An old man covered in blood, he staggered and pressed the wall with his skinny hands, he supported his body and slowly climbed up.

His white robe was stained red with blood.

His eyes were fixed on the front.

This was his family's yard, and the yard was full of corpses.

Among these corpses, there were his wife, his son, and his grandchildren.

At this moment, all these children were dead, none of them survived.

They were killed by another family, and before yesterday, the old man did not take them seriously at all.

Everyone in that family had to kneel when they saw him.

But now, the people of that family slaughtered his entire family.

"Why..." The old man's pupils trembled: "Why is it like this...?"

"Why is it like this!" The old man roared.

He looked at the data in front of him, which showed his own level.

His level is now level 10.

He couldn't figure it out.

Yesterday, he had the highest level of humans, level 139.

He spent his whole life, worked hard, accumulated experience crazily, upgraded his level, and gained powerful strength.

He did it, he became the strongest existence in this country, and was called the God of War by the king.

He enjoyed countless wealth and glory in the world, married beautiful women, and had children.

He was the most powerful existence in this country.

Even in the whole human race, he was the strongest existence.

Everyone had to be respectful when they saw him.

He paid unimaginable hardship for ordinary people, just to gain experience and level.

In his opinion, people should work hard. If the level is too low, it means that the person is a rubbish.

Just a waste.

Because of this idea, he looked down on any existence with a lower level than him in human civilization.

But yesterday.

The level he was proud of was gone, only 0 was left.

A day later, those who were regarded as jumping clowns by him before joined other forces to attack his mansion.

Overnight, they all died.

All his family members died.

All relatives, at this moment, all turned into corpses.

He couldn't figure it out.

"Why... why is this happening? Why is this happening?! I spent my whole life, I spent my whole life, spent so much sweat, accumulated experience bit by bit, and gained levels bit by bit!"

"After going through so much hardship, I finally got such a high level, got the title of military god, and got the respect of others."

"Why? Why did it all go away overnight! Everyone's level was reset to zero! Why?!"

"My efforts are so meaningless, so meaningless?!"

"Heaven is unfair, heaven is unfair!!" He roared and shouted at the sky.

With a roar, he picked up the bloody sword in his hand and stabbed it directly into his body.

"Um..." He fell down in response.

"Bang..." He fell to the ground, his eyes looking at the bodies of his relatives lying on the floor.

In the end, he still failed to protect them, failed to protect them... .

He slowly closed his eyes.

The emergence of levels divided human beings into different levels.

The higher the level, the more respected they are, and the lower the level, the more despised they are.

Those with high levels became free to do whatever they wanted.

Those with low levels seemed to be slaves of those with high levels.

As a result, people with low levels had various emotions.

Emotions turned into hatred.

But these hatreds could only be suppressed under the gap in level strength.

But when all the levels were reset to zero.

Then they could not be suppressed.

In this data civilization, for a long time after the levels were reset to zero, various wars and deaths occurred.

Many people died at the hands of their enemies, and some died of unacceptable suicide.

Of course, Chen Mu was not interested in all this.

"This tower has a hundred floors. At present, humans have only explored the first two floors. This is not good. They seem to have not found the entrance to the third floor, and naturally they can't reach the fourth floor." Chen Mu thought for a while.

"Make a simpler one so that they can explore the tower quickly enough." Chen Mu's thoughts moved.

Near the tower, one space-time gate after another appeared.

These space-time gates surrounded the tower, and these gates corresponded to each floor.

There are a hundred highly intelligent species in the hundred floors.

In order to avoid the situation of the orc civilization from happening again.

Chen Mu randomly selected one of these highly intelligent species and gave it the ability of level 100.

Chen Mu waved his hand and pulled the timeline.

Jumped back a hundred years.

A hundred years later.

The world tended to be peaceful.

Originally, human civilization had countless countries, but now there are only three of them.

At the same time, wars have become less frequent.

The tower is located in the middle of the three countries, at the junction of the three countries.

The tower has no intersection with human civilization.

Humans develop in their own countries, and the civilization in the tower also develops in the tower.

Seeing this, Chen Mu doesn't need to turn the timeline, he knows what's going on.

A hundred years have passed.

There are currently only more than a dozen level 80 human civilizations, and only one has reached level 90.

In other words, no human civilization can fight against other civilizations in the tower, after all, every civilization in the tower has a full-level existence.

Faced with this situation.

It is a very normal choice for humans to choose not to invade.

Just like in the past, if you can't beat it, choose to avoid it.

"That is to say, only one human has defeated the valley beast so far."

It's a bit too slow.

A hundred years have passed, and only one has defeated it and upgraded it.

But looking back, it's good.

Humans progress slowly, but they are all progressing anyway.

Every human has something to pursue and has its own meaning.

This civilization is a relatively interesting civilization.

It's not good not to experience such an interesting civilization.

"Then experience it."

Chen Mu thought about it and separated part of his dark consciousness.

That dark consciousness is Chen Mu's clone, and this clone does not have any memory of Chen Mu.

The reason why this clone is not allowed to have the original memory is that if this clone has Chen Mu's original memory, then the experience will lose its meaning.

Because that clone cannot feel the fun and interesting places of living in this data civilization.

But without memory, there is no emotion, and experiencing life without emotion is meaningless.

After thinking about this, Chen Mu pinched out a baby's body.

The dark consciousness entered the baby's body.

Because there was only dark consciousness without any memory, knowing nothing, and understanding nothing, so the dark consciousness was no different from the baby.

The baby was lying in the snow, probably feeling uneasy and painful.

He burst into tears.

"Woo woo woo..."

Suddenly, the door next to him opened.

A middle-aged man and woman came out of the door.

They saw the baby lying in front of the door, crying.

They looked at each other.

Then, the woman walked over, picked up the baby, and whispered: "Don't cry, don't cry..."

Then, she looked around.

No one else was seen.

She held the child and followed the middle-aged man next to her back to the house.

Chen Mu saw this and said, "Then, in this way, 'I' will join this data civilization."

"Game start."

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