Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 58 What are the Australian ostrich eggs and the black swan incident?

Not long after.

Chen Mu stood on a cliff nearby, stepping on a headless white-bellied sea eagle with his claws. He used his pecks to tear open the flesh and blood of the white-bellied sea eagle and tasted its meat.

White-bellied sea eagles usually lay two eggs. When both eggs are hatched, the two young birds will compete for food after a period of time.

They will easily fight and establish the position of the boss. When the parents start feeding, the strong one among the young birds will enjoy first, and the weak young bird can only lie down with its head down. If it dares to raise its head, it will be regarded as a provocation by the strong young bird and will be attacked.

The bloodiness of the young birds' own fights comes from the genetic inheritance of their parents.

Some white-bellied sea eagle young birds with a higher bloodiness, the strong young birds will kill the weak young birds and be eaten.

This is nature, and it is also the survival of the fittest in nature.

White-bellied sea eagles will eat the corpses of their own kind.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Chen Mu eats his own kind.

"This tastes much better than crows, it's worthy of being a bird of prey."

"The mission is three-tenths complete." The system's voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu's heart moved.

"Sure enough."

The reason why Chen Mu ate this white-bellied sea eagle was because he felt that this white-bellied sea eagle was also a flying animal. Although it was the same species as himself and he could not obtain evolutionary energy, whether he could obtain mission progress was another matter.

After Chen Mu was full, he flapped his wings and flew up.

"There are still seven flying animals to complete the mission." Chen Mu muttered to himself.

He wandered in the sky along the coast.

About half an hour later.

Suddenly, Chen Mu saw several strange animals through his conscious vision.

"Is that... an ostrich?" Chen Mu was slightly stunned.

Chen Mu never expected that he could see an ostrich in this place.

Chen Mu looked carefully and found that it was not the African ostrich that often appeared on TV, but the Australian ostrich.

The group of Australian ostriches were walking on the grassland. They had long legs and long necks. Their feathers were gray and black and looked dirty. Their necks were covered with black hair. African ostriches were basically bald on their necks, so it was easy to recognize that they were Australian ostriches.

At this moment, they were lowering their heads and eating grass on the plain.

The Australian ostrich, also known as the emu, is the second largest bird in the world. The largest bird is naturally the African ostrich.

Albatross is also one of the large birds, but it is still a little worse than the ostrich.

The Australian ostrich is 1.5 to 1.8 meters tall, while the African ostrich can reach 2.5 meters tall.

"This thing... has wings..." Chen Mu stared at the Australian ostriches through his conscious vision, staring at the small wings of the Australian ostriches, and he kept muttering in his heart: "Is this thing considered a flying animal?"

If you say it's not, it has wings. If you say it is, it can't fly.

Do you want to try it?

Chen Mu thought about it and chose the simplest method.

"System, is this Australian ostrich considered a flying animal?"

"No." The system's emotionless mechanical voice came.

Hearing this voice, Chen Mu directly ignored these Australian ostriches and looked for the next target.

This Australian ostrich is not small in size. Although it is a herbivore, it would not be very pleasant to be kicked by this thing.

Since it is not, just ignore it.

The Australian ostrich is a docile creature.

Some Australian ostriches will even chase the car when they see a car passing by.

This does not mean that it will attack the car.

Because after it walks with the car, it will stretch its head to the car window, looking forward to the people in the car to give it some food.

The special thing about the Australian ostrich is its eggs.

Its eggshell is very large. Unlike the white eggs of the African ostrich, the eggs of the Australian ostrich are dark green in color, very delicate and beautiful, and can be used as decorations.

Interestingly, although the Australian ostrich is a polygamous ostrich, the male bird is responsible for nest building, incubation and raising chicks.

Of course, Chen Mu has no interest in these. If there is an Australian ostrich egg in front of him, he will probably consider... How does this thing taste?

After giving up the Australian ostrich, Chen Mu continued to fly with the wind.

Through the conscious vision, he scanned the surroundings to find the next target.

Not long after, Chen Mu found his target on the coast.

"Is this... a swan?"

On the edge of the coast, flocks of swans entered Chen Mu's conscious vision.

Unlike the swans that Chen Mu is familiar with, the group of swans in front of him are black all over and their beaks are bright red.

The neck is slender and elegant, and it looks very beautiful.

This is not the common white swan, but a black swan.

"Black swan?" Chen Mu said: "This thing must be a flying animal."

"That's it!" Chen Mu, who found his next prey, was suddenly excited.

He flapped his wings and flew in the direction where the black swans gathered.

Although the black swan appeared in Chen Mu's vision, it was actually still a thousand meters away from Chen Mu.

Because Chen Mu saw it through his conscious vision, not his own sight, it still took a while to fly over.

In the past, Europeans believed that all swans in the world were pure white swans, and that black swans did not exist.

Until one day, an expedition led by Dutch adventurer William Fleming discovered a black swan in the Swan River in Australia, and everyone was shocked.

Since then, humans have called unexpected and unpredictable things "black swan events".

Later, Europeans were surprised to find that black swans are not rare in fact. According to regular surveys, there are still millions of black swans in the world, and they are defined as least concern by the World Conservation Union.

Chen Mu flew to the coast where the black swans live. He locked onto one of the nearest black swans and pounced on it.

But when he pounced, as the distance got closer.

Chen Mu's pupils trembled slightly, because he was surprised to find that as he approached, the size of the black swan was getting bigger and bigger.

When he got closer, Chen Mu was surprised to find that this thing was much bigger than himself!

"Ga!" The moment the claws touched the black swan.

The black swan screamed, and with a flap of its huge wings, it broke free from Chen Mu's claws.

Chen Mu flapped his wings and flew directly back into the air.

The body length of the white-bellied sea eagle is more than 70 cm, and the black swan is 110 to 140 cm.

Chen Mu, who did not use the gigantism, was half the size of the black swan.

Before the gigantism, it was a bit ridiculous to attack the black swan.

Chen Mu came to his senses, and he didn't care.

Because the group of black swans were now in the sea near the coast, he could completely turn into a marine animal to attack them.

But at this time, the group of black swans were frightened, and under Chen Mu's gaze.

"Hua La La!"

Accompanied by a sound.

Groups of black swans flew up from the sea and flew into the air.

There were hundreds of black swans, making the scene in front of them look very amazing.

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