Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 74: Wolves raising tigers?

Any tiger, whether male or female, will defend its territory and will kill any intruder.

Of course, there are exceptions. The male tiger will allow the female tiger's territory to overlap with his own, and the female tiger will acquiesce to this.

But apart from this exception, tigers will definitely choose to kill other intruders directly.

The reason why the tigress in front of her did not choose to rush towards Chen Mu to defend her territory was obviously because of the cub behind her.

It was protecting its cubs, so it didn't choose to take the initiative.

It stood up, looked at the wolves, then turned back and walked away with the two tiger cubs.

It obviously didn't want to fight the wolves, so it chose to leave.

Chen Mu's eyes fell on the two cubs brought by the tigress, and his eyes were attracted by one of the cubs.

That's a white tiger.

White tiger?

At this point, Chen Mu did not expect that there would be a one in 10,000 chance that he would encounter it.

When a tiger gives birth to cubs, there is a chance that a genetic mutation will occur and the tiger will turn into a white tiger. This chance is very small, only one in 10,000.

It’s okay to have nothing to do anyway, why not raise a white tiger?

When Chen Mu thought of this, his eyes fell on the tigress.


Chen Mu's body grew bigger.

Chen Mu used his control ability on the tigress.

Under Chen Mu's control, the tigress suddenly rushed towards a thick tree nearby.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

The tigress's head was broken, and her whole body fell to the ground, twitching. After a while, there was no movement.

The two tiger cubs nearby were stunned when they saw this scene.

These two tiger cubs are very small, about the size of cats.

They were young and didn't realize what was happening.

Two tiger cubs approached the tigress and nuzzled her with their heads.

Seems to want tigress to get up.

Chen Mu walked over.

"King, do you need me to deal with them?" The female wolf approached Chen Mu.

When Chen Mu heard this, he said: "Take that white tiger away and add it to the wolf pack, and we will raise it."

"Raising?" The female wolf was stunned and looked at Chen Mu in disbelief.

Chen Mu said, "Yes, just raise it like a wolf cub."

The female wolf was a little confused, but this was an order from the wolf king.

It can only comply.

The female wolf walked over and picked up the white tiger cub.

The white tiger cub was held by the mother wolf's neck, obediently and motionless.

Chen Mu left with the wolves.

The tiger cub that was left behind looked at the white tiger cub being taken away. It was a little anxious and walked around the tigress, letting out a howl.

After calling a few times, the tigress still didn't get up, and her companions walked away.

It rushed over and caught up with the wolves.

Chen Mu looked back at the tiger cubs following the wolves, and slowly looked away.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye.

White snow covered everything in sight.

Chen Mu, in his wild wolf state, was sitting on a rock covered with snow.

It looked at the white tiger not far away.

Although it has only been two months, the white tiger, which is as big as a cat, is now almost the same size as a normal adult wild wolf.

At this moment, the white tiger was taking advantage of the cover of white snow, crouching and slowly approaching a snow rabbit.

As it got closer, the snowshoe rabbit pricked up its long ears.

The white tiger immediately attacked and pounced on the snow hare.

The snow rabbit immediately started running, got into the cave in the blink of an eye, and hid.

The white tiger's hunt failed.

The white tiger used its claws to dig into the hole where the snow hare had entered, and could only dig out some snowflakes.

When the white tiger realized that it had failed in hunting, its tail immediately dropped.

It turned around and looked this way.

The female wolf next to her wagged her tail and watched this scene.

It retracted its gaze and looked at Chen Mu beside it.

The female wolf said: "Although it failed, it has made a lot of progress compared to before. Take your time and you can continue to hone its hunting skills."

When Chen Mu heard this, he didn't speak.

But Chen Mu was a little disappointed.

He originally planned to raise a white tiger, so that he could use the white tiger to fight other powerful enemies and obtain some food for the wolves, but now it seems that it is difficult for this white tiger to feed itself.

However, although he was a little disappointed, the scene before him was within Chen Mu's acceptance range.

Not to mention that the white tiger is not yet an adult, even if it is an adult tiger, their hunting success rate is only 10%.

After all, tigers hunt alone and rarely cooperate. They all approach the prey by lurking and then attack.

The success rate is far less than that of wolf cooperation.

Adult tigers are like this, let alone minors.

After the tigress gives birth to a cub, she will stay with the cub for two to three years. During these two to three years, the tigress will teach the cub various hunting techniques. During this time, the tigress will Will no longer be in heat.

When the time comes and the cub reaches adulthood, the mother tiger will drive the child away and let the child go hunting on its own, and then it will once again look for other male tigers to breed.

Chen Mu raises a white tiger, firstly because white tigers are novel, and secondly because he wants to gain more combat power.

After all, catching prey by yourself every day is still too much trouble.

Chen Mu spent some time hunting an adult elk.

After the wolves finished eating, the two tigers were also full.

After eating, the tigers, one white and one yellow, were playing in the snow.

The female wolf next to her followed Chen Mu and looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu noticed the female wolf's gaze and subconsciously glanced back at the female wolf.

Chen Mu only planned to raise one of the two tiger cubs at first, but later he saw that the other tiger cub was following suit, so he simply raised them both.

The person responsible for raising them is the female wolf next to her.

At first it was clear that the female wolf didn't like the two tiger cubs, but as time went on.

It seemed to gradually develop a mother-child affection for them. At the same time, Chen Mu also keenly felt that while the female wolf considered the two tiger cubs to be her children, she also considered herself to be her husband.

And the wolves have already vaguely treated this female wolf as a queen.

Chen Mu was too lazy to think or care.

The female wolf looked away: "These prey have begun to leave recently, and our food is gradually decreasing."

Although Chen Mu's hunting ability was invincible, Chen Mu also discovered that with the coming of winter, the previous prey began to migrate and leave here.

As the prey leaves, no matter how invincible Chen Mu's hunting ability is, the wolves will be short of food.

Now, under Chen Mu's force and food temptation, the wolf pack has grown to sixty-nine, plus two tigers whose appetites are gradually increasing.

Now it can be regarded as an extremely large wolf pack.

With so many wolves, they need a lot of food every day.

This resulted in the wolves that had been fattened by Chen Mu some time ago and returned to a healthy figure.

It's just that this is not a good thing.

Chen Mu looked at the wild wolves behind him. When the wild wolves saw Chen Mu looking over, they all wagged their tails happily.

Chen Mu withdrew his gaze.

These ‘huskies’ are losing weight, and that’s not a good thing.

"We have to find other prey." Chen Mu muttered.

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