Realizing that he had turned into a starfish, Chen Mu took a breath of cold air.

never mind.

Chen Mu adjusted his mentality with the idea of ​​​​taking things as they come.

The food of starfish is different from that of sea squirts and oysters. It does not eat plankton. It can eat organisms such as shells, crustaceans or small fish.

The most important thing is that now Chen Mu finally doesn't have to stay in one place like a plant.

"Congratulations on your successful evolution, your evolution rewards, and your consciousness vision."

Conscious horizon?

“What is the field of consciousness?”

There is no answer from the system.

Chen Mu thought for a moment and said, "Use the vision of consciousness."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Mu suddenly saw it.

He can see all living things within a fifty-meter diameter range centered on his body.

The feeling was magical, he could even see what he looked like.

His perspective is not from the body, but from any angle of the circle.

Very magical feeling.

In this way, you can discover more things, discover enemies earlier, and avoid being attacked by surprise!

"Very good."

Chen Mu said: "This evolution reward is quite impressive."

Chen Mu suppressed the joy in his heart. He was still thinking about the next evolution.

Starfish have five arms, and there are many small tube feet under the wrists, which are small suckers. The suckers are like feet and can help the starfish walk.

Chen Mu relied on these tube feet to move.

Move for a while.

"It's so slow..." Chen Mu groaned in his heart.

This is too slow, almost suffocating.

At the current speed, it is estimated that it can only move six or seven centimeters per minute.

It was breathtakingly slow.

There are many types of starfish, and most of them don't move very fast. They can only move 5 to 8 centimeters per minute. One of them, called Sand Star, can move 2.8 meters per minute.

Of course, it is obvious that the starfish Chen Mu has turned into is not a sand star.

Chen Mu slowly moved forward, his target was the oysters in front of him!

For starfish, oysters are the perfect food!


Suddenly, Chen Mu heard a sound and looked at the starfish beside him.

Said the sounds made by other starfish.

Chen Mu couldn't hear it when he was an oyster, but now he is a starfish. As a starfish, he can naturally hear the same kind of sounds.

"I'm hungry, let's eat first."

"Want to eat."

"It's time to poop."

"Hungry again."

Hear this.

Chen Mu also felt the hunger coming from his stomach.

When it was still an oyster, he didn't feel hungry, but now he clearly feels hungry.

What's going on?

Forget it, Chen Mu was too lazy to think about it, just eat when he was hungry.

He needs to eat to get energy anyway.

Of course, Chen Mu still has the ability to devour creatures smaller than himself, but next to him are oysters besides starfish.

Those starfish are still far away from Chen Mu, and they are still moving.

Chen Mu really didn't want to bother chasing them, so it would be faster to eat the oysters that couldn't move.

Soon it was getting closer.

Chen Mu first tried his devouring ability.

Chen Mu touched the oyster: "Swallow it."

The closed shell of the oyster suddenly opened, and the oyster meat inside turned golden and submerged into Chen Mu's body.

"Energy is being obtained, and the energy progress required for the next evolutionary energy is 0.0001%."

Gained energy.

But... Chen Mu still felt hungry.

Chen Mu understood immediately that the energy was swallowed up, but it did not enter his stomach.

So his stomach was still empty.

"It seems that we still have to eat." Thinking about it, Chen Mu continued to look for the next oyster.

There are piles of oysters on the rocks on the beach here, but there are not many starfish, so Chen Mu doesn't have to worry about not having enough food.

He approaches an oyster, covers it, then uses the suckers on the tube legs to separate the shell, spits his stomach into the shell, and devours the oyster meat inside.

Eat one.

Not long after I finished eating.

Chen Mu suddenly felt relieved.

Complete excretion.

I'm hungry again.

"What's going on? Why are you hungry again?"

There are two stomachs in the starfish's belly, and its intestines are very short.

To put it simply, if a starfish eats something, it will have to be defecated after eating. After defecating, the stomach will feel hungry. After being hungry, it will continue to eat. As soon as it is eaten, it will have to defecate, and then eat again.

Infinite loop.

Chen Mu could only be driven by hunger and the need to evolve to collect energy, and walked to the next oyster.

Another one, just after eating, I had stinky diarrhea again.

I'm hungry again.

After eating another one, I have stinky diarrhea again and am hungry again.

Chen Mu kept repeating this process.

It wasn't until Chen Mu noticed that he was relatively close to a starfish that he had a new idea.

Starving like this is not an option. It is best to quickly gather the energy for the next evolution.

Otherwise, the speed of movement and the feeling of hunger would really give Chen Mu a headache.

So how to do it?

Looking at the starfish that was slightly smaller than himself, Chen Mu had an idea.

He moved toward the starfish.

The starfish was covering an oyster and was eating the oyster, so it didn't move.

After Chen Mu got closer, his ankle touched the starfish.


Part of the starfish's body turned into golden light and sank into Chen Mu's body, and the remaining hard shell fell to the ground.

"Receiving energy, the progress to the next energy evolution is 3%."

The energy possessed by the starfish is much greater than that of the small oyster.

There is a hard shell on the starfish. Apart from the hard shell, the rest can basically be eaten. Among them, the most delicious part of the starfish is its feet. Open the hard shell of the feet, and the meat inside is still the most delicious.

Chen Mu felt comfortable. He took a look at the oyster that had not been completely eaten, and he moved his body closer.


While eating oysters, Chen Mu looked for opportunities to use his devouring ability to devour those oysters.

The energy progress was slowly advancing.

That day, Chen Mu noticed that there were many seagulls circling in the sky.

Some of those seagulls were fishing, and some flew directly to the starfish group, picked up a starfish and left.

Seeing the starfish that was suddenly taken away, Chen Mu blinked.

Do seagulls still eat starfish?

When starfish grow up, there are only a few people who can kill them, and seagulls will occasionally prey on them.

Just then, another seagull fell from the sky and flew directly towards Chen Mu.

With a sharp claw, it grabbed one of Chen Mu's starfish ankles.

"Oh my god, let me go!" Chen Mu shouted in his heart.

His body was directly grabbed by the seagull and flew up.

"It's over, it's over!"

Chen Mu was anxious.

Suddenly, Chen Mu's heart moved.

"Right, devour!"

As soon as the devouring ability was used, the seagull's body instantly turned into golden light and sank into Chen Mu's body.

Chen Mu's body fell down, and with a bang, it fell on the beach.

Fortunately, it was just sand.

The body size of the seagull was not as big as the current Chen Mu.

"Fortunately, I have been eating all this time, and my body has grown a circle, slightly larger than that seagull, otherwise I would be finished." Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Chen Mu discovered a problem.

Now he was on the beach, which was still some distance from the sea.

There were many seagulls hovering overhead, looking for prey.

Obviously, at this moment, the seagulls had already set their sights on Chen Mu.

Looking at the seagulls flying quickly towards Chen Mu, Chen Mu prayed in his heart: "Don't let any of them be bigger than me, otherwise, I'm screwed!"

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