Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 5 Are female anglerfish big?

"Forget it, it's just a change from a starfish to an anglerfish, so it's good overall." Chen Mu muttered, "At least I can swim now."

"Hmm...? Wait a minute?! What's going on?" Chen Mu was just trying to experience the feeling of a fish swimming, but he was surprised to find that he couldn't swim!

The anglerfish has loose muscles, underdeveloped motor organs, and a heavy body, so it is quite difficult to swim. It can only live on the seabed and crawl with its pectoral fins that are like arms.

This is a crawling fish. It is impossible to swim freely like other fish.

Chen Mu tried to move and found that the way the anglerfish moved was actually crawling.

Chen Mu was dumbfounded.

"I thought that after changing from a starfish to a fish, I could swim freely, but I didn't expect that this was actually a crawling fish."


Fortunately, Chen Mu found that although this thing crawled like a starfish, it was much faster than the starfish's speed of seven centimeters per minute.

Of course, compared to normal fish, it is still pitifully slow, and its movements can be said to be slow.

But compared to starfish, it is still much better.


Chen Mu noticed a shadow passing in front of him.

This thing is too huge, so Chen Mu couldn't see the whole appearance with his naked eyes.

Chen Mu used his consciousness vision and took a look.

Chen Mu was stunned.

This is a giant anglerfish, which is extremely huge, almost more than a thousand times the size of Chen Mu now.

"Impossible... How could there be such a monster in the sea..."

"Wait a minute."


Chen Mu used his consciousness vision to observe carefully, and now he knew what was going on.

It's not that there is an extra monster, but that Chen Mu's size has become smaller.

Even smaller than a starfish.

The size of Chen Mu now is only the size of an adult's thumb.

Anglerfish are divided into male and female.

The anglerfish looks like an ugly monster, and the ugly female anglerfish is thousands of times larger than the ugly male anglerfish.

And the male anglerfish is a super soft rice king.

When it is small, it will swim in the sea. When it sees a female anglerfish, it will bite the female anglerfish's body, and then the male anglerfish's body will directly assimilate with the female anglerfish's body.

After that, the only role of the male anglerfish is to cooperate with the female anglerfish to reproduce offspring.

As for other predation tasks, they are completely handed over to the female anglerfish. As long as the female anglerfish is full, the male anglerfish can also be full.

However, female anglerfish are not exclusive.

As long as there is room on the female anglerfish, other male anglers can go up and take a bite, and then assimilate with the female anglerfish.

Obviously, soft rice is not so delicious.

Chen Mu's body size has become smaller, precisely because he is a male anglerfish.

The one in front of him was a female anglerfish that was a thousand times bigger than Chen Mu.

As a male anglerfish, Chen Mu had the urge to rush up and take a bite the moment he saw this thing, and he also realized what would happen if he bit it.

In order to avoid the urge to bite, Chen Mu immediately changed direction and crawled in another direction.

"That urge is really terrible. If I bite it, I will be finished." When he thought about giving birth to countless little fish with that invincible ugly anglerfish, Chen Mu felt goose bumps all over his body..., even though he didn't have goose bumps.

But what should I do now? My body is too small.

"Congratulations on your successful evolution. You get the evolution reward and your body size will be huge."

Chen Mu was slightly startled: "Big body size? What is that?"

"While you are gaining evolution energy progress, your body size will increase according to the amount of evolution energy." The mechanical voice of the system sounded.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu's eyes suddenly lit up.

In other words, eating food to get energy can make your body bigger.

This is comfortable.

However, Chen Mu's excitement slowly disappeared.

He thought of a problem.

His body is too small now. What can he eat with this body?

"By the way, there are countless tiny plankton in this ocean that are invisible to the naked eye. I can eat these."

But in this way, the problem comes again. Although he is not big, he is still an anglerfish and does not have the ability to filter seawater to eat plankton.

What should I do?

"What if I use the swallowing ability...?"

The swallowing ability can swallow anything that is smaller than itself, that is, without filtering, you can swallow the plankton in the sea directly!

When he thought of this, Chen Mu decided to give it a try.

He used the swallowing ability.

There are countless plankton in the ocean, everywhere.

Chen Mu crawled on the ground, and in the process of crawling, a little bit of golden light sank into Chen Mu's body.

The light was very subtle, but Chen Mu could be sure that it was the plankton he swallowed!

Chen Mu was slowly getting energy.

His body size grew larger as his energy increased.

At the beginning, it was the size of a thumb, then it became the size of a ping-pong ball. As time went on, it became the size of an apple.

Because his body size has increased, he can reach a wider range. With a wider range, he can reach more plankton. With more plankton, he can devour more plankton, and he can become bigger!

Chen Mu felt the change in his body size, and he was very happy.

This evolutionary reward combined with the ability to devour, wouldn't it be exciting to death?

But Chen Mu didn't stay happy for long.

It is obvious that the energy provided by plankton is limited.

Later, although Chen Mu's body size was still increasing, the speed of increase was too slow.

Even he spent an afternoon devouring plankton, but his body size didn't grow much.

At the same time, Chen Mu felt a sense of hunger and a sense of weakness all over his body.

This devouring ability can only increase the progress of evolutionary energy and improve Chen Mu's body size, but it can't fill Chen Mu's stomach.

"No way." Although Chen Mu wanted to continue devouring and continue to improve his body size, if he continued like this, he would have to ascend to heaven before he could devour and evolve.

As an anglerfish that can only crawl slowly, it is obviously impossible to hunt for food by speed.

Fortunately, after Chen Mu evolved into an anglerfish, he had the hunting skills of an anglerfish.

His body sank down and hid in the sand on the seabed, then he raised his head and stretched out the light bulb.

The light bulb illuminated the surroundings.

At this moment, Chen Mu's body size increased by more than a thousand times compared to before, and was even larger than the previous female anglerfish.

The light bulb also became much larger because of its increased size.

In this dark deep sea, the light bulb was particularly bright.

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