Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 47 Can the Royal Albatross sleep while flying?

Chen Mu fell from the sky and pounced on the great white shark below.

The great white shark is very sensitive to electromagnetic sense, and it can know any creature approaching.

It naturally knows that Chen Mu is approaching.

It can judge the size of the target through electromagnetic sense.

Now even if the great white shark does not look at Chen Mu, it can know that the creature falling from the sky and staring at its back is a bird.

It is estimated that the great white shark is still a little confused and does not quite understand what the bird wants to do.

There is a layer of fine scales on the surface of the great white shark. Because there are many and very fine scales, the touch is like sand, which makes the surface of the great white shark very, very thick.

It is difficult for ordinary birds to tear the skin of the great white shark.

However, when Chen Mu approached the great white shark, his body suddenly turned into a giant great white shark.

A giant great white shark with a body length of twelve meters appeared in the air.

Chen Mu said: "Giant!"

Chen Mu's huge body, which was twelve meters long, suddenly expanded as Chen Mu used gigantism!

His body length increased to twenty-four meters! He completely turned into a great white shark of the size of an adult blue whale!

Chen Mu suddenly opened his bloody mouth and bit the adult great white shark in front of him.


A crisp sound.

Under Chen Mu's terrifying power, the adult great white shark was bitten into two pieces.


As Chen Mu fell into the sea.

A loud noise suddenly sounded in the sea.

The terrifying waves surged more than ten meters high!

Chen Mu lifted the gigantism, he remained in the state of a great white shark, holding his prey in his mouth, which was the body of the adult great white shark just now.

He swam to the shore.

Swimmed to the beach.

As a great white shark, Chen Mu was naturally stranded.

Chen Mu's body changed back to the appearance of the royal albatross, walked to the great white shark's body, and ate the torn great white shark's body with his mouth.

Because of the limitation of his transformation ability, although Chen Mu can now transform into the largest size of the creature he has transformed into before, the energy he eats after transforming into another creature cannot be converted into evolutionary energy.

Therefore, Chen Mu can only transform back into the royal albatross to eat, so that he can get some energy progress, although it is small, but better than nothing.

At this time, there was movement around Chen Mu.

A bird flew down from the sky, landed beside Chen Mu, and ate with Chen Mu.

Chen Mu took a look at the bird and found that it was also an albatross like Chen Mu.

Chen Mu didn't care. At the current speed of Chen Mu's eating, it was almost impossible to finish eating this adult great white shark.

And now Chen Mu's main purpose is to complete the task and obtain evolutionary energy first.

As time went on, more seabirds came.

Chen Mu saw this scene.

His heart moved.

At present, Chen Mu still has the ability of cannibalism. If he captures some large creatures and lets his group of royal albatrosses eat them, then he can gain evolutionary energy. At the same time, he can feed the young birds of his choice while they are getting food.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone.

"Sure, I'm too smart." Chen Mu smiled.

"Hi." Suddenly, a voice came from the side.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu's smile faded, and he looked at the guy next to him who greeted him.

It was a female royal albatross, and it was looking at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said, "What's wrong?"

The female royal albatross approached Chen Mu and touched Chen Mu's beak with a peck.

Chen Mu immediately took a breath and hurriedly stepped back.

When the royal albatross touched the other's beak with its own beak, it was a clear indication.

It wanted to reproduce with the other.

Chen Mu once again felt the feeling of being pursued, but this was not the feeling he wanted.

He doesn't want to breed with emperor penguins, let alone royal albatrosses!

Like emperor penguins, albatrosses are monogamous.

There will only be one partner in a lifetime.

Although a small number of albatrosses will cheat, it is a very rare occurrence.

Most albatrosses are single-minded. The longer the albatross lives, the longer they will stay with each other. Even when the spouse dies, the remaining albatross will remain a widow for him. In the bird world, the albatross's loyalty to love is very rare, so it is amazing to humans and is also known as the most loyal animal to love.

Because albatrosses are monogamous, when they mate during the breeding season, they will be left alone.

