Chen Mu came to the initial point of the Z4 timeline.

In other words, the time point when Chen Mu was transformed into a sea squirt larva.

Of course, the timeline cannot be changed.

When Chen Mu entered this timeline, the Z4 timeline branched out into another timeline, which was a branch of the Z4 timeline, and could be said to be the Z4-2 timeline.

Chen Mu looked at the sea squirt larva in the ocean in the form of subconsciousness.

That sea squirt larva was another him in this timeline.

Chen Mu did not influence this other self. He followed Z4-2 and watched him walk the same path as himself.

At the beginning, like himself, the first thought of this Chen Mu in front of him after he became a sea squirt larva was to become a human.

But obviously this could not be done.

Then, Chen Mu watched him transform from a sea squirt larva into other species.

Along with the changes in species.

He gradually became addicted to evolution and no longer experienced the various emotions around him.

He regarded evolution as everything, and only wanted to know what abilities he would gain after evolution, and what species he would become after evolution.

In addition, he often turned into other creatures, and slowly he could not figure out what he was.

Because a person has always been a human, he always looks at everything in the world from a human perspective.

When he turns into other animals, he will begin to see everything from the perspective of other animals.

When a consciousness body has experienced many animal perspectives and experienced the lives of those animals, that consciousness body will not be able to tell whether it is a human or an animal.

Gradually messy, and eventually collapsed.

Therefore, among the countless timelines that Chen Mu knows, there are many Chen Mu in the timeline who have mental breakdowns and eventually die because they can't figure out whether they are human or animal.

Some of the Chen Mu are more determined in spirit. In the end, they choose to turn back into humans after they get prey to turn into other animals.

Stand on the human standpoint again and look at the world.

For the Z4 timeline, this is a very special timeline.

Because the Chen Mu in this timeline is naturally cold.

Under the interference of various positions, he did not regard himself as an animal, let alone a human being.

Even..., he did not think about what he was.

Because he had only one idea in his mind at that time, to be precise, a belief, he believed in evolution and longed to know the end of evolution.

So, in the process of evolution, he abandoned his emotions and became Chen Mu without emotions.

Chen Mu saw the experience of Chen Mu in the Z4-2 timeline in front of him, from becoming a sea squirt larva to becoming a planet.

By observing Chen Mu in this timeline.

Chen Mu finally knew how he gradually lost those emotions.

"This is evolution."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Losing emotions is not a mistake.

It is an evolution.

In the environment where one can automatically change his position and have the ability to evolve into other creatures.

In order to adapt to this environment, Chen Mu abandoned his emotions and believed in "evolution".

And this is an evolution!

The most primitive reason for the evolution of organisms is to adapt to the environment.

And Chen Mu's loss of emotions is the result of his thick adaptation to the environment.

Losing emotions is not a mistake, but a choice of oneself, and a choice of evolution!

And now Chen Mu is the final evolutionary posture.

His existence is not meaningless, nor is it nihilistic.

It is just to adapt to the environment and obtain a kind of evolution.

If he did not abandon his emotions in that environment at that time, he would die of mental breakdown like other Chen Mu.

If he chose to be a human, he would return to ordinary life like other Chen Mu who became human.

Chen Mu did not have a mental breakdown because he could not recognize whether he was a human or an animal, nor did he stop at ordinary life as a human.

He became what he is now, and became this infinite universe.

He became an omnipotent existence.

In this infinite universe, he is absolutely invincible.

There is no absolute in the world, but in this infinite universe, he is absolute.

Even the existence that created this world can't do anything to him.

The infinite universe has everything, from quantum to the entire infinite universe, all of which are part of him.

All of this cannot be destroyed.

This is the final end of Chen Mu's evolution, the infinite universe, the ultimate form that ignores all dimensions.

[End of book]

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