Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 37 Blue whales have no teeth?

According to the route recorded in his memory, Chen Mu walked towards the direction where the krill gathered.

He swam for about half a day.

From the morning of that day to the evening of that day.

Chen Mu finally saw the krill swarms.

Through the conscious vision, looking down from the sea surface, the krill covered a large area of ​​the sea, and that large area of ​​the sea was almost entirely composed of light brown sea surface made of krill.

This is Antarctic krill. Generally, there are 10,000 to 30,000 Antarctic krill in one cubic meter.

And there is more than one cubic meter in front of him.

Too many.

So many that it is extremely shocking!

This is more than any school of fish Chen Mu has seen so far.

Chen Mu's swimming body is seven meters long and weighs nearly two meters. He approaches the Antarctic krill in front of him.

Seven meters may not sound like much, but think about it, a floor is nearly four meters.

Chen Mu's current body is like a bus.

This is already very large.

He is about to get close to those Antarctic krill.

Chen Mu opened his huge mouth and swallowed towards the highest place of his goal.

At the moment of opening his mouth, because there was no water in his mouth, countless seawater and countless huge Antarctic krill entered Chen Mu's huge mouth along with the seawater.

If it were a killer whale, it would swallow the seawater and food together, and it would probably have to spit out the food and seawater again.

But the blue whale is different.

The blue whale has no teeth. To be precise, its teeth have evolved into something else, which we call baleen plates.

The baleen replaces the teeth of the blue whale. In layman's terms, the teeth have become something like a comb. Unlike a comb, this thing is flexible and there are many and dense ones.

This comb-like thing replaces the teeth.

When the blue whale swallows all the seawater and food into its huge mouth.

The blue whale will use its tongue to push against its upper jaw, open its mouth slightly, use its comb-like baleen to block its mouth, and then use water pressure to push the seawater, krill and various plankton it swallowed out of its mouth.

Of course, because there are comb-like baleen that replaces teeth blocking the mouth outlet, all the krill, plankton, etc. will be blocked by the baleen, and the only thing that can be discharged is seawater.

In this way, all the krill and plankton will remain in the mouth.

As a blue whale, Chen Mu knew how to eat after he became a blue whale.

He tried the blue whale's way of eating, leaving the food in his mouth and swallowing it directly into his stomach.

"I can't taste anything, but I can clearly feel that my hungry stomach is filled up a little." Chen Mu muttered.

Although it is a little full, it is still a little hungry.

Chen Mu feels that he has been hungry since he became a blue whale.

"The blue whale is large in size, consumes a lot, and naturally has a large stomach, so it is easy to get hungry. This thing is simply a super big eater." Chen Mu muttered.

Forget it, Chen Mu was too lazy to think about it.

Looking at the extremely dense krill in front of him.

Chen Mu opened his mouth again.

This time, Chen Mu used the whale suction.

As soon as the whale suction ability was used.

When Chen Mu opened his mouth, sea water and krill poured in, and when they poured in.

A powerful force pulled all the krill within a hundred meters of Chen Mu's vision directly into Chen Mu's mouth.

Countless krill entered Chen Mu's mouth with the sea water.

As the krill increased.

Chen Mu felt that there were too many.

If there were more, he probably couldn't close his mouth.

Chen Mu closed his mouth.

Chen Mu realized that the amount he swallowed this time was a very terrifying amount.

He used the water pressure to discharge the sea water and then swallowed the food.

All of a sudden, Chen Mu felt that his stomach, which was originally a little hungry, suddenly felt full.

This feeling is really comfortable.

Chen Mu looked at the remaining krill in front of him, and he opened his mouth again.

"Whale suck!"

As soon as the whale sucking ability came out, countless krill rushed into Chen Mu's mouth frantically.


Countless krill were pulled into Chen Mu's mouth by the whale sucking ability.

The krill pulled by the whale sucking did not carry seawater.

But when Chen Mu opened his mouth, seawater would still enter Chen Mu's mouth.

When the mouth was filled with seawater, Chen Mu had to stop whale sucking.

But in this way, the krill obtained was also a terrifying astronomical number.

After swallowing into the stomach, the seawater was discharged, and then through the evolutionary energy, the krill was left in the mouth, and the swallowing ability was used to swallow it and turned it into his own evolutionary energy.

In this process, Chen Mu's body size was slowly getting bigger.

Because Chen Mu's body size was already very large, it was not so obvious when his body size became larger.

Chen Mu didn't care whether it was obvious or not. He was too small now and urgently needed to obtain evolutionary energy to increase his body size.

Therefore, Chen Mu continued to use whale suction and swallowing to increase his body size.

As time went by.

Two days passed.

Chen Mu's body size changed from seven meters at the beginning to a huge size of twelve meters now.

This size is still a minor for a blue whale, but for a killer whale, it is far beyond the normal size of a killer whale.

"Swish, swish, swish."

Chen Mu was swallowing krill as usual.

But a voice attracted Chen Mu's attention.

Chen Mu stopped swallowing and expanded his conscious vision.

Through the conscious vision.

Chen Mu saw a group of killer whales, roaring and swimming towards him.

This is a group of killer whales consisting of thirty killer whales.

Chen Mu's current location is no longer in the original sea area.

In other words, the group of killer whales in front of him is not the killer whale group that Chen Mu knows, but a strange group of killer whales.

And they are rushing straight towards Chen Mu.

Obviously, their target is Chen Mu.

Chen Mu is just a baby blue whale to the killer whales at this moment.

Naturally, he is a dish on their menu.

Chen Mu said: "Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill your wish."

The killer whales are coming.

Groups of killer whales roared and pounced on Chen Mu.

Through collision, they hit Chen Mu.

Some killer whales jumped up and pressed on Chen Mu's back, trying to push Chen Mu back into the sea.

Blue whales are mammals and need to breathe through the blowholes on the top of their heads.

If you don't go up to breathe for a long time, you will die of lack of oxygen.

Just like the killer whales that Chen Mu was with hunting humpback whale calves, this group of killer whales obviously planned to drown Chen Mu in that way.

The killer whales attacked Chen Mu and hit him with their huge bodies.

Other killer whales swam around the periphery, waiting for the opportunity to launch the next round of attacks.

Facing the siege and hunting of the killer whales.

Chen Mu's body was wrapped in golden light.

When the killer whales saw this, they were stunned at first and retreated one after another.

A giant great white shark with a body length of twelve meters appeared in the sight of the killer whales.

Looking at the killer whales, Chen Mu said, "Then let's see who is more powerful."

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