In this way, the current problems are solved.

Chen Mu recreated three million humans, and then observed the development of these humans through the time dimension.

After these humans who did not yet have intelligence were created, they were confused as before.

Then, they were chased by groups of wild beasts.

Because these beasts carrying time currency were strengthened by Chen Mu, they became extremely ferocious and violent.

Once they met humans, they became crazy.

More than three million humans were chased and bitten by groups of crazy time beasts.

Only about a week had passed.

Those more than three million humans who had not yet developed intelligence all became food for time beasts.

None of them survived.

In this way, a civilization that had not yet begun to develop became extinct.

"The problems encountered before can indeed be solved, but the strength of the time beast is too high. Before humans have the corresponding wisdom, they have no way to fight against the time beast." Chen Mu thought for a while.

"Or, I can let the time beasts grow, and let them be like ordinary beasts before, and slowly increase their strength over time." Chen Mu thought about it.

But if that's the case, the growth of time beasts and humans is hard to grasp.

If the growth of time beasts far exceeds that of humans before humans grow up, then humans will be eaten directly by time beasts like just now.

Human life is too fragile.

They can't bear it just by increasing the strength of time beasts.

In other words, another existence must be created to maintain the balance between time beasts and humans.

Should we imitate the seven civilizations and use the main gods to protect them?

Chen Mu doesn't want to do that.

For the seven civilizations, the main gods are supreme beings that cannot be surpassed.

But now Chen Mu just wants to create a civilization that uses time as currency, and then watch this civilization develop naturally.

But if there is a main god, then there will inevitably be interference.

This is not what Chen Mu wants to see.

That existence should be able to balance time beasts and humans so that the two can coexist.

In this way, the time beast can become the source of time for humans. At the same time, the time beast will not directly crush humans, nor will humans be directly slaughtered by the time beast and hunt for time.

At the same time, that existence must help in secret.

How to do it?

Simply put, it is to check and balance.

Check and balance the time beast and humans.

It is best to let humans check and balance themselves.

But humans obviously can't do it. Since humans can't do it, let a third party do it.

Let the third party help humans, improve their strength, and resist the attack of the time beast.

Just like a hidden guardian.

Chen Mu's mind flashed.

Chen Mu has a way.

Chen Mu's idea moved, and matter was condensing next to a star millions of light years away from this civilization.

Soon, a planet appeared next to the star.

There were three more planetary transformation rings around the planet.

The planetary transformation rings slowly rotated, transforming the environment of the planet.

Inside the planet, the ocean appeared, and the grassland and green trees grew.

Afterwards, one after another humanoid life forms with golden hair and golden eyes appeared on this planet.

Along with the humanoid life forms, there was also a thick book.

Chen Mu called these new lives he created guardians.

After each guardian was born, the giant celestial device would implant the dark consciousness into the guardian's head, allowing the guardian to directly obtain various high-tech knowledge. While obtaining knowledge, she also obtained a mission, which was to wait for the master and protect the master.

In addition, a book would appear next to the guardian.

In that book were various technological equipment and weapons of the universe.

But these technological equipment and weapons can only be exchanged for time.

The giant celestial device would collect the situation in the time planet. It would judge whether humans would be destroyed by the time beast based on the data, but when the celestial device judged that human civilization would be at risk of destruction.

The celestial device would randomly select a person and a guardian from the time civilization and the guardian civilization to match and bind.

From that time on, the guardian would be teleported to the person who was matched by the warp engine. The guardian can only be seen by the bound person, but not by others.

Then, the guardian can help that person become stronger and grow until he can help humans resist the impact of the time beast.

At the same time, the guardian can help the selected person to prevent him from going astray.

Although this setting is a bit troublesome.

But it can perfectly determine all the problems Chen Mu is currently facing.

After finishing these.

Chen Mu began to test again.

More than three million people were created by Chen Mu and thrown into the time planet.

When these more than three million were born, they were attacked by the time beast again, just like before.

At this time, the celestial device was running.

A human and a guardian were selected for matching and binding.

At the same time, the guardian was teleported to the side of that human.

With the help of the guardian, that human gradually gained intelligence, and then began to lead other humans to counterattack.

Humans repelled the time beast, built defensive buildings, and began to develop slowly.

Seeing this, Chen Mu nodded with satisfaction.

He entered the timeline.

By jumping the time dimension, he continued to observe the new civilization he had created.

Although the selected human was protected by the guardian, he was not invincible.

Some humans were selected, but they did not get enough time to exchange for more powerful high-tech weapons, and were killed by the time beast accidentally.

When one died, the guardian civilization would have another guardian to match with another human.

Another guardian entered the time planet to guide another selected human.

It kept repeating like this.

Some died when fighting against the time beast, and some had more powerful high-tech weapons when they gained a lot.

He would choose to leave the time planet and explore the outside world.

But if he left the time planet, it would be equivalent to not protecting the time civilization.

When that guy left, the giant celestial device would be matched again.

In the long years, countless selected humans appeared, and then disappeared for various reasons.

Disappear and appear, appear and disappear, countless times in a cycle.

But it is certain that whenever humans encounter a situation where they may perish, someone will always stand up.

Other humans do not know the existence of guardians, but they know that there will always be some people who are extremely brave, extremely powerful, and extremely special.

And those people are called heroes by other humans.

Civilization is developing, and humans are becoming more and more powerful.

But the time beasts are also becoming more and more powerful and irritable.

During these times, humans and time beasts have been fighting one war after another.

After many eras, humans finally chose to build a super huge wall, enclosing all humans in the wall and blocking the attack of time beasts.

In this way, humans finally avoid being hunted by time beasts all the time.

But the time currency that time beasts bring is a necessary energy source.

Therefore, humans choose to send some people out to hunt time beasts and collect time every once in a while.

After the order of time civilization and the wall were established, humans ushered in a time of stable development.

Because the wall was established, the celestial device judged that humans would not perish, so it no longer matched humans and guardians.

But Chen Mu knew that this situation would not last too long.

Because time beasts have growth potential, they will continue to become stronger and grow.

But at some point, the walls that humans rely on for survival will also be unable to withstand it.

However, Chen Mu didn't care. After all, if the giant celestial device calculated this situation, it would continue to match.

Just like the previous experience of this civilization, there will always be someone who stands up.

There will always be a brave man who stands up.

Seeing this civilization develop steadily.

Chen Mu was satisfied.

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