu explained: "There is only one, I was just chased by a great white shark and was left alone."

"Damn great white shark, be careful, we will be there soon." The killer whale over there sounded a little anxious.

It seemed to be afraid that something would happen to Chen Mu.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu had a strange feeling.

These killer whales are too humane, right?

Not long after, Chen Mu saw a group of killer whales through his consciousness.

This group of killer whales had more than 20 killer whales.

Groups of killer whales were swimming quickly towards this side.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Chen Mu's mind.

"Congratulations on your successful evolution. Evolution rewards you with race-eating."


The system's voice sounded: "Race-eating. When the biological group you are in is preying, the energy obtained by your companions' predation will help you gain evolutionary energy, but after obtaining the ability of race-eating, the predation of the same kind on the same kind will not gain evolutionary energy."

Chen Mu's eyes lit up slightly.

Meaning, if Chen Mu joins the killer whale group in front of him, the other killer whales in the killer whale group will also bring evolutionary energy to Chen Mu when they eat? !

Isn't this too cool? !

However, to use this race-eating ability, you need to enter the killer whale group in front of you.

How to join?

The group of killer whales in front has arrived.

After seeing Chen Mu, they swam around Chen Mu.

"Wow, what a small killer whale."

"So cute."

"So cute."

"What a small and cute killer whale."

Chen Mu heard the sounds made by the killer whales next to him. The sound was the voice of a young woman, and it was estimated that it was made by a female killer whale.

They seemed to be very interested in Chen Mu.

At this time, Chen Mu saw an adult female killer whale swimming out and came to Chen Mu: "I am the leader of this killer whale group. We will protect you. You are safe now. Where are you and your people separated? We will take you to find your people."

Leader, female?

They are like a civilization living on the earth. At present, the killer whale society is a matriarchal society. All killer whale groups are managed by a female whale as a leader.

Chen Mu said: "We were attacked by a group of great white sharks. My people were eaten. Now I am the only one left."


"So pitiful."

"Such a cute little killer whale has to go through this. So pitiful."

The killer whales next to him cast pitiful eyes.

The female killer whale said, "Is that so? It's okay. We will avenge your people. You can follow us later."

"Leader, let me protect this little killer whale." A voice sounded, and an adult female killer whale swam and looked at this side.

"No, sister, let me do it."

"Let me do it. I have taken care of many children and I am experienced."

"Grandma, let me do it."

All of a sudden, Chen Mu felt that the surroundings became noisy.

The female killer whales were vying to protect Chen Mu one by one.

Chen Mu never expected that after he became a killer whale, he would be so popular in this killer whale group.

The leader killer whale looked at a female killer whale next to him and said, "You come."

"Okay." The female killer whale seemed a little happy. It swam and came to Chen Mu and said, "You will follow your sister in the future. Your sister will teach you various hunting skills and protect your safety."

Chen Mu nodded.

Young killer whales will be raised by adult female killer whales.

Even if the young killer whale is not the child of the female killer whale, the female killer whale will be responsible for raising it.

Members of the killer whale group will help each other.

"Look nearby for those damn great white sharks that hurt our companions. Find the great white shark group and we will avenge our companions."

The leader killer whale was obviously unhappy.

Killer whales attach great importance to their companions. Knowing that their companions were attacked by great white sharks, they will definitely think of revenge.

Killer whales are a kind of dolphin. The way they find their targets is naturally echolocation.

They can use echolocation and sound reception to form a 3D stereoscopic picture in their heads, analyze the number and size of the target, etc.

Through echolocation, they can find the great white shark group.

Unfortunately, they can't find the great white shark group, because the great white shark group has been disbanded by Chen Mu. Without Chen Mu, the leader, they dare not step into the gathering place of the killer whale group.

"Leader, we didn't find them."


"There's none around here."

The leader killer whale heard this and said, "Did they run away... Those guys run really fast. Next time we meet them, we must tear them apart alive to avenge our companions."


"Little guy, your voice is almost exactly the same as our family's." The elder sister killer whale came over and said to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu was startled: "Ah?"

Each killer whale family has its own dialect..., that's right, you haven't heard of it.

Killer whales communicate through sounds, and the frequencies of sounds emitted by different killer whale families vary.

This is the data recorded by scientists. The sounds of each killer whale family are different, just like local dialects.

Killer whales are chatterboxes in the animal world. When they have nothing to do, they always like to talk a lot.

The elder sister killer whale looked at Chen Mu's cute appearance, and she smiled: "It's okay, are you hungry?"


Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

There's food!

Chen Mu said: "I'm hungry, so hungry, I haven't eaten for a long time."

The elder sister killer whale heard it and hurriedly looked at the other killer whales.

The other killer whales heard it and hurriedly looked at the leader killer whale.

The leader killer whale saw it and said directly: "Let's go to our food storage room."

Hearing this, Chen Mu was stunned.

Food storage room?

Are these killer whales spirits?

Groups of killer whales swam and took Chen Mu to their food storage room.

There was a deep-sea iceberg in front.

Fish were stuffed into the cracks of the iceberg one after another.

There were all kinds of fish, such as herring, tuna, etc.

Chen Mu was a little stunned for a while.

Killer whales will store the excess fish they catch in the cracks of the iceberg.

The cracks in the iceberg are the natural food storage room of killer whales.

"Eat it." The leader killer whale said to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu was a little confused when he heard it.

The sister killer whale next to him swam over, took a tuna out of the crack, and then swallowed it in one gulp. It looked at Chen Mu: "Just eat it like this, come on."

Chen Mu said: "Okay."

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