Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 413 Non-carded orcs in human civilization

Human civilization soon discovered the tower.

The country closest to the tower reacted first and sent an exploration team to enter the tower to explore.

After that, some countries sent people over.

As time goes by.

The existence of this tower is known to all human countries.

Chen Mu pushed back through the timeline, and another sixty years passed.

Chen Mu discovered that sixty years later.

Humans did not slaughter the lives in the tower like ferocious beasts.

They and the marine life on the first floor actually got along fine.

There was no war or massacre.

This is very strange.

"Since when have humans become so peaceful? There are beasts that can enhance their strength, but they don't plan to attack, kill or acquire them?"

Chen Mu was puzzled, so he turned back the time again through the timeline to see what was going on.

By calling back the timeline, Chen Mu finally knew what was going on.

Within ten years of the discovery of that tower.

Human beings discovered that there are also ferocious beasts in the tower, and they are also ocean ferocious beasts. Just like the ferocious beasts outside, you can get ferocious beast cards by killing them and make the ferocious beasts your own weapons.

More importantly, these marine beasts can also help humans fish and obtain enhanced fisheries.

Therefore, those countries sent many warriors into the tower to capture the ferocious beasts.

At the beginning, these countries used various means to slaughter countless ocean beasts and obtain countless beast cards.

But to the back.

A kind of highly intelligent life form, half human and half fish, began to unite in a tower on the first floor.

Through wisdom, learn to understand human tactics.

Ten years later, mermaids began to attack humans crazily.

Since humans and the powerful ferocious beasts owned by humans cannot enter the ocean, they have always been in a passive state.

In addition, these mermaids themselves have the high-density muscles and bones of ferocious beasts, and humans are no match at all.

Gradually, humans were driven out of the tower by these mermaids.

After sixty years.

The mermaids in the first-floor tower have formed their own civilization system. As long as humans step into the first-floor tower, they will be killed directly.

See this.

Chen Mu understood.

Chen Mu originally planned to treat the mermaids in the first-floor tower as special beings, allowing humans to obtain the existence of cards.

But Chen Mu never thought that because mermaids possess human genes, they are also highly intelligent beings and they can learn.

These mermaids established a mermaid civilization in this tower.

The battle between alien humans and mermaids is tantamount to a confrontation between one civilization and another.

Mermaids are civilized, physically strong as ferocious beasts, and have a unique ocean geography.

It is simply impossible for humans to defeat them.

This is why sixty years later, humans no longer enter the tower to plunder.

After seeing this, Chen Mu crossed his arms over his chest.

"It's just like when humans encountered those ferocious beasts before. They couldn't defeat them, so they chose peace. This time, they couldn't defeat these fish-men, so they chose peace."

Chen Shi thought for a moment.

Indeed, even though humans currently have the help of ferocious beasts, humans themselves are still flesh and blood.

Facing those humans who occupy geographical advantages, there is indeed no advantage.

"Humanity must be improved. Otherwise, there will be no point in building this tower." Chen Mu thought for a moment.


Chen Mu gave the celestial device a new setting.

Level setting.

Gives all life levels settings.

"The initial level of any life is one. Life can increase its physical strength by upgrading the level, and provide defense and attack power by increasing the strength. After killing the ferocious beasts in the wild, you can get two options. One is to The wild beasts can be transformed into cards, and the other is to experience them. You can improve your level and enhance your strength by choosing experience.”

"At the same time, several areas are designated on the continent, and ferocious beasts of various levels will be spawned in these areas at random locations at regular intervals."

After Chen Mu finished setting up, he said: "In this way, human beings can also gain the ability to improve their own strength. Their own strength can be improved, and then after it reaches a certain level, I believe they will choose to enter the tower and challenge again Those mermaids are civilized.”

"Hmm... It seems that no human has ever stepped into the second floor. Is the entrance to the second floor too far away? The entrance to the second floor needs to be moved to a conspicuous place."

The first level environment has two islands.

After entering the first level from the human world, you will be on one of the islands. If you find another island, you can find the entrance to the second level on that island.

However, the two islands are too far apart.

Humanity has been wreaking havoc on the first level for ten years, but has not yet discovered the existence of the second island.

This made Chen Mu a little disappointed.

For this reason, Chen Mu placed the second island opposite the first island, leaving a long walkway in the middle.

"This way, it will be conspicuous enough." Chen Mu muttered.

"Okay, let's continue and see what these humans will do next." Chen Mu pulled up the timeline.

As time goes by.

Chen Mu saw human development.

Sure enough, after Chen Mu added the level setting, after humans unexpectedly discovered that they could gain defense and attack power through upgrading, all human civilization entered the era of upgrading for all mankind.

They began to go to the wild and slaughter the newly appeared beasts to upgrade.

After fifty years of long upgrade time.

Gradually, humans began to enter the tower again and stepped into the world of mermaid civilization.

Mermaid civilization and human civilization, once again went to war.

This time, the mermaid civilization was at a disadvantage in the face of the upgraded and extremely powerful humans.

And the human civilization also found the door to the second floor of the tower.

Gradually, some humans passed through the door and came to the second floor of the tower.

The second floor of the tower was full of various beasts, as well as some life forms that were a fusion of humans and beasts.

This is an orc civilization.

After seeing this, Chen Mu directly flipped the timeline and jumped a hundred years.

A hundred years later.

Chen Mu re-watched this civilization.

When Chen Mu saw the human civilization again, he was stunned.

Because Chen Mu found that there were some half-human and half-beast beings in the human civilization.

It was an orc! And it was not an orc transformed from a card, it was a real orc.

But this is not right.

This made Chen Mu a little confused.

When Chen Mu created the tower, he imposed restrictions. The mermaid civilization could not leave the tower or enter the second-floor tower.

As an orc on the second-floor tower, he also had no way to leave the tower.

Why did this orc run to the human civilization now?

In order to get the answer.

Chen Mu flipped through the hidden information of this civilization.

At a glance.

Chen Mu couldn't help but touch his nose.

It's really interesting.

In the past, when humans reached the second floor, they encountered various beast-type beasts and orcs.

Humans obtained the cards of beasts and orcs through slaughter.

There are many types of orcs. Some have beast heads and human bodies, some have beast lower bodies and human upper bodies; some have beast upper bodies and human lower bodies.

There are also some that are human in the whole body, but have beast ears and tails.

Some of the orcs look very much like humans.

There are handsome male orcs and beautiful female orcs.

Humans brought these orc cards back to human civilization.

After the carded orcs returned to human civilization, they would be reshaped.

As a result, some humans fell in love with some orcs and had relationships with them.

Eventually, new life was slowly born.

This is why new orcs appeared in human civilization.

"As expected of humans, they really know how to have fun."

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