Become a sea squirt larva and eat a brain first

Chapter 79 Who says tigers can’t climb trees?

Sika deer are gregarious animals, but sika deer are not very gregarious.

Under normal circumstances, adult male deer will choose to live alone. Only during the breeding season will the male deer return to the herd.

Except for male deer, which are more special, other sika deer live in groups. Adult female sika deer and their calves live in groups.

From dozens to hundreds.

The wolves came to the gathering place of sika deer.

Chen Mu stood on the back of the female wolf and looked at the sika deer in front of him.

This is a herd.

There are quite a lot of deer, with visual estimates of hundreds of them. These sika deer are everywhere. Some of them are eating grass with their heads down, while others are raising their heads and looking around. Some of them have already discovered Chen. Shepherd the wolves here.

They were staring at Chen Mu, their ears raised high, as if they were listening to what was going on around them.

Although the deer had discovered the wolves, there was still some distance between the deer and the wolves, so the deer made no move to escape.

Some sika deer looked here warily.

If he wanted to hunt this kind of animal before, Chen Mu would directly use his control ability to hunt.

The current mission requirement of the system is to allow Chen Mu to grow from a cub to an adult tiger at a normal growth rate. During this period, he cannot use his abilities on himself. Of course, he can use them if he wants to, but if he uses them, the rewards for completing the mission will change. few.

This is not what Chen Mu wants.

The best option now is to share abilities and use wolves to hunt.

Chen Mu looked at the sika deer in front of him.

The relationship between grassland, deer and wolves is very strange.

Deer eat grass, but if there are too many deer, there will not be enough food, and the grassland will become desert because of the loss of vegetation.

When wolves eat deer, they can control the number of deer and protect the grassland.

Sika deer is a very special creature.

The antler we know well comes from sika deer and red deer.

Only male deer have antlers; female deer have no antlers.

The antlers of male deer will fall off naturally, and deer are the only mammals that can regenerate body parts.

And antlers are what humans call deer antlers.

After deer antlers fall off naturally, they will grow at a rate of 1.2 centimeters per day. This regeneration rate is very shocking. Because deer antlers can regenerate, humans will raise deer and then cut off the antlers, and the antlers will grow. Keep growing like a plant.

Now Chen Mu cannot use his control ability, and the sika deer's speed is 80 kilometers per hour.

The speed of wolves is 55 kilometers per hour, but wolves have very good endurance. They chase their prey until they are exhausted before eating.

But it's too much trouble.

Chen Mu looked at the white tiger and said, "Xiao Bai."

When the white tiger heard this, it turned its face and looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said: "This time, you and Xiao Huang are responsible for the food for the wolves. Can you do it?"

The two tigers are not yet fully grown, but they look almost the same size as adult tigers.

When the white tiger heard this, he hesitated: "Can I?"

Chen Mu said, "If I say you can do it, you can do it."

The white tiger nodded and said, "Okay."

"I will do whatever daddy wants me to do," Huang Laohu said aloud.

Chen Mu raised his paw slightly.

The size of the white tiger and the yellow tiger suddenly increased, and the size of the two tigers doubled. The height seemed to be 1.6 meters, and it looked very huge, just like a behemoth.

"I've gotten bigger too." The white tiger looked at his paws and looked very happy.

It looked at the yellow tiger beside it: "You have grown bigger too."

Huang Huhu hummed.

Chen Mu said: "Come on."

The two tigers looked at each other, and under the gaze of the wolves, the two tigers stepped closer to the deer.

They slowly used the cover of the grass to move closer to the deer.

Seeing this, Chen Mu didn't say anything and just watched quietly.

The speed of tigers is similar to that of wolves, both at 55 kilometers per hour.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, one would first lurk and approach, and then conduct a surprise attack when the distance is close enough. Only in this way can the success rate of hunting be increased.

They are so big that they are spotted by sika deer as soon as they get close.

The group of sika deer fled.

When Xiaobai saw it, it pounced forward.

The distance is not close enough. If you pounce like this, it is obviously impossible to catch it.

But when the white tiger charged, it was faster than ever.

Xiaobai also noticed something strange, but didn't think much. He rushed over, pounced on a sika deer, opened his bloody mouth, and bit out the deer's throat.

The yellow tiger also hunted one.

Xiaobai's eyes lit up. He looked at Chen Mu and said, "Dad, we succeeded!"

Chen Mu nodded slightly: "Go on, there are 71 wolves in the wolf pack. To be full, we need at least twenty adult deer."

"Okay! Leave it to us!" Xiao Bai looked very passionate. His eyes fell on the group of wolves and he pounced on them together with Xiao Huang.

"King..." came the voice of the female wolf.

Chen Mu looked at the she-wolf, who was looking back at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said, "What's wrong?"

The female wolf said: "Their speed seems to be much faster than before."

Of course it was much faster. Chen Mu shared with them the ability to double the speed.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to catch up with the sika deer based on its size alone?

Chen Mu said: "I increased their speed."

When the mother wolf heard this, her eyes were full of admiration: "The king is so powerful."

Chen Mu fell into silence.

This kind of admiring eyes has been seen too much.

Chen Mu retracted his gaze and looked at the two tigers who were hunting.

This way, he can save a lot of time.

Soon, with the help of Chen Mu, the two tigers, Xiaobai and Xiaohuang, hunted more than 20 sika deer.

The sika deer were brought back by the wolf pack and placed in a pile.

Then the wild wolves looked at Chen Mu, who was still in the form of a white tiger cub.

Chen Mu naturally knew what this meant.

No matter what form Chen Mu took, in the eyes of these wild wolves, Chen Mu was still the wolf king.

Since he was the wolf king, no matter what food it was, the wolf king had to eat it first.

Only when the wolf king was full could they eat.

Chen Mu jumped off the back of the mother wolf.

Although the mother wolf was a little tall for Chen Mu at the moment, Chen Mu was a big cat now, not a canine. Cats are not afraid of heights and can climb trees.

Many people still think that tigers can't climb trees, but this is actually wrong.

Indeed, when tigers grow up, they are huge and heavy, so there are no branches suitable for tigers to stay on the trees, but it does not mean that tigers can't climb trees.

If humans see tigers in the wild and choose to climb trees to avoid them, they can't run away.

Chen Mu landed, came to the sika deer, and started eating.

After eating, he stayed aside and watched the wild wolves eat.

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