For Chen Mu, the lynx and his wolf pack are in a competitive relationship. Naturally, there is a competitive relationship. If the lynx dies, it means that the wolf pack can get more prey.

This should have been a good thing.

But as time goes by.

Two months later.

Chen Mu realized that the situation was not that simple.

During this period, Chen Mu has been following the rules of the previous wolf pack, allowing the wolves to continue to accept the lone wolf.

This has led to an increase in the number of wolves and a decrease in prey every day.

Now the total number of wolves has reached 87.

Because of Chen Mu's presence, the number of wolves has become abnormal.

The abnormal number of wolves leads to an alarming amount of prey required every day.

The death of the lynx means a decrease in prey. Although the wolves have Chen Mu around, hunting is very simple, but as a result, the number of prey is decreasing crazily.

"If this continues, the prey hunted by wolves will probably become less and less until they become extinct." Chen Mu said: "If the prey is gone, the wolves will lose food and starve to death."

"Of course, I can also consider turning into a blue whale and going to the sea to get food to raise the wolves... But this is not a good thing for the development of the wolf pack." Chen Mu sat under the tree and looked at the people around him. Resting wolves.

Should we reduce the number of wolves?

"Wang, what's wrong?" The female wolf came over and looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said: "Pass this order down, the wolves will no longer accept lone wolves."

When the female wolf heard this, her eyes lit up and she said, "King, do you want to reproduce by yourself?"

"Uh..." Chen Mu was stunned by the she-wolf's sudden question. He looked at the she-wolf.

The female wolf was looking at Chen Mu with excited eyes, her tail wagging slightly behind her.

The corners of Chen Mu's mouth twitched and he said, "No, I just think the number of wolves is large enough and there is no need to add more."

The female wolf was slightly startled, and then she uttered an ooh, looking a little disappointed.

It got up and went to deliver the order.

Chen Mu looked at the scenery in front of him.

"It feels so awkward."

Chen Mu did feel a little awkward.

Tigers are loners, they do not live in groups, but like to act alone.

When he was the wolf king, Chen Mu enjoyed being with other wild wolves, but after turning into a tiger, he felt more and more awkward as he grew up.

If it weren't for the mission system that restricted Chen Mu, who could only obtain food and protection by using others, Chen Mu would have no interest in staying in the wolf pack.

But as time went by, Chen Mu felt more and more awkward.

"We have to leave." Chen Mu stood up slightly.

Chen Mu made up his mind, but the problem was that the task was not completed yet and he was not yet an adult.

If too many abilities are used on oneself, the reward will be reduced when the task is completed. This is not a situation that Chen Mu wants to see.

Chen Mu looked at Huang Hu next to him and said, "Xiao Huang."

Xiao Huang raised his head and looked at Chen Mu: "Dad."

Upon hearing this, Chen Mu said: "From now on, you will be responsible for the wolves' prey."

Xiao Huang was slightly startled. He was a little confused and puzzled, but he still nodded: "Okay."

Chen Mu looked at Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, follow me."

Xiao Bai was slightly startled and looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu walked away.

During this period, Chen Mu grew up very quickly because he had enough food. Now Chen Mu has outgrown his young size. His current size looks similar to that of an adult wild dog.

Although not as good as Xiaobai, who is close to adulthood, he is still not young.

Chen Mu took Xiaobai out of the wild wolf's territory.

Through Xiao Huang, the she-wolf learned about Chen Mu's departure.

At first, it thought Chen Mu was just walking around like before and didn't think much about it.

But as time went by, two days passed.

It realized something was wrong.

It sat under the big tree where Chen Mu often stayed, looking at the direction Chen Mu left.

It is like this today and it will be like this tomorrow.

Every day it would appear under the big tree where Chen Mu stayed, looking at the direction Chen Mu left, watching and waiting quietly.

Many people know that wild wolves are creatures that seek revenge and hold grudges, but they also remember gratitude.

They are creatures with feelings. If a person is kind to them, they will remember the smell of that person and keep the other person in their memory.

For this female wolf, although Chen Mu had never admitted that she was his spouse, in its perception, his kindness to her far exceeded that kind of relationship.

It was waiting for Chen Mu to come back, waiting there every day.

Whenever it misses her too much, a high-pitched and sad wolf howl always lingers in the grassland.


The other members of the wolf pack also echoed.

There was also a sad roar of a tiger.

Of course, Chen Mu didn't know about this.

For Chen Mu, the reason why he stayed in the wolf pack was just because of the mission, nothing more.

As for the wolves' feelings for him, he didn't care.

After leaving the territory of the wolves, Chen Mu and the white tiger walked north together.

The reason why he went north was because the south was human territory, so Chen Mu could only go north.

"It's a little cold." Chen Mu muttered as he looked at the snow-covered land in front of him.

Tigers have thick fur and fat and are not afraid of the cold, but the problem is that Chen Mu is not yet an adult, so he feels the cold.

Of course, he can still adapt to this kind of cold.

As he continued to go north, Chen Mu found that there were fewer and fewer prey.

But there was a kind of prey that always appeared in Chen Mu's field of vision, and even as he went further north, there were more and more of these creatures.

Snow rabbits.

Chen Mu found that there were quite a lot of these snow rabbits.

In the summer, the fur of snow rabbits gradually changed from black to white, but in the winter, its fur became thicker and all the colors turned white.

At first, when Chen Mu saw this thing, he thought that the snow rabbits in summer and winter were two different species of rabbits, but later he found that this thing was the same species, but the fur in summer and winter was very different.

Snow rabbits are usually cautious and timid, but they become very active during the mating season from March to May.

Running around, looking for mates.

And in order to win the hearts of female rabbits, male rabbits will jump around and make all kinds of strange moves.

When someone sees someone very happy, they say that he is as happy as a rabbit in March.

The rabbit in this sentence refers to the snow rabbit.

Snow rabbits give birth to 2 to 3 litters a year, with 2 to 10 babies per litter. They can live independently after 20 days and mature in September to November.

Snow rabbits obviously reproduce very quickly compared to other animals.

Chen Mu watched Xiaobai coming towards him with a snow rabbit corpse in his mouth, and Chen Mu fell into thought: "The further north you go, the more snow rabbits there are... Where am I now?"

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