Obviously, the albatross left alone this time is a female.

As a male, Chen Mu naturally became the object of others' attention.

Chen Mu was a little confused. Should he pretend to be dead?

However, the royal albatross in front of him was eating, and there were other seabirds eating nearby. If he pretended to be dead, how long would it take, and other seabirds would come and peck him a few times. What should he do?

Chen Mu said, "Sorry, goodbye."

He turned around and left, stretched out his wings, flapped his wings, and was about to fly.

But what surprised Chen Mu was that he flapped his wings a few times, but he just couldn't fly.

When the royal albatross grows up, its wingspan is 3.5 meters, which is the largest among birds.

At the same time, the size of the albatross is also one of the largest among birds.

Because of its huge size, the albatross cannot fly directly.

If you want to fly, you need to run up.

Previously, Chen Mu did not pay much attention. According to the nature of albatrosses, he habitually took off by running up.

This time, Chen Mu subconsciously wanted to fly directly, which was naturally impossible.

After a moment of confusion, Chen Mu realized that he was wrong according to the memory of the royal albatross.

He flapped his wings and ran.

With a sudden flap of his wings, his whole body flew up.

Flying into the air.

Soaring in the sky.

This feeling is very interesting.

The royal albatross is a natural gliding master. It can fly thousands of miles a day by gliding. It is considered the flying champion among birds.

Chen Mu flew back to the river beach.

At a glance, Chen Mu realized.

The location of his group of royal albatrosses is not on the mainland, but on an island.

They established a habitat and built nests in the river beach of the island.

The nests of these royal albatrosses are different from most birds that Chen Mu knows, which use branches and plants to weave exquisite nests. The nests of royal albatrosses are simply built into a pit on the ground.

Chen Mu hovered in the air, observing these royal albatrosses.

Some of these royal albatrosses touched their mates' beaks with their beaks, and they seemed very happy to touch each other.

This is the royal albatross' way of communication. The touch of beaks can deepen the bond between each other.

"Really, just lay eggs quickly and hatch them quickly. What's the point of cultivating feelings? It's a waste of time." Chen Mu muttered.

But it was obvious that Chen Mu's anxiety was useless.

Time passed little by little.

It was night.

Chen Mu was still flying in the air.

Chen Mu was a little sleepy.

He flew and flew, and fell asleep directly in the air.

Albatrosses are very special. They are like dolphins, and their brains can take turns to rest.

As for their flight, it is entirely dependent on the power of air currents. There are updrafts in the air, and albatrosses can capture those updrafts and make use of them.

They can glide very long distances without flapping their wings.

They sleep while flying.

Albatrosses spend most of their time at sea. When they want to rest, they can land on the sea to rest.

They can drink seawater directly.

For humans, seawater is salt water. Not only can it not quench thirst, but it will also make you thirstier the more you drink. If you use seawater to replenish water, the result will be dehydration and death.

But albatrosses are different. Albatrosses can drink seawater directly and then excrete excess salt through the nasal tube formed above their mouths.

Therefore, albatrosses do not need to worry about not having fresh water to drink.

Chen Mu needs to wait for the albatrosses to lay eggs before he can continue his mission.

These days, he was too lazy to think about it. Just like before, he obtained food and evolutionary energy by preying and swallowing.

But... too small.

Although the size of the royal albatross is considered large among birds, it is still too small in Chen Mu's opinion.

With a small size, the swallowing ability is not very useful.

Moreover, when it comes to the land stage, although there are special benefits that can reduce the energy progress required for evolution, even if it is reduced, it is still very slow to devour food and obtain evolutionary energy with the size of the royal albatross. Even if it is gigantic, the effect is small.

According to Chen Mu's estimation, at the current devouring speed, it is estimated that it will take several years.


The albatrosses in the royal albatross group where Chen Mu is located laid eggs.

When the eggs fell, Chen Mu was excited.

"Finally laid eggs!"

"Please select the cub you want to protect. After selecting, the task will be activated. The death of the cub will directly lead to the failure of the task." The system voice sounded.

